Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Personality and connectedness as predictors of school bullying among adolescent boys,2014,10,4,249-270,Zou Cannabis use and performance in adolescents,2006,2,2,59-67,Malhotra Suicides in adolescents: benefit/harm balance of antidepressants,2007,3,1,13-15,Saz Child psychiatric services in the private sector: some insights,2023,19,1,27-29,De Sousa Perceptions of student self-injury: A survey of school and college teachers in an urban city in India,2017,13,2,107-134,Bhola Adolescent problem behavior in Navi Mumbai: An exploratory study of psychosocial risk and protection,2007,3,4,88-95,Solomon Escitalopram suicidality and behavioral activation in an adolescent,2007,3,1,16-17,Pravin High exposure to suicide a risk factor among University Students in Cambodia,2010,6,4,84-100,Kullgren The importance of emotional insight in cognitive behaviour therapy for anorexia nervosa: An adolescent case study,2013,9,1,13-18,Girimaji Determinants of psychological stress and suicidal behavior in Indian adolescents: A literature review,2014,10,1,47-68,Kumar Gender identity disorder in an adolescent boy: An attribution of adverse childhood experiences!,2016,12,4,336-344,Kumar Brain injury modulating mood disorder in an adolescent male: Exploring the rational links,2019,15,1,110-120,Shrivastava Reflections of medical students on causes of rising suicide among medical aspirants,2020,16,1,102-108,Kapoor Close link between the global web-search trend of suicide and the entertainment industry: Who is at risk?,2021,17,3,182-188,Kar COVID-19 lockdowns and internet access: Is it pushing adolescents towards suicide?,2021,17,2,216-218,Patra Digital self-harm in adolescents: Strategies of prevention,2021,17,1,137-141,Kar Pattern of child and adolescent mental disorders at a tertiary care centre in North India,2021,17,4,152-165,Srivastava Protective factors against suicidality in childhood and adolescence,2021,17,2,1-11,Nebhinani Substance use and suicidal ideation among adolescents in Kerala,2021,17,4,166-181,Joshua