Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The complex network of global cargo ship movements,2010,7,48,1093-1103,Gastner Relative brain displacement and deformation during constrained mild frontal head impact,2010,7,53,1677-1688,Feng Blast-related fracture patterns: a forensic biomechanical approach,2011,8,58,689-698,Clasper Kinematic measures for assessing gait stability in elderly individuals: a systematic review,2011,8,65,1682-1698,Taylor What can information-asymmetric games tell us about the context of Crick's 'frozen accident'?,2013,10,88,20130614,Jee Identification of functional parameters for the classification of older female fallers and prediction of 'first-time' fallers,2014,11,97,e2014.0353,Taylor Interest communities and flow roles in directed networks: the Twitter network of the UK riots,2014,11,101,ePub,Beguerisse-Díaz A typology of street patterns,2014,11,101,e924,Barthélemy Resonance of human brain under head acceleration,2015,12,108,e331,Laksari Multiplex networks in metropolitan areas: generic features and local effects,2015,12,111,e2015.0651,Barthélemy Unreliable numbers: error and harm induced by bad design can be reduced by better design,2015,12,110,ePub,Thimbleby Human diffusion and city influence,2015,12,109,20150473,Lenormand Great cities look small,2015,12,109,20150315,Yaliraki Properties of neuronal facilitation that improve target tracking in natural pursuit simulations,2015,12,108,20150083,Bagheri The organization and control of an evolving interdependent population,2015,12,108,e20150044,Isakov Tracking employment shocks using mobile phone data,2015,12,107,ePub,González Circadian clocks optimally adapt to sunlight for reliable synchronization,2015,12,107,2015.0374,Hasegawa Game theory of pre-emptive vaccination before bioterrorism or accidental release of smallpox,2015,12,107,ePub,Earn The mortality of companies,2015,12,106,ePub,Bettencourt The entropic basis of collective behaviour,2015,12,106,ePub,Mann Knowing one's place: a free-energy approach to pattern regulation,2015,12,105,ePub,Pezzulo Coupling human mobility and social ties,2015,12,105,e2014.1128,González Evolution of individual versus social learning on social networks,2015,12,104,e20141285,Tamura First carrot then stick: how the adaptive hybridization of incentives promotes cooperation,2015,12,102,e20140935,Brännström Memory-endowed US cities and their demographic interactions,2015,12,102,e20141185,Hernando Conformity enhances network reciprocity in evolutionary social dilemmas,2015,12,103,e2014.1299,Perc Avoiding or restricting defectors in public goods games?,2015,12,103,ePub,Han Constructing predictive models of human running,2015,12,103,e2014.0899,Maus Constructing cities deconstructing scaling laws,2015,12,102,20140745,Youn Crowd behaviour during high-stress evacuations in an immersive virtual environment,2016,13,122,e0414,Helbing Route choice in pedestrians: determinants for initial choices and revising decisions,2017,14,127,e684,Liao Collective benefits in traffic during mega events via the use of information technologies,2017,14,129,e1041,González Drawing power of virtual crowds,2018,15,145,ePub,Sagarin Lévy walk process in self-organization of pedestrian crowds,2019,16,153,e20180939,Nishinari Passive cervical spine ligaments provide stability during head impacts,2019,16,154,e20190086,Camarillo Crowds in front of bottlenecks at entrances from the perspective of physics and social psychology,2020,17,165,e20190871,Seyfried An investigation of the spatio-temporal parameters of gait and margins of stability throughout adulthood,2020,17,166,e20200194,Truijen Distortions of political bias in crowdsourced misinformation flagging,2020,17,167,e20200020,Rossi Assessing crowd management strategies for the 2010 Love Parade disaster using computer simulations and virtual reality,2020,17,167,e20200116,Helbing Predicting walking response to ankle exoskeletons using data-driven models,2020,17,171,e20200487,Steele Rolling balance board of adjustable geometry as a tool to assess balancing skill and to estimate reaction time delay,2021,18,176,e20200956,Insperger The relationship between brain injury criteria and brain strain across different types of head impacts can be different,2021,18,179,20210260,Barbat Empirical evidence for a jamming transition in urban traffic,2021,18,182,e20210391,Barthélemy The principles of pedestrian route choice,2022,19,189,e20220061,Bode Numerical investigation of the rider's head injury in typical single-electric self-balancing scooter accident scenarios,2022,19,194,e20220495,Zou Seeing through noise in power laws,2023,20,205,e20230310,Lin Waiting in crowded places: influence of number of pedestrians waiting time and obstacles,2023,20,206,e20230193,Seyfried Robust spatial self-organization in crowds of asynchronous pedestrians,2024,21,214,e20240112,Feliciani