Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Irrational and evaluative beliefs in individuals with anger disorders,2004,22,3,153-169,Trower Are you looking at me or am I? Anger aggression shame and self-worth in violent individuals,2011,29,2,77-91,Jones Cognitive therapy with battered women,1988,6,1,33-49,Douglas Screening for suicide risk in the college population,2015,33,1,78-94,Fava Coping style as a moderator of perfectionism and suicidal ideation among undergraduate students,2017,35,3,223-239,Carlbring Spiritual Distress and Depression in Bereavement: A Meaning-Oriented Contribution,2017,35,1,38-59,Neimeyer Perfectionism hopelessness and suicide ideation: Revisions to diathesis-stress and specific vulnerability models,2007,25,4,279-319,Crawford Suicidal thinking and perfectionism: The role of goal adjustment and Behavioral Inhibition/Activation Systems (BIS/BAS),2007,25,4,321-341,O'Connor Last Words: Analysis of Suicide Notes from an RECBT Perspective: An Exploratory Study,2013,31,3,136-151,Coster Suicide Attempts in Turkish University Students: The Role of Cognitive Style Hopelessness Cognitive Reactivity Rumination Self-esteem and Personality Traits,2020,38,4,579-601,Songür How to Cope with Perfectionism? Perfectionism as a Risk Factor for Suicidality and the Role of Cognitive Coping in Adolescents,2021,39,2,201-216,Rasing Cognitive variables related to suicidal contemplation in adolescents with implications for long-range prevention,1991,9,4,215-245,Woods