Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sexual Identity and Gender Differences in Substance Use and Violence: An Exploratory Study,2008,2,3,174-198,Parks Adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence in lesbian and queer relationships,2016,10,2,97-111,Rausch Intimate partner violence: implications for counseling self-identified LGBTQ college students engaged in same-sex relationships,2015,9,2,118-135,Abel Interpersonal trauma and PTSD symptomology among lesbian gay and bisexual individuals: a closer look at gender minority stress and help-seeking behaviors,2019,13,3,216-231,Brown Staff development as a school climate intervention to support transgender and gender nonconforming students: an integrated research partnership model for school counselors and counselor educators,2017,11,4,301-318,Mason The relationship between sexual minority status and suicidal ideations among urban Hispanic adolescents,2017,11,3,174-189,Reid LGBTQ youths' school athletic experiences: a 40-year content analysis in nine flagship journals,2017,11,3,190-200,Griffith Alcohol as coping: internalized homophobia and heterosexism's role in alcohol use among lesbians,2018,12,3,142-157,Doyle The moderating role of community resiliency on suicide risk in the transgender population,2020,14,1,2-17,Davis Young adult suicide and sexual orientation: What should counselors know?,2007,1,3,33-48,Rutter Suicide protective and risk factors for sexual minority youth: Applying the cumulative factor model,2008,2,1,81-92,Rutter Religious Abuse: Implications for Counseling Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Individuals,2011,5,3-4,180-196,Jacobson "Alone in the Rain(bow)": Existential Therapy for Loneliness in LGBTQ + Clients,2021,15,1,110-127,Ratanashevorn