Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Researching same sex domestic violence: Constructing a survey methodology,2008,13,1-2,,Donovan Researching same sex domestic violence: constructing a survey methodology,2008,13,1,8,Donovan The experience of Zulu (military) time: an examination of the temporal practices and perceptions of UK infantry,2017,22,3,78-94,Hockey Significance testing is still wrong and damages real lives: a brief reply to Spreckelsen and Van Der Horst and Nicholson and McCusker,2017,22,2,1-7,Gorard The unknown victims: hegemonic masculinity masculinities and male sexual victimisation,2017,22,1,1-20,Javaid Will sociology find some new concepts before the US finds Osama bin Laden?,2001,6,4,XI-XII,Fuller