Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Craniocerebral gunshot injury in newborn,2012,2012,9,8,Lopez The white-eyed blowout fracture in the child: beware of distractions,2013,2013,7,rjt054,Hammond A traumatic superficial temporal artery aneurysm after a bicycle accident,2014,2014,10,ePub,Veen Duodenal rupture secondary to blunt trauma from a football,2013,2013,1,ePub,Mann External iliac artery occlusion in a paediatric patient following handlebar trauma,2015,2015,3,ePub,Singla Multiple fractures in a 22-year-old man after a simple fall,2015,2015,10,ePub,Alattas Seatbelt syndrome with superior mesenteric artery syndrome: leave nothing to chance!,2015,2015,11,e148,Singla Blunt trauma resulting in pneumothorax with progression to pneumoperitoneum: a unique diagnosis with predicament in management,2015,2015,12,e147,Curfman Retained garden fork following cranial stab injury,2016,2016,1,e175,Enicker A game of two discs: a case of non-contiguous and occult cervical spine injury in a rugby player,2016,2016,3,e031,O'Sullivan Self-inflicted trans-optic canal intracranial penetrating injury with a ballpoint pen,2016,2016,3,rjw034,Su Raised serum lactate in a cirrhotic patient presenting after a trivial fall,2017,2017,9,rjx155,Ayeko A unique case of popliteal artery transection after a motorcycle collision,2017,2017,11,rjx222,Carrillo After a punch: recurrence of compartment syndrome following minor trauma,2018,2018,2,rjy011,Ryndin Handlebar hernia in children: a conservative approach. Case report and literature review,2018,2018,4,rjy075,Kambouri Subacute carbon monoxide poisoning presenting as vertigo and fluctuating low frequency hearing loss,2018,2018,8,rjy205,Seale Traumatic arteriovenous fistula formation secondary to crush injury,2018,2018,9,rjy240,Sachwani-Daswani Two cases of intestinal injuries due to seat belt without seat belt sign,2018,2018,11,rjy298,Özçay Traumatic cervical spine injury during sexual activity,2019,2019,6,rjz202,Davidson Penetrating thoracic injury from a bean bag round complicated by development of post-operative empyema,2020,2020,4,rjaa078,Utter Ingestion of razor blades a rare event: a case report in a psychiatric patient,2020,2020,5,e094,Delgado Salazar Resection of a colonic mass following trauma: a diagnostic dilemma,2020,2020,7,rjaa226,Burchard Traumatic bilateral ureteral tear in a pregnant woman after a motor vehicle crash: a case report,2020,2020,9,rjaa331,Kimbrough Peno-scrotal degloving injury following motor vehicle accident-a case report,2020,2020,10,rjaa427,Atreya Jejunal rupture resulting from a collision in soccer,2021,2021,2,rjab005,Yau Suicidal acid ingestion leading to gastric outlet obstruction treated by early definitive surgery-case report,2021,2021,2,rjab027,Almalki An unusually delayed presentation of massive haematemesis following stab injury to the chest,2021,2021,4,rjab081,Adesuyi Stab injury to the spine without neurological involvement: a report of a rare case,2021,2021,5,rjab163,Castillo Amaya Domestic trauma with penile and scrotum skin degloving and testicular avulsion,2021,2021,5,rjab175,Mancini Endoscopic management of a nail-magnet aggregation impacted in the terminal ileum: a case report,2021,2021,6,rjab259,Benesch A case of seat belt-induced small bowel rupture and Chance fracture accompanied by elevated serum amylase,2021,2021,7,rjab315,Tatekawa Self-inflicted penetrating chest trauma from solar powered garden light: a case report,2021,2021,8,rjab320,Murray A case of traumatic rupture of the urinary bladder due to a fall from a chair-style ski lift,2021,2021,8,rjab395,Tatekawa Case report of ureteric transection of lower moiety in high-speed road traffic collision,2021,2021,9,rjab417,McCorgray Management of broncho-esophageal fistula after button battery ingestion,2021,2021,10,rjab441,Barsness Meat grinder injury of the arm: how to extract an arm safe fast and pain free: case report and literature review,2022,2022,2,rjac001,Al-Hassani Variations in clinical manifestations and outcomes of penetrating ocular injuries with intraocular foreign bodies: a case series,2022,2022,5,rjac198,Irawati Spontaneous migration of a falling bullet in the cerebellum reveals the importance of intraoperative skull X-ray,2021,2021,4,rjab105,Hammed A multidisciplinary approach to rescue a full-term pregnant and her fetus after blunt abdominal trauma: a case report and literature review,2022,2022,12,rjac559,Rizoli Genital self-amputation-its psychological urge,2022,2022,12,rjac569,Ravichandran Ocular scrotal and abdominal trauma in a secondary blast injury,2023,2023,3,rjad126,Machaku Successful replantation of total scalp amputation due to dog bites in geriatric patient with prolonged tissue ischemia and comorbidities: a case report,2023,2023,4,rjad170,Muzakkie An unusual case of small bowel obstruction because of body packing,2023,2023,4,rjad207,Boucher Massive dermal ulcerative lesions because of brown recluse spider bite: a rare case report and review of literature,2023,2023,6,rjad357,Zakariaei Cough syrup bottle at rectum in elderly male: a rare case report,2023,2023,7,rjad404,Gupta Airbag injuries of the hand: a case-series and literature review,2024,2024,2,rjae052,Mahmoud Penetrating injury to the left ventricle caused by attempted suicide-a case report,2024,2024,3,rjae159,Parentic Pulmonary torsion after resuscitative thoracotomy: A case report,2021,2021,7,,Tomita Traumatic xylophagia leading to foreign body removal and tracheostomy in the setting of postpartum psychosis,2021,2021,12,,Low Do not open wide; accidentally swallowed dental mold causing bowel obstruction. A case report,2022,2022,9,,Castillo