Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Levels of Infant-Caregiver Interactions and the DIR Model: Implications for the Development of Signal Affects the Regulation of Mood and Behavior the Formation of a Sense of Self the Creation of Internal Representation and the Construction of Defenses,2007,6,3,174-210,Greenspan Making Meaning Together: Helping Survivors of Violence to Learn at School,2010,9,2,47,Bragin Relationship violence and teenage parents,2012,11,4,368-375,Born Haunted: treatment of a child survivor of human trafficking,2012,11,2,133-148,Bennett-Murphy The Emotional Development Scale: assessing the emotional capacity of 4-12 year olds,2019,18,2,185-195,Hart Treating traumatized children: somatic memories and play therapy,2019,18,1,1-12,Spiel The school-based mental health collaboration (SBMHX): a multi-level university-school partnership,2019,18,1,13-28,Martin Do our adolescents know they are cyberbullying victims?,2019,18,1,93-101,McCracken Exploring the use of an integrative and ecological framework when treating children with trauma,2018,17,4,252-264,Obasaju Trauma and treading carefully: walking delicate tightropes between safeness and emotional challenge,2018,17,3,135-144,Music Bad feelings: a theory of pathological development in childhood,2018,17,2,105-108,Barish Perceptions of microaggressions: implications for the mental health and treatment of African American youth,2018,17,1,52-61,Durham When Suicide Is at Stake: Some Thoughts on the Therapeutic Space between Therapists and Adolescents,2017,16,4,267-278,Gvion Psychodynamics of Suicide in Lesbian Gay Bisexual or Transgender Youth,2018,17,3,178-186,Bojarski "Welcome to My Kingdom": The Therapy Process between an Adolescent and a Dance Movement Therapist in Training,2021,20,1,15-35,Demirtoka