Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Activity limitations and healthcare access as correlates of frequent mental distress in adults 65 years and older: a behavioral risk factor surveillance study 2008,2012,3,1,17-22,Arif Attitudes practices and barriers to adolescent suicide and mental health screening: a survey of Pennsylvania primary care providers,2012,3,1,29-35,Wintersteen Collaborative care management for depression: comparison of cost metrics and clinical response to usual care,2010,1,2,73-77,Angstman Dashboard impact evaluation for primary care and community health programs,2010,1,1,25-28,Rohrer Evaluating the SIMARD MD a new screening tool to identify cognitively impaired drivers: a leap forward,2011,2,2,136-137,Dobbs Evaluation of a standardized all-terrain vehicle safety education intervention for youth in rural central Illinois,2013,4,1,8-13,Hafner Evidence-based guidance for culturally sensitive assessment and interventions for perinatal depression in black American women a synthesis of published research 2008-2011,2012,3,4,278-284,Brown Family medicine and internal medicine physicians' attitudes and beliefs about depression: implications for treatment decisions,2011,2,2,107-115,Hooper Immigration drinking and frequent mental distress: an Internet survey,2010,1,3,164-167,Rohrer Older adult opinions about driving cessation: a role for advanced driving directives,2012,3,3,150-154,Lowenstein Older adult opinions of "advance driving directives",2013,4,1,14-27,Lowenstein Patients in a depression collaborative care model of care: comparison of 6-month cost utilization data with usual care,2010,1,1,12-16,Angstman Postpartum depression screening initial implementation in a multispecialty practice with collaborative care managers,2010,1,3,158-163,Angstman Postpartum doula and peer telephone support for postpartum depression: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2013,4,1,36-43,Crow The emergency department as a potential intervention recruitment venue among vulnerable rural residents,2011,2,2,77-81,Tarasenko The impact of patient and provider factors on depression screening of American Indian and Alaska Native people in primary care,2012,3,2,120-124,Manson The introduction of a new screening tool for the identification of cognitively impaired medically at-risk drivers: the SIMARD A modification of the DemTect,2010,1,2,119-127,Dobbs The SIMARD screening tool to identify unfit drivers are we there now?,2011,2,2,133-135,Bedard Time required for screening for visual impairment in primary care: a randomized comparison of 3 common visual tests,2012,3,3,174-179,Dickson Adolescents' views on barriers to health care: a pilot study,2012,3,2,99-103,Alderman Underevaluation of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with nonaccidental falls,2011,2,3,173-180,Malasana Beyond crisis care in brain injury rehabilitation in Australia: a conversation worth having,2011,2,1,60-64,Collings Barriers to prescription medication adherence among homeless and vulnerably housed adults in three Canadian cities,2014,6,3,154-161,Hwang Electronic cigarette toxicity,2016,8,2,100-102,Nugent Community pharmacy response in the aftermath of natural disasters: time-sensitive opportunity for research and evaluation,2018,9,,e2150132718813494,Rodríguez-Díaz Home-based primary care's role in supporting the older old during wildfires,2019,10,,e2150132719846773,Dobalian Relationship between physical activity and motor vehicle crashes among older adult drivers,2019,10,,e2150132719859997,Eby Ensuring continuity of transitional housing for homeless veterans: promoting disaster resilience among the Veterans Health Administration's grant and per diem providers,2019,10,,e2150132719861262,Dobalian Use of Alcohol Tobacco and Caffeine and Suicide Attempts: Findings From a Nationally Representative Cross-sectional Study,2020,11,,e2150132720913720,Cho Health-related problems and drivers of health-related quality of life among community-dwelling older adults,2020,11,,e2150132720913724,Boongird Men's help-seeking for depression: attitudinal and structural barriers in symptomatic men,2020,11,,e2150132720921686,Ogrodniczuk Mental health and psychosocial needs of patients being treated for opioid use disorder in a primary care residency clinic,2020,11,,e2150132720932017,Sherman Characteristics and circumstances of falls in the community-dwelling older adult population,2020,11,,e2150132720940508,Lavedán Santamaría Mental health burden of the CoViD-19 outbreak in germany: predictors of mental health impairment,2020,11,,e2150132720953682,Teufel Intimate partner violence experienced by physicians,2020,11,,2150132720965077,Reibling Recent trends in youth concussions: a brief report,2020,11,,e2150132720985058,Askow Screening gait performance falls and physical activity among Benedictine and Trappist monks,2021,12,,e2150132721990187,Klima Describing the health status of women experiencing violence or abuse: an observational study using claims data,2022,13,,e21501319221074121,Cronholm Trauma Informed Care: Trafficking Out-Comes (TIC TOC Study),2022,13,,e21501319221093119,Cox War psychiatry: identifying and managing the neuropsychiatric consequences of armed conflicts,2022,13,,e21501319221106625,Jain Cross-cultural adaptation reliability and content validity of Thai version of Workplace Violence in the Health Sector Country Case Study Questionnaire,2022,13,,e21501319221132448,Khiaw-Im Families and friends of homicide victims' experiences with the healthcare system: a trauma-informed perspective,2023,14,,e21501319231162482,Mastrocinque Improving domestic violence screening and follow-up in a community health clinic,2023,14,,e21501319231189074,Collins Association between history of psychiatric disorder and degree of physical injury among suicide attempters: secondary data analysis in a Japanese rural area,2023,14,,e21501319231212317,Tanji Post-stroke depression and suicidal ideations: relationship with gender and marital status: a cross sectional study,2024,15,,e21501319241233172,Gloria The intersections between sexual orientation Latine ethnicity social determinants of health and lifetime suicide attempts in a sample being assessed for entry to co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder treatment,2024,15,,e21501319241240425,Lundgren Evolution of depressive symptoms among depression subtypes of clinical and functional variables in primary care in Chile,2024,15,,e21501319241241476,Vitriol Psychometric Properties of the Suicidal Ideation Scale in the Indonesian Language,2022,13,,21501319221143716,Pandia Comparison of PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 as Screening Tools for Depression and School Related Stress in Inner City Adolescents,2021,12,,e21501327211053750,Anand