Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Early prevention of severe neurodevelopmental behavior disorders: an integration,2012,5,3-4,203-214,Schroeder Applicability of "MEGA"[eighth note] to sexually abusive youth with low intellectual functioning,2013,6,1,42-59,Rasmussen Characteristics of people with intellectual disabilities in a secure U.S. forensic hospital,2014,7,4,337-358,Stinson Treating individuals with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviors with adapted dialectical behavior therapy,2013,6,4,280-303,Brown Intellectual Disabilities and Neglectful Parenting: Preliminary Findings on the Role of Cognition in Parenting Risk,2012,5,2,94-129,Johnson Risk-taking and delinquent behaviors among youth with and without intellectual disabilities,2020,13,1,1-24,Baker Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Suicidality: What Does the Literature Tell Us?,2022,15,3,217-252,Campbell