Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Features and motivators of emotionally expressive firesetters: the assessment of women in secure psychiatric settings,2014,4,2,4,Dickens Suicide by cop: implications for crisis (hostage) negotiations,2014,4,2,5,Van Hasselt Moderated mediation analysis: an illustration using the association of gender with delinquency and mental health,2015,5,2,99-123,D'Amico Adverse childhood experiences paraphilias and serious criminal violence among federal sex offenders,2017,7,2,105-119,DeLisi The interplay between early language and temperamental difficulties in the prediction of severe antisocial behavior among males,2017,7,2,70-80,Jackson Distinguishing homicide violent sexual and violent juvenile offending,2017,7,2,81-92,Baglivio Juvenile homicide offender recidivism,2017,7,2,93-104,Trulson Sadism in sexual homicide offenders: identifying distinct groups,2017,7,2,120-133, What makes a difference? Evaluating the key distinctions and predictors of sexual and non-sexual offending among male and female juvenile offenders,2017,7,2,134-150,Fox Armed burglary: a marker for extreme instrumental violence,2017,7,1,3-12,Beauregard Confessions of sex offenders: extracting offender and victim profiles for investigative interviewing,2017,7,1,13-28,Healey Maternal incarceration penalty: an examination of the effect of maternal conviction and incarceration on childhood delinquency,2017,7,1,29-46,Sobba An evaluation of strength-based approaches to the treatment of sex offenders: a review,2017,7,3,221-228,Marshall Common and distinguishing historical criminal and current environmental and psychological characteristics in male inmates with a history of suicidal and/or non-suicidal self-injury,2017,7,4,229-243,Samuels Anger following provocation in individuals with psychopathic traits,2017,7,4,244-261,Brown Multidimensional scaling analysis of psychopathy in male juveniles using the PCL: YV,2017,7,4,262-279,Bennell Does facial width-to-height ratio predict male offender aggression?,2017,7,4,280-286,Burris What is the pattern of self-harm and prison rule-breaking behaviour in personality disordered offenders in a high secure prison?,2017,7,4,287-301,Bailey Just mercy through cultural and convict criminology,2018,8,1,80-95,King Dual harm: an exploration of the presence and characteristics for dual violence and self-harm behaviour in prison,2018,8,2,97-111,Slade Psychopathic costs: a monetization study of the fiscal toll of psychopathy features among institutionalized delinquents,2018,8,2,112-124,Vaughn Identifying vulnerability to violence: the role of psychopathy and gender,2018,8,2,125-137,Book Parental influences on youth delinquency,2018,8,2,138-149,Cicerali Risk assessment of online child abuse material (CAM) offenders: a review of existing tools,2018,8,2,150-161,Boer Revenge pornography: the influence of perpetrator-victim sex observer sex and observer sexting experience on perceptions of seriousness and responsibility,2018,8,2,162-172,Scott The impact of a brief structured intervention on young offenders masculine identity: a mixed methods study,2018,8,3,173-186,Blagden Poisoning expertise and outcomes in malicious contamination incidents,2018,8,3,187-198,Kilbane Stepping stones to sexual murder: the role of developmental factors in the etiology of sexual homicide,2018,8,3,199-214,Beauregard Contextual variability in biopsychosocial pathways to violent offending,2018,8,4,249-264,Jennings Resting heart rate and risk of violent encounters during arrest in a sample of law enforcement officers,2018,8,4,265-286,Fox The unified crime theory and the social correlates of crime and violence: problems and solutions,2018,8,4,287-301,Boutwell Parental rejection and antisocial behavior: the moderating role of testosterone,2018,8,4,302-313,Armstrong The homicide circumplex: a new conceptual model and empirical examination,2018,8,4,314-332,DeLisi Overkill we know it when we see it: examining definitions of excessive injury in homicide research,2019,9,2,61-74,Salfati What leads victims to resist? Factors that influence victim resistance in sexual assaults,2019,9,3,122-137,Beauregard Moving past sporadic eruptions discursive killing and running amok: recognizing the convergence of the serial and spree killer,2019,9,3,138-146,Yaksic Fire-setting and psychopathology: a brief overview of prevalence pathways and assessment,2019,9,4,149-154,Allely How the construction of women in discourse explains society's challenge in accepting that females commit sexual offences against children,2019,9,4,155-165,de Motte The crimes of first-time offenders: same or different from the crimes of habitual criminals?,2019,10,1,1-15,Walters Detection avoidance and mis/unclassified unsolved homicides in Australia,2019,10,2,113-122,Ferguson Evaluating the use of data-based offender profiling by researchers practitioners and investigative journalists to address unresolved serial homicides,2020,10,2,123-144,Yaksic Autism spectrum disorders and stalking,2020,10,3,201-218,Mercer Classification of malicious insiders and the association of the forms of attacks,2020,10,3,233-247,Glancy Taking a case study approach to exploring the psychology of extreme violence,2020,10,3,249-251,Allely Peer groups street gangs and organised crime in the narratives of adolescent male offenders,2020,10,4,277-292,Ashton Infanticide and its relationship with postpartum psychosis: a critical interpretive synthesis,2020,10,4,293-310,Jansen van Rensburg Revisiting the anger/sadistic typology of sexual homicide,2021,11,4,315-334,Beauregard Family dynamics and delinquency: understanding the experience of female adolescents with their families,2021,11,1,1-20,Sumari PTSD panic disorder and alcohol use disorder as a triple threat for violence among male jail detainees,2020,11,1,21-29,Taylor "He was brainwashed!" Criminal complicity and sentencing in France: interpreting a "crime committed under influence",2020,11,1,30-43,Testé Patterns of overkill in sexual homicides,2021,11,1,44-58,Beauregard Weak parental supervision and lack of child remorse as predictors of proximal crime continuity in early-to-mid adolescent delinquents,2021,11,1,59-71,Walters The influence of sexual objectification on guilt assessment on a sample of Italian graduates,2021,11,2,116-128,Cabras How accurate and useful are published UK prevalence rates of intimate partner violence (IPV)? Rapid review and methodological commentary,2021,11,2,129-140,McGarry High resting heart rate protects against childhood risk factors in predicting adult psychopathy,2021,11,2,141-156,Farrington COVID-19 and domestic violence: impact on mental health,2021,11,3,188-202,Rogers New York City: COVID-19 quarantine and crime,2021,11,3,203-221,King Considering the impact of COVID-19 on suicide risk among individuals in prison and during reentry,2021,11,3,240-253,Mitchell Our love was a two-person game. at least until one of us died and the other became a murderer: sexual homicide perpetrated by intimate partners,2021,11,4,301-314,Stefańska Interest in physical danger: does it mediate the relationship between gender and violent offending?,2022,12,4,61-73,Hoskin Gender based violence against women: the crisis behind being a restaurant waitress,2023,13,1,34-46,Yasegnal How accurate and effective are screening tools and subsequent interventions for intimate partner violence in non-high-risk settings (IPV)? A rapid review,2021,11,4,273-300,McGarry Exploring female involvement in acts of terrorism and mass shootings: a systematic review,2021,11,4,335-356,Allely Federal sex offender registration and notification act (SORNA) offenders: sexual versatility criminal careers and supervision outcomes,2021,11,4,357-369,DeLisi The role of criminal expertise in serial sexual offending: a comparison to "novices",2021,11,4,370-383,Beauregard Perceived personality traits and presumptions of vulnerability to victimization in women,2022,12,1/2,12-25,Forth Barriers and gaps within services which affect Black Asian and Minority Ethnic access to community Forensic CAMHS,2022,12,1/2,1-11,Holt Looking at the moral judgments of offenders through new lenses,2022,12,4,90-110,Zara A Wolf in sheep's clothing: taxometric evidence of the dimensional structure of stalking,2023,13,1,18-33,Longpre Case study reflections of an internet child abuse material offender informing the development of a proposed assessment instrument,2023,13,1,47-61,Rickwood An analysis of the characteristics and motives of the UK homicides involving acts of dismemberment,2023,13,1,1-17,Wright A preliminary study exploring the nature of aggression supportive beliefs in a forensic psychiatric sample,2023,13,4,334-350,Steene Naked body disposal: an indicator of the type of sexual homicide,2023,13,4,445-460,Beauregard Introduction "stalking: what do we know about working with people who stalk and where do we go?",2023,13,2,65-71,Wheatley Stalking narcissistic vulnerability and the application of schema therapy "I was punishing her for me not being good enough",2023,13,2,76-90,Wheatley Stalking and the impact of labelling "There's a difference between my offence and a stalker",2023,13,2,91-104,Underwood A comparison of public perceptions of cisgender male and transgender male stalking perpetrators,2022,13,2,105-119,Duff Stalking and the role of occupational therapy "you're not living life to the full if you're stalking",2022,13,2,120-135,Wheatley Stalking: Issues of deterrence "When I was stalking I was so dedicated to it. Nothing would stop me. It was my focus.",2023,13,2,136-153,Henley Exploring the stigmatisation of offending and non-offending paedophiles: a terror management approach,2023,13,3,157-172,Bartels Criminal and positive identity development of young male offenders: pre and post rehabilitation,2023,13,3,173-189,Carthy Photovoice study of gratitude in ex-juvenile offenders,2023,13,3,209-223,Liem The life course of impulsive males from childhood to adulthood,2023,13,3,224-238,Farrington Pathways to truth: using criteria-based content analysis in missing person cases,2023,13,3,239-253,Keatley Finding the missing: using statement analysis to assist in missing persons cases,2023,13,4,300-315,Keatley Understanding the complexities of non-familial child abductions: a systematic literature review on the behavioural characteristics of acquaintance and stranger abductors,2023,13,4,316-333,Jones "I'll live better stay away from crime": exploring the reintegration of former prisoners into the community through a music programme,2023,13,4,351-366,Caulfield Cyber intimate partner aggression in adulthood: the role of insecure attachment and self-control,2023,13,4,367-380,Brewer How restrictions of choice affect the sense of agency: the case of personal autonomy in prison,2023,13,4,381-393,Aarts Prevalence scores: an addition to behaviour sequence analysis,2023,13,4,394-404,Clarke Self-reported antisocial behaviour of 10-year-old boys in Zhuhai (China) versus Pittsburgh (USA),2023,13,4,405-416,Farrington Female perpetrators of child sexual abuse in the United States,2023,13,4,417-428,Scurich Sequencing statements: using behaviour sequence analysis with statement analysis to indicate deception,2023,13,4,429-444,Keatley Being unwanted and other very early predictors of adult psychopathy,2023,14,1,1-15,Farrington Why might psychopathy develop? Beyond a protective function: a commentary on Zara et al. (2023),2023,14,1,16-23,Brazil The role of the dark triad and emotion regulation in women' sexual coercion: a social information processing perspective,2023,14,1,38-54,Benbouriche Nudging eyewitnesses: the effect of social influence on recalling witnessed events,2023,14,1,55-77,Snook The relation between psychopathy factors and emotional states prior and during criminal behaviour in a Dutch sample,2023,14,1,78-93,Herzog-Evans Homicide-suicide offences: Description classification and short case studies,2015,5,3,177-187,Stürup Non-suicidal self-harm amongst incarcerated men: a qualitative study,2016,6,4,157-172,Marzano Social psychological dynamics of hostage negotiation: forensic psychology suicide intervention police intelligence/counterintelligence and tactical entry,2016,6,1,16-27,Knowles Suicide ideation amongst people referred for mental health assessment in police custody,2016,6,4,146-156,Samele Supporting imprisoned women who self-harm: exploring prison staff strategies,2016,6,4,173-186,Shaw Working with suicide risk in offenders: a review of training at HMP Grendon,2016,6,4,214-220,Hatton Negotiating barriers: prisoner and staff perspectives on mental wellbeing in the open prison setting,2018,8,1,3-19,Bradley