Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Outcomes associated with scale-up of the Stepping On falls prevention program: a case study in redesigning for dissemination,2020,4,3,250-259,Mahoney Field assessment of a safe sleep instrument using smartphone technology,2019,4,5,451-456,Aitken Mobile home residence as a risk factor for adverse events among children in a mixed rural-urban community: a case for geospatial analysis,2020,4,5,443-450,Derauf Identifying what works for whom: Implementation outcomes following iLookOut a child abuse identification and referral training program,2023,7,1,e205,Levi Area-level social determinants of health and individual-level social risks: assessing predictive ability and biases in social risk screening,2023,7,1,e257,Gold Screening tools to address social determinants of health in the United States: asystematic review,2024,8,1,e60,Padmanaban Breaking barriers in trauma research: a narrative review of opportunities to leverage veterinary trauma for accelerated translation to clinical solutions for pets and people,2024,8,1,e74,Kirkman A call to action to address rural mental health disparities,2020,4,5,463-467,Barksdale OnTrackNY's learning healthcare system,2020,4,4,301-306,Stanley