Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Theory and Empirical Study of What Deters Drinking Drivers If When and Why,1970,23,1,23-57,Little Theory and Empirical Study of What Deters Drinking Drivers If When and Why,1971,23,2,169-193,Little Regulation reloaded: the administrative law of firearms after District of Columbia v. Heller,2010,62,1,189-221,Zimmer Regulation reloaded: the administrative law of firearms after district,2010,62,1,189-221,Zimmer The disconnect between law and policy analysis: A case study of drivers and cell phones,2003,55,1,127-185,Hahn Antidepressants and teen suicide: An analysis of the FDA's regulation of pharmaceuticals for use in pediatric patients,2005,57,3,927-949,Gordon