Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Leaving an Abusive Partner: Exploring Boundary Ambiguity Using the Stages of Change Model,2009,1,1,38-53,Hardesty Consequential Strangers and Peripheral Ties: The Importance of Unimportant Relationships,2009,1,2,69-86,Fingerman Review Essay: Catherine MacKinnon on the Paradox of Legal Sex Equality Guarantees and Persistent Inequality,2009,1,1,56-62,Comerford Skilled Support Within Intimate Relationships,2009,1,1,20-37,Rafaeli Violence: A Microsociological Perspective. Randall Collins,2009,1,1,65-67,Johnson Theorizing Lesbian and Gay Parenting: Past Present and Future Scholarship,2009,1,3,117-132,Berkowitz Attachment Without Fear,2009,1,4,177-197,Bell Critiquing the General Theory of Crime's Empirical Evidence: Does the Evidence Support the Theory?,2009,1,3,146-163,Kerpelman Review Essay: Returning to Control and Complexity as Central Dynamics in Family Violence,2010,2,4,415-421,Lioyd Forming the Central Framework for a Science of Marital Quality: An Interpretive Alternative to Marital Satisfaction as a Proxy for Marital Quality,2010,2,4,316-333,Knapp Siblings and Spouses in the Context of Culture,2010,2,4,388-400,Nuckolls Adolescents parents and monitoring: a review of constructs with attention to process and theory,2012,4,1,1-19,Branstetter Conflict can be constructive: reflections on the dialectics of relationship science,2010,2,1,54-57,Beach Explaining society: an expanded toolbox for social scientists,2012,4,1,48-66,Bell Race matters even in marriage: identifying factors linked to marital outcomes for African Americans,2010,2,3,157-174,Bryant Doing family doing gender doing religion: structured ambivalence and the religion-family connection,2011,3,3,179-197,Bulanda The flourishing literature on flourishing relationships,2010,2,1,25-35,Huston Latino adolescent substance use in the United States: using the bioecodevelopmental model as an organizing framework for research and practice,2011,3,2,96-123,Blow Of memes and marriage: toward a positive relationship science,2010,2,1,4-24,Beach Understanding relationship quality: theoretical challenges and new tools for assessment,2010,2,4,227-242,Fincham Enduring themes of qualitative family research,2012,4,2,80-95,Gilgun Mexican-origin couples in the early years of parenthood: marital well-being in ecological context,2011,3,2,67-95,Supple Imprisoned fathers and their family relationships: a 40-year review from a multi-theory view,2012,4,1,20-47,Pleck A science of healthy relationships is not a healthy relationship science,2010,2,1,42-46,Karney Critical theorizing: enhancing theoretical rigor in family research,2009,1,3,133-145,Knapp Assortative mating and partner influence on antisocial behavior across the life course,2011,3,3,198-219,Knight The marriage of positive psychology and relationship science: a reply to Bincham and Beach,2010,2,1,47-53,Maniaci Idealization and disillusionment in intimate relationships: a review of theory method and research,2011,3,4,273-302,Reifman Uses and misuses of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory of human development,2009,1,4,198-210,Tudge Missing pieces of a positive relationship science: comment on Fincham and Beach,2010,2,1,36-41,Walker Theorizing children's exposure to intimate partner violence using Johnson's typology,2014,6,3,199-221,Haselschwerdt Ambiguous loss and emotional recovery after traumatic brain injury,2016,8,3,386-397,Marwitz Where Is Family Science in Suicide Prevention and Intervention? Theoretical Applications for a Systemic Perspective,2016,8,4,446-462,Frey