Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Introduction: [to this issue on topics including the laws of war and protection of war refugees and human trafficking],2014,12,5,901-905,Lafontaine Human Trafficking,2014,12,5,1019-1038,Atak The European arrest warrant,2004,2,1,275-285,Vierucci Seeking a stay of proceedings for irregular apprehension before international courts fighting a losing battle against the pursuit of international criminal justice,2016,14,1,145-169,McDermott The German Rwabukombe case: the federal court's interpretation of co-perpetration and the genocidal intent to destroy,2016,14,5,1221-1234,Ambos The first rape conviction at the ICC an analysis of the Bemba judgment,2016,14,3,667-687,Clark Assistance in mass murder under systems of ill-treatment: the case of Oskar Gröning,2017,15,1,157-174,Andreadis-Papadimitriou Misidentification of victims under international criminal law: an attempted offence?,2017,15,2,291-318,Kantorowicz-Reznichenko The international criminal court's strategies in relation to victims,2017,15,3,567-591,Carayon Identifying the perpetrators of chemical attacks in Syria the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons as part of the fight against impunity?,2019,17,2,211-227,Sossai The legality of rebel courts during non-international armed conflicts,2018,16,2,235-263,Klamberg Prevention of crimes against humanity,2018,16,4,705-728,Schabas Bringing states to justice for crimes against humanity the compromissory clause in the international law commission draft convention on crimes against humanity,2018,16,4,835-855,Zimmermann Revisiting the role of the Security Council concerning the International Criminal Court's crime of aggression,2019,17,3,471-483,Trahan Starvation in armed conflicts: an analysis based on the right to food,2019,17,4,723-752,Hutter Conflict-induced food insecurity and the war crime of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare: the underlying rules of international humanitarian law,2019,17,4,753-779,Akande Gender-based persecution as a crime against humanity: the road ahead,2019,17,5,957-979,Davis Punish and be punished? The paradox of command responsibility in armed groups,2020,18,1,1-30,Spadaro Defining hate speech a seemingly elusive task,2020,18,1,31-57,Fino Combatting human trafficking holistically through proactive financial investigations,2020,18,1,87-106,van Voorhout Problems and prospects of implementing UN action against terrorism,2006,4,5,1087-1103,Laborde Why do people become terrorists?,2008,6,3,507-524,Spataro