Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Meeting the adoption support needs of adopted adults who have been abused in their adoptive family: lessons from historical placements,2014,38,1,49-59,Harris Intercountry adoption children's rights and the politics of rescue,2011,35,4,50-62,Davies Intercountry adoption after the Haiti earthquake: rescue or robbery?,2011,35,4,41-49,Selman Delivering the Incredible Years parent programme to foster carers in Wales: reflections from group leader supervision,2013,37,1,28-42,Hutchings Exploring the influence of international governmental organisations on domestic child welfare policy and practice,2013,37,1,57-70,Axford The impact of a new service for maltreated children on Children's Hearings in Scotland: a qualitative study,2013,37,1,14-27,Minnis The safety of young children in care: a New Zealand study,2013,37,3,284-296,Connolly The practical implications of the emerging findings in the neurobiology of maltreatment for looked after and adopted children: recognising the diversity of outcomes,2013,37,3,237-252,Woolgar Sleep disturbance in adopted children with a history of maltreatment,2013,37,4,404-411,Dorris Foster children who decide to be called by a new first name: links to extreme defences identity and attachment,2013,37,4,339-351,Ostler What does Brexit Trump and Le Pen mean for looked after children?,2017,41,1,3-4,Bullock Between parental efficacy and parental distress: how early maladaptive schemas contribute to the motherhood experience of young mothers who have aged out of care,2017,41,2,170-187,Lanctôt Young people's views on the impact of care experiences on their ability to form positive intimate relationships,2017,41,3,242-253,Macdonald Achieving positive change for children? Reducing the length of child protection proceedings: lessons from England and Wales,2017,41,4,401-413,Young Psychological interventions for adoptive parents: a systematic review,2018,42,1,6-21,Harris-Waller Multisystemic therapy in families of adopted young people referred for antisocial behaviour problems,2018,42,2,162-175,Fox Adoption of abandoned children in South Africa: why black citizens are difficult to recruit as prospective adopters,2018,42,3,295-308,Gerrand Keeping secrets: how children in foster care manage stigma,2019,43,1,35-45,John The effectiveness of mindfulness-based group therapy on anxiety depression and stress in looked after children: a preliminary exploration,2019,43,1,60-74,Sunthararajah 'The love is spread out': how birth children talk about their experiences of living with foster children,2019,43,2,169-191,Dallos 'Mad sad and bad' to 'Dad': care-experienced men's experiences of fatherhood,2020,44,3,285-300,Dandy