Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Effects of Familism and Family Cohesion on Problem Behaviors among Adolescents in Mexican Immigrant Families in the Southwest U.S,2009,18,3,203-220,Marsiglia Traumatic Responding in Children Exposed to Domestic Violence -- A Cross-Cultural Study,2001,10,4,81-102,Lehmann Violence among multicultural populations,2008,17,2,105-107,Lee Between the person and the culture: Israeli Arab couple's perceptions of police intervention in intimate partner violence,2008,17,2,108-129,Buchbinder The meaning of being incarcerated on a domestic violence charge and its impact on self and family among Latino immigrant batterers,2008,17,2,130-156,Saez-Betacourt Sexual violence victimization and associations with health in a community sample of Hispanic women,2015,24,1,1-17,Basile "Improving long-term psychiatric care: bring back the asylum": implications for ethnic minority individuals,2016,25,1,68-74,Mfoafo-M'Carthy Solution-focused brief therapy with Latinos: a systematic review,2016,25,1,50-67,Franklin Maternal warmth: a re-examination of the role race and socioeconomic status play,2016,25,1,36-49,Iv Lived experiences of South Asian women facing domestic violence in the United States,2016,25,3,227-246,Bhandari Indigenous women and professionals' proposed solutions to prevent intimate partner violence in tribal communities,2017,26,4,271-288,Sanders Exploring dating practices and acceptability of a dating violence program with Karen youth,2017,,,1-19,Black Sexual coercion in marriage: narrative accounts of abused Mexican-American women,2017,26,4,326-345,Mechanic Statement of removal: "Sexual coercion in marriage: narrative accounts of abused Latinas",2017,26,4,346, Acculturative stress and depressive symptoms among Korean immigrant elders residing in non-Korean ethnic enclaves,2017,26,4,347-365,Rhee Race matters: child protection and the communication process,2017,26,4,366-381,Mixon-Mitchell Family relationships social connections and depressive symptoms among Chinese older adults in international migrant families,2017,26,3,167-184,Xu American Indian grand-families: trauma and services,2017,26,3,204-216,Byers Microaggressions and social work practice education and research,2017,26,1-2,1-5,Spencer The injurious relationship between racial microaggressions and physical health: implications for social work,2017,26,1-2,6-17,Nadal Is ethnic identity a buffer? Exploring the relations between racial microaggressions and depressive symptoms among Asian-American individuals,2017,26,1-2,18-29,Harwood "Our kids aren't dropping out; they're being pushed out": Native American students and racial microaggressions in schools,2017,26,1-2,30-47,Johnston-Goodstar Sexual orientation gender and gender identity microaggressions: toward an intersectional framework for social work research,2017,26,1-2,81-94,Woodford A mixed-methods inquiry into trans* environmental microaggressions on college campuses: experiences and outcomes,2017,26,1-2,95-111,Woodford Victimization and microaggressions targeting LGBTQ college students: gender identity as a moderator of psychological distress,2017,26,1-2,112-125,Woodford "You are a Besya": microaggressions experienced by trafficking survivors exploited in the sex trade,2017,26,1-2,126-138,Dhungel Racial differences in response to trauma: comparing African-American White and Hispanic people with severe mental illness,2019,28,2,151-164,Shen Suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children of immigrants: the experience of Korean-American women,2019,28,2,191-210,Lesorogol Cultural adaptations in psychosocial interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder among refugees: a systematic review,2019,28,1,76-97,Wagner Experiences of African-American men with serious mental illness and their kinship networks within the mental health care system,2019,28,1,98-114,Lucksted A social work perspective on police violence: evidence and interventions,2018,27,3,215-218,Sacks State violence and the criminalization of race: epistemic injustice and epistemic resistance as social work practice implications,2018,27,3,234-252,Lee Stop-gaps lip service and the perceived futility of body-worn police officer cameras in Baltimore City,2018,27,3,271-288,Bender Color-blind ideology and perceptions of minority children during a fictionalized parent-child discipline scene,2018,27,2,193-213,Dunlap Exploring multilevel determinants of co-occurring violence HIV mental health and substance use problems,2023,32,4,210-222,Srikrishnan Self-Esteem locus of control and suicide risk: A comparison between clinically depressed white and African American females on an inpatient psychiatric unit,2004,12,4,49-63,Palmer Correction to: "Togetherness:" the role of intergenerational and cultural engagement in urban American Indian and Alaskan Native youth suicide prevention (Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work (2021) 30 1-2 (104-121) 10.1080/15313204.2020.1770648),2021,30,1-2,e181, "Togetherness:" the role of intergenerational and cultural engagement in urban American Indian and Alaskan Native youth suicide prevention,2021,30,1,104-121,Doria