Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Psilocybin use patterns and perception of risk among a cohort of Black individuals with Opioid Use Disorder,2022,6,2,80-87,Davis Association between mystical-type experiences under psychedelics and improvements in well-being or mental health - a comprehensive review of the evidence,2023,7,1,18-28,Kangaslampi The impacts of the drug war on Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: an overview,2023,7,1,48-57,Labate Lifetime classic psychedelic use is associated with greater psychological distress in unemployed job seekers,2023,7,2,90-99,Korman Evaluating the role of psychedelic psychotherapy in addressing societal alienation: imaginaries of liberation,2023,7,3,238-252,Tempone-Wiltshire "Go ask Alice when she's 10-feet tall": Psychosocial correlates to lifetime LSD use among a national sample of US adults,2019,3,3,308-314,King