Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Can Ambition Help Overcome Social Inequality in the Transition to Adulthood? Individual Agency and Societal Opportunities in Germany and the United States,2009,6,4,235-251,Heckhausen Developmental Contexts and Mental Disorders Among Asian Americans,2007,4,1/2,49-69,Alegria Discrete-Time Survival Factor Mixture Analysis for Low-Frequency Recurrent Event Histories,2009,6,2/3,165-194,Masyn Ethnicity and Risk of Psychiatric Disorder Among Adolescents,2007,4,1/2,89-117,Roberts Fatherhood as a Hidden Variable in Men's Development and Life Courses,2010,7,2,83-102,Settersten Gender and Wisdom: The Roles of Compassion and Moral Development,2009,6,1,45-59,Levenson Glen Elder's Influence on Life-Course Criminology: Serendipity and Cross-Disciplinary Fertilization,2008,5,4,199-215,Sampson Issues for Developmental Research Among Racial/Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Families,2007,4,1/2,1-17,Fuligni Looking Beyond Nativity: The Relation of Age of Immigration Length of Residence and Birth Cohorts to the Risk of Onset of Psychiatric Disorders for Latinos,2007,4,1/2,19-47,Alegria Positive and Negative Developmental Trajectories in U.S. Adolescents: Where the Positive Youth Development Perspective Meets the Deficit Model,2008,5,3,153-165,Lerner Psychosocial and Cultural Correlates of Suicidal Ideation Among American Indian Early Adolescents on a Northern Plains Reservation,2007,4,1/2,119-143,Lee Race Ethnicity John Henryism and Depressive Symptoms: The National Survey of American Life Adult Reinterview,2007,4,1/2,71-87,Neighbors Resilience in Infancy: A Relational Approach,2008,5,3,139-152,Easterbrooks Resilience in Old Age: Social Relations as a Protective Factor,2008,5,3,181-193,Fuller-Iglesias The Strange Case of c2 = 0: What Does It Imply for Views of Human Development?,2007,4,3,151-162,Loehlin The Study of Youth Resilience Across Cultures: Lessons from a Pilot Study of Measurement Development,2008,5,3,166-180,Lee The Motivation-Volition Divide and Its Resolution in Action-Phase Models of Developmental Regulation,2007,4,3,163-180,Heckhausen African American Adolescent Females' Perceptions of Neighborhood Safety Familial Strategies and Sexual Debut,2012,9,1,9-28,Catania Rethinking resilience for children and youth in conflict zones: the case of Palestine,2018,15,3-4,280-293,Khammash An examination and interrogation of African American males' racial identity prosocial behaviors and aggression,2019,16,1,76-91,Spencer The past present and future all matter: how time perspective is associated with optimism and sensation seeking among young adults,2019,16,2,119-134,Mello Race/ethnic differences in social resources as cognitive risk and protective factors,2020,17,1,57-77,Ajrouch Family matters: the effects of multigenerational community violence exposure on family functioning,2023,20,1-2,6-24,Gaylord-Harden The influence of racial violence in neighborhoods and schools on the psycho-behavioral outcomes in adolescence,2023,20,1-2,48-64,Francois