Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An outbreak of severe paralytic shellfish poisoning in British Columbia,1993,19,13,99-102,Avery Ciguatera fish poisoning--Florida United States 1991,1993,19,13,103, Ciguatera fish poisoning linked to the ingestion of barracuda in a Montreal restaurant--Quebec,1997,23,20,153-156,MacLean Case definitions for diseases under national surveillance: addition of diseases associated with potential bioterrorist agents,2002,28,21,173-178, Ostrich fern poisoning--western Canada and New York 1994,1994,20,18,160-163,Morgan Bioterrorism and public health,2001,27,4,29-31, Adverse health events associated with the 1998 ice storm: report of hospital surveillance of the eastern Ontario Health Unit region,1999,25,17,145-150,Bourdeau Rabies in an imported dog Ontario 2021,2022,48,6,238-242,Rebellato