Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Autopsy findings in cases of femicide,2017,31,4,383-386,Sohail Workplace bullying and physical health of teachers working in higher education institutes,2019,33,3,227-230,Anjum Correlation pattern of factors related to domestic violence against married women in Tehran-Iran,2019,33,3,231-236,Ramezankhani A study of perfectionism and self-harm in medical and nursing students: the mediating role of perceived social support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zahra Side effects of combination of interferon plus ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C; an experience with 400 patients,2007,21,3,187-191,Mahmood Analysis of autopsy record of unnatural deaths in Peshawar district,2013,27,4,392-396,Khalil Risk factors of successful suicide attempts in Punjab,2016,30,3,277-281,Naz Etiological and clinical profile of patients presenting with acute poisoning to a teaching hospital,2018,32,1,54-59,Asghar Pattern of psychiatric referrals in a tertiary care public sector hospital of Karachi,2022,36,1,13-19,Haider Analysis of autopsy record of unnatural deaths in Peshawar district,2013,27,4,392-396,Zahid Hussain Anxiety depression in infertile women,2000,14,1,73-7,Nasreen Side effects of combination of Interferon plus ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C; an experience with 400 patients,2007,21,3,187-191,Khalid Side effects of combination of interferon plus ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C; an experience with 400 patients,2007,21,3,187-191,Mahmood