Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevention of drowning: visual scanning and attention span in lifeguards,1999,15,1,61-66,Leahy Comment on: Prevention of drowning: visual scanning and attention span in lifeguards,1999,15,3,208-210,Brewster Prevention of injuries that result from working with horses in the Victorian thoroughbred horse racing industry,2006,23,5,421–431,Cowley Impact of health and safety representative training on concepts of accident causation and prevention,2003,19,3,279-292,Cowley Compliance and enforcement in road safety and work health and safety: a comparison of approaches,2015,31,2,105-120,Raftery Suicide and occupation in New Zealand,2001,17,4,363-370,Stephenson Work-related fatalities in Australia 1989 to 1992: An overview,2001,17,1,45-66,Driscoll Suicide and seafarers: A pilot study,2002,18,4,375-381,Mayhew Occupational stress: The emerging threat to police officers,2008,24,6,553-561,Barron Suicide following work-related injury in Victoria Australia,2012,28,3,,Ozanne-Smith