Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A survey of violence against staff working in the emergency department in Ankara Turkey,2011,5,4,197-203,Talas Effect of infant health problem mother's depression and marital relationship on infant abuse in Korea: mediating pathway of marital relationship,2014,8,2,110-117,Choi Does pain mediate or moderate the effect of cognitive impairment on aggression in nursing home residents with dementia?,2014,8,2,105-109,Ahn Factors Influencing Post-traumatic Stress in Korean Forensic Science Investigators,2013,7,3,136-141,Yoo Structural Equation Modeling on Life-world Integration in People with Severe Burns,2013,7,3,112-119,Lee Factors affecting aggression in South Korean middle school students,2014,8,4,247-253,Park Factors Affecting Mobility in Community-dwelling Older Koreans with Chronic Illnesses,2015,9,1,7-13,Baldwin Characteristics and factors associated with problem drinking in male workers,2015,9,2,132-137,Lee Conditions and patterns of intimate partner violence among Taiwanese women,2015,9,2,91-95,Wang Awareness and attitudes towards violence and abuse among emergency nurses,2015,9,3,213-218,Yoo Psychological distress and health-related quality of life in relocated and nonrelocated older survivors after the 2008 sichuan earthquake,2015,9,4,271-277,Chen Differences in functional fitness among older adults with and without risk of falling,2016,10,1,51-55,Zhao Health behaviors and academic performance among Korean adolescents,2016,10,2,123-127,So A predictive model of domestic violence in multicultural families focusing on perpetrator,2016,10,3,213-220,Choi Relationship between organizational culture and workplace bullying among Korean nurses,2016,10,3,234-239,Kang Chief complaints of elderly individuals on presentation to emergency department: a retrospective analysis of South Korean national data 2014,2016,10,4,312-317,Song Workplace violence and job outcomes of newly licensed nurses,2016,10,4,271-276,Cho Comparison of walking muscle strength balance and fear of falling between repeated fall group one-time fall group and nonfall group of the elderly receiving home care service,2017,11,4,290-296,Yim Instruments and taxonomy of workplace bullying in health care organizations,2017,11,4,237-245,Park Influencing factors and consequences of workplace bullying among nurses: a structural equation modeling,2018,12,1,26-33,Kang Experience of violence from the clients and coping methods among ICU nurses working a hospital in South Korea,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoo Development of instrument of bullying behaviors in nursing education based on structured equation modeling,2018,12,4,245-250,Cerit Sexual double standard dating violence recognition and sexual assertiveness among university students in South Korea,2019,13,1,47-52,Lee The sexual risk behaviors of middle school students according to school nurse placement levels in Korea,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Risk factors preventing immediate fall detection: study using zero-inflated negative binomial regression,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Male nurses' experiences of workplace gender discrimination and sexual harassment in South Korea: a qualitative study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang Developing and evaluating a mobile-based education program for preventing unintentional injuries in early childhood: a randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahn Increased parasympathetic activity as a fall risk factor beyond conventional factors in institutionalized older adults with mild cognitive impairment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Suh Factors contributing to increased workplace violence against nurses during COVID-19 in the healthcare settings of a lower middle-income country- a qualitative study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muntaner