Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Psychological Impact of Violence on Staff Working with Adults with Intellectual Disabilities,2009,22,6,538-548,Rose The Relationship Between Childhood Abuse Psychological Symptoms and Subsequent Sex Offending,2009,22,1,96-101,Hayes Clinical Psychopathology Untoward Incidents and the Use of Restrictive Procedures in Adults with Intellectual Disability,2009,22,2,169-178,Tsakanikos Sexual Offending Theories and Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities,2009,22,5,468-476,Beech Self‐Harm Among People with Intellectual Disabilities Living in Secure Service Provision: A Qualitative Exploration,2009,22,6,503-513,Brown Evaluation of the Effect of an Open Learning Course on Staff Knowledge and Attitudes Towards the Sexual Abuse of Adults with Learning Disabilities,2001,14,1,12-29,Hogg Treatment of Women with Intellectual Disabilities Who Have Been Involved with the Criminal Justice System for Reasons of Aggression,2001,14,4,340-347,Lindsay Caregiver Perceptions of the Community Integration of Adults with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in British Columbia,2008,21,5,446-456,Clark Evaluating a Survivors Group Pilot for Women with Significant Intellectual Disabilities who have been Sexually Abused,2007,20,4,308-322,Peckham Eyewitness Memory and Eyewitness Identification Performance in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities,2008,21,6,519-531,Yuille Generalization of Anger‐Coping Skills from Day‐Service to Residential Settings,2007,20,6,553-562,Willner Maternal Perceptions of Care‐Giving of Children with Developmental Disabilities in the United Arab Emirates,2007,20,3,247-255,Crabtree Mental Health Problems in Young People with Intellectual Disabilities: The Impact on Parents,2008,21,5,414-424,Faust Still Off‐Limits? Staff Views on Supporting Gay Lesbian and Bisexual People with Intellectual Disabilities to Develop Sexual and Intimate Relationships?,2007,20,2,116-126,Abbott Interpersonal Sources of Conflict in Young People with and without Mild to Moderate Intellectual Disabilities at Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood,2012,25,1,29-38,MacMahon The impact of known criminogenic factors on offenders with intellectual disability: previous findings and new results on ADHD,2013,26,1,71-80,Lindsay Exploring patterns of unwanted behaviours in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome,2013,26,6,568-577,Pignatti Using behavioural skills training to treat aggression in adults with mild intellectual disability in a forensic setting,2013,26,5,481-488,Travis A comparison of anger in offenders and non-offenders who have intellectual disabilities,2013,26,5,466-470,Beail The social information processing model as a framework for explaining frequent aggression in adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities: a systematic review of the evidence,2013,26,5,447-465,Jahoda Prospective dynamic assessment of risk of sexual reoffending in individuals with an intellectual disability and a history of sexual offending behaviour,2013,26,5,394-403,Lindsay Predicting institutional violence in offenders with intellectual disabilities: The predictive efficacy of the VRAG and the HCR-20,2013,26,5,384-393,Taylor Pre-trial reported defendants in the Netherlands with intellectual disability borderline and normal intellectual functioning,2013,26,5,357-361,Vinkers Why do some people with intellectual disability engage in offending behaviour and what can we do about it? Editorial,2013,26,5,351-356,Lindsay Promoting exercise as part of a physiotherapy-led falls pathway service for adults with intellectual disabilities: a service evaluation,2014,28,3,257-264,Skelton The Psychological Impact of Abuse on Men and Women with Severe Intellectual Disabilities,2013,26,4,257-270,Murphy "Counterfeit deviance" revisited,2013,26,5,471-480,Hingsburger Exploring the Development of Existing Sex Education Programmes for People with Intellectual Disabilities: An Intervention Mapping Approach,2013,26,2,157-166,Kok Men with intellectual disabilities who have attended sex offender treatment groups: a follow-up,2013,26,5,489-500,Heaton Factors contributing to sexual violence at selected schools for learners with mild intellectual disability in South Africa,2015,29,3,231-241,Phasha The relationship between problem-solving ability and self-harm amongst people with mild intellectual disabilities,2015,29,4,387-393,Langdon Teatime threats. Choking incidents at the evening meal,2015,30,1,47-60,Guthrie I know it was every week but I can't be sure if it was every day: domestic violence and women with learning disabilities,2017,30,2,269-282,McCarthy Facing the unknown: intolerance of uncertainty in children with autism spectrum disorder,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hodgson Injuries reported and recorded for adults with intellectual disabilities who live with paid support in Scotland: a comparison with Scottish adults in the general population,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skelton Behaviour problems in children with intellectual disabilities in a resource-poor setting in India - part 1: association with age sex severity of intellectual disabilities and IQ,2018,31,1,43-50,Lakhan The structured assessment of violence risk in adults with intellectual disability: a systematic review,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whittington Maternal sensitivity in mothers with mild intellectual disabilities is related to experiences of maltreatment and predictive of child attachment: a matched-comparison study,2016,30,3,445-455,Lindberg Striking the right balance: police experience perceptions and use of independent support persons during interviews involving people with intellectual disability,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henshaw Predicting institutional aggression in offenders with intellectual disabilities using the violence risk appraisal guide,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeandarme Intergenerational mentoring at Men's Sheds: a feasibility study,2018,31,1,e105-e117,Buchanan Disconnected lives: women with intellectual disabilities in conflict with the law,2018,31,2,249-258,Levine Barriers faced by adults with intellectual disabilities who experience sexual assault: a systematic review and meta-synthesis,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Violent incidents in a secure service for individuals with learning disabilities: incident types circumstances and staff responses,2018,31,6,1164-1173,Morris "Put bluntly they are targeted by the worst creeps society has to offer": police and professionals' views and actions relating to domestic violence and women with intellectual disabilities,2019,32,1,71-81,McCarthy Effects of a vestibular physiotherapy protocol on adults with intellectual disability in the prevention of falls: A multi-centre clinical trial,2019,32,2,359-367,Pérez-Alenda Adapting dialectical behaviour therapy in forensic learning disability services: a grounded theory informed study of "what works",2019,32,4,792-805,Brown Comment on 'Effects of a vestibular physiotherapy protocol on adults with intellectual disability in the prevention of falls: a multi-centre clinical trial' by Cortés-Amador et al,2019,32,4,1002-1003,de Boks Response letter. Effects of a vestibular physiotherapy protocol on adults with intellectual disability in the prevention of falls: a multi-centre clinical trial,2019,32,4,1004-1005,Pérez-Alenda Crime and victimization among people with intellectual disability with and without comorbid mental illness,2019,32,5,1088-1095,Ogloff Fundamental movement skills in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review,2019,32,5,1018-1033,Hue Responses to bullying among individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: support needs and self-determination,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fisher Sexual abuse and violence against people with intellectual disability and physical impairments: characteristics of police-investigated cases in a Norwegian national sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Åker Predicting aggression in adults with intellectual disability: a pilot study of the predictive efficacy of the Current Risk of Violence and the Short Dynamic Risk Scale,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lindsay Longitudinal use and factors associated with public transport and other travel options for older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCallion Causal attribution and coping with parental dominance and deprecation in youth with mild intellectual disability,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kurtek Exploring enablers and barriers to accessing health services after a fall among people with intellectual disability,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill The disproportionately high prevalence of learning disabilities amongst adults attending Saint Marys Sexual Assault Referral Centre,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,White Risk factors for falls among adults with intellectual disabilities: a narrative review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown 'People with intellectual disabilities living in the communities is bad enough let alone…having sex': exploring societal influence on social care workers' attitudes beliefs and behaviours towards support for personal and sexual relationship needs,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Northway Trauma experiences of people with an intellectual disability and their implications: a scoping review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shevlin Improvement of group climate in a residential setting for juveniles with mild intellectual disability through training of staff in Non-Violent Resistance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Popma The development of the Adapted Firesetting Assessment Scale,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Langdon Exploring the victim offender overlap among people with an intellectual disability,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas Dietary supplements for aggressive behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities: a randomised controlled crossover trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giltay Challenging behaviour and its risk factors in children and young people in a special school setting: a four wave longitudinal study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hastings Preventing falls at home among people with intellectual disabilities: a scoping review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clegg Exploring the similarities and differences amongst service users with and without learning disabilities attending Saint Marys Sexual Assault Referral Centre,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,White Adapting suicide safety plans for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities,2024,37,2,e13198,Calhoun Experiences of verbal violence among people with intellectual disabilities in Israel,2024,37,4,e13248,Karni-Vizer