Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author ‘I Carry Out Small Wars’: The Impact of Women's Studies on Palestinian and Jewish Students in Israel,2005,14,3,233-249,Halevi Domestic Violence Survivors' Forums in the UK: Experiments in Involving Abused Women in Domestic Violence Services and Policy-making,2005,14,3,191-203,Hague Words that Strike and Words that Comfort: Discursive Dynamics of Verbal Abuse in Roddy Doyle's The Woman Who Walked Into Doors,2005,14,2,107-122,Mildorf Religion as a bridge between theory and practice in work on violence against women in Rajasthan,2010,19,4,361-375,Bradley Inching forward on domestic violence: the 'co-ordinated community response' and putting it in practice in Cheshire,2008,17,3,185-199,Hague Gender-violence and education in Malawi: a study of violence against girls as an obstruction to universal primary school education,2009,18,3,287-294,Bisika Morality legality and gender violence in Angel,2009,18,3,245-259,Shepherd Unruly Spaces: Gender Women's Writing and Indigenous Feminism in China,2007,16,1,17-30,Schaffer Taking ‘Difference’ Seriously: Feminisms and the ‘Man Question’,2007,16,1,31-45,Hebert 'Suddenly she realizes that her husband is not exactly Rabbi Akiba …': Perceptions of masculinity of ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jewish battering men,2009,18,4,387-401,Yassour-Borochowitz The Silenced Pain: Domestic violence 1945-1970,2000,9,2,157,Hague MTV's "Jackass": Transgression Abjection and the Economy of White Masculinity,2007,16,1,57-72,Brayton Women health and domestic violence,1999,8,1,83-102,Abbott Every woman is an occupied territory: The politics of militarism and sexism and the Israeli‐Palestinian conflict,1992,1,4,447-462,Sharoni 'Honour'-based violence and Kurdish communities: Moving towards action and change in Iraqi Kurdistan and the UK,2013,22,4,383-396,Hague Feminism masculinity and male rape: bringing male rape 'out of the closet',2014,25,3,283-293,Javaid Real and unreal masculinities: the celebrity image in anti-trafficking campaigns,2015,24,4,419-435,Steele Affective violence: re/negotiating gendered-feminism within new materialism,2018,27,8,871-880,Wolfe Gender self-efficacy and warrior identification in Canadian Army personnel,2018,27,7,747-758,Wood Disrupting (gendered) Islamophobia: the practice of feminist ijtihad to support the agency of young Muslim women,2018,27,5,522-533,Keddie Managing visibility and differentiating in recruitment of women as leaders in the armed forces,2018,27,5,534-546,Krekula Ellie's first time: constructing self-cutting in a teen drama,2018,27,5,574-588,Sternudd Fictional power and control and the reality of abusive behaviour,2018,27,4,401-410,Brown Rape culture lad culture and everyday sexism: researching conceptualizing and politicizing new mediations of gender and sexual violence,2018,27,1,1-8,Ringrose Police officers' perceptions of false allegations of rape,2018,27,1,9-21,McMillan Speaking 'unspeakable things': documenting digital feminist responses to rape culture,2018,27,1,22-36,Ringrose 'Feel what I feel': making da(r)ta with teen girls for creative activisms on how sexual violence matters,2018,27,1,37-55,Renold 'I get together with my friends and try to change it'. Young feminist students resist 'laddism' 'rape culture' and 'everyday sexism',2018,27,1,56-72,Lewis Moving beyond ideas of laddism: conceptualising 'mischievous masculinities' as a new way of understanding everyday sexism and gender relations,2018,27,1,73-85,Nichols Misogyny in 'post-war' Afghanistan: the changing frames of sexual and gender-based violence,2018,27,1,86-101,Ahmad 'The rape joke': censorship affective activisms and feeling subjects,2018,27,1,102-113,Niccolini (Re)centering street harassment - an appraisal of safe cities global initiative in Delhi India,2018,27,1,114-124,Adur "I made myself small like a cat and ran away": workplace sexual harassment precarious immigration status and legal violence,2019,28,6,674-686,Villegas 'If a girl's photo gets sent around that's a way bigger deal than if a guy's photo gets sent around': gender sexting and the teenage years,2019,28,5,563-577,Adorjan Crisis what crisis? A feminist analysis of discourse on masculinities and suicide,2019,28,4,462-474,Chandler Revenge pornography and manhood acts: a discourse analysis of perpetrators' accounts,2019,28,2,158-170,Hall 'Just put it in perspective': the perception of sexual voyeurism and violence in Singapore evaluated through Facebook comments,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tan A Matter of lies and death - necropolitics and the question of engagement with the aftermath of Rwanda's Genocide,2020,29,1,34-48,Hölscher Dialogic contractions in online news discourse on violence against women in Nigeria,2020,29,2,130-145,Aragbuwa Spain's campaigns against gender violence: the effect on abused women's identities from the victim-agent dichotomy,2020,29,2,146-160,Fernández Romero Spaces free of violence: the key role of Moroccan women in conflict prevention in schools: a case study,2020,29,2,161-173,de Botton Femicide intimate partner violence and legal complaints in Spain,2020,29,2,187-201,Bosch-Fiol Youth male identities in a correctional setting,2020,29,2,202-213,Magidson The misogynist representation of women in Palestinian oral tradition: a socio-political study,2020,29,2,214-226,Hamamra Gender stereotypes in original digital video advertising,2020,29,4,403-419,Aramendia-Muneta 'The myth that children can be anything they want': gender construction in Pakistani children literature,2020,29,4,470-482,Shahnaz Rethinking trans identities within the medical and psychological community: a path towards the depathologization and self-definition of gender identification in Portugal?,2020,29,3,245-256,Hilário A want or a need? Exploring the role of grassroots gay rugby teams in the context of inclusive masculinity,2020,29,5,508-520,Gaston Women in the emergency department: how to screen for intimate partner violence?,2020,29,6,717-727,Yaylaci Gender inequality in the academy: microaggressions work-life conflict and academic rank,2020,29,7,751-764,Elliott Discrimination depression and anxiety among college women in the Trump era,2020,29,7,765-778,Elliott 'Cartographies of struggle': remapping the plight of Bengali women in/after the 1971 war in Kamila Shamsie's Kartography,2020,29,8,937-948,Biswas Coding sexual violence as love - choreographed heteronormative gender performances in Latin American competitive dancing,2020,29,8,962-980,Meneau Family violence homicide in Australia: the effect of victim/offender gender on social media commentary,2021,30,1,4-17,Farmer Attitudes of Arab Israeli students towards honour killings,2021,30,1,18-28,Ne'eman-Haviv Female geronticide: the case of Israel,2021,30,1,39-51,Weil 'Rape is a man's issue:' gender and power in the era of affirmative sexual consent,2021,30,1,52-65,Metz The Conceptualization problem in research and responses to sexual and gender-based violence in forced migration,2021,30,1,66-78,Bradby Only sluts love sexting: youth sexual norms and non-consensual sharing of digital sexual images,2021,30,1,79-90,Naezer 'Rapeable' and 'unrapeable' women: the portrayal of sexual violence in Internet memes about #MeToo,2021,30,1,102-113,Andreasen Excluding veiled women from French public space: the emergence of a 'respectable' segregation?,2021,30,2,214-226,Khemilat Dissonant masculinities? Migration emotions and masculinities in marriages between Italian women and Moroccan men living in Italy,2021,30,3,256-269,Cerchiaro Corporal punishment and gender equality: regimes of care and rights in South African schools,2021,30,3,344-357,Hunter Gender differentiated perceptions held for triggers of child neglect in post-conflict northern Uganda,2021,30,4,440-451,Nyangoma A coming wave: suicide and gender after COVID-19,2020,,,114-118,Standish Gendered pandemics: suicide femicide and COVID-19,2021,30,7,807-818,Weil Addressing the Blurred question of 'responsibility': insights from online news comments on a case of nonconsensual pornography,2022,31,2,193-203,Gius