Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Selling prevention: using a business framework to analyze the state of prevention and overcome obstacles to expanding substance abuse prevention,2015,9,1,e1,Caputi An updated review of the research on the risks and harms associated to the use of marijuana,2012,6,2,1-60,Garis Why a 5 ng/ml THC limit is bad public policy - and the case for Tandem per se DUID legislation,2016,10,3,,Wood State laws legalizing marijuana do not make marijuana legal under federal law,2014,8,4,1-10,Evans Is marijuana a missing link?,2017,11,4,,Voth Analysis of the 2011 Lancet study on deaths from overdose in the vicinity of Vancouver's Insite supervised injection facility,2011,5,3,,Pike