Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Warning signs of elderly suicide and factors affecting professional help-seeking: case of Sri Lanka,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rasnayake Transcultural translation and reliability of Cyberbullying and Online Aggression Survey Instrument: Thai Version,2022,30,,640-651,Piyavhatkul Defining mental health practitioners' LGBTIQ cultural competence in Thailand,2021,29,,158-176,Boonmongkon Natural disasters and birth rate: evidence from the 2010 Chilean earthquake,2021,29,,274-285,Scapini Deaths and injuries from unintentional falls: an analysis of Nepal police records,2021,29,,500-510,Sedain Examining the influence of intimate partner violence on fertility planning status of couples: evidence from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey,2021,29,,644-659,Oni Disparities in mental well-being between non-minority and sexual minority male youth in Bangkok Thailand: quantitative findings from a mixed method study,2017,25,2,83-98,Sopitarchasak Factors associated with underage sex in Malaysia: A secondary data analysis of Malaysia Global School-Based Student Health Survey 2012,2018,26,4,305-320,Cheah