Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Problem-based review: self-harm and suicide risk,2011,10,3,156-159,Heaps Falls in older people - An overview for the acute physician,2011,10,2,99-102,Fox Problem-based review: paracetamol overdose,2011,10,4,212-215,Heaps Calcium channel blocker (CCB) poisoning,2011,10,4,223-224,Chandrashekar An unusual complication of cocaine toxicity,2013,12,2,96-97,Houghton Elemental mercury toxicity due to aspiration following intentional massive ingestion,2013,12,2,93-95,Dawson Times are A-Changin': self-poisoning and ICU admissions in the northern part of the Netherlands,2018,17,3,121-123,Zijlstra Delayed onset of liver injury after intentional chloroform overdose: a case report and literature review,2019,18,3,192-196,Waring Fatal methaemoglobinaemia due to intentional sodium nitrite poisoning,2021,20,2,148-150,Pennington Letters to Editor: Huntington and Pennington's recent article on a case of fatal methaeglobinaemia due to intentional sodium nitrate poisoning,2021,20,4,304,Al-Lawati Potential therapies for sodium azide intoxication; a case report and review of the literature,2022,21,2,86-95,Alsma Both acuity and long term prognosis are important Emergency Department metrics: comparison of mobility assessment with the Emergency Severity Index,2023,22,3,120-129,Busch Improving emergency department flow by introducing a simple time out moment (The TRAFFIC LIGHT study),2024,23,1,4-10,Biesheuvel Caffeine overdose with rhabdomyolysis and hypokalaemia,2007,6,2,71-72,Chakraborty A case of fatal felodipine overdose,2008,7,1,39-42,Leonard Successful intravenous lipid emulsion therapy: Olanzapine intoxication,2018,17,2,6-97,Akkoç