Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Two cases of internal injury from a fall,1859,16,1,34-36,Schneck Poisoning by belladonna,1859,16,1,32-33,Schneck A case of severe burn treated by white paint: recovery etc,1859,16,12,730-732,Gibbs Case of suicide by opium and strychnine,1860,17,11,635-638,Pashley Experiments with iodine: as an anidote to the venom of serpents and certain other animal poisons,1860,17,12,697-701,Woodward Physiological incest,1860,17,4,196-200,Powell Physiological incest,1860,17,5,e271,Angrar Strychnia as a poison,1863,20,6,271-275,Mitchell Poisoning with morphine,1866,23,12,e559,Prentiss A new defence for murder,1869,26,6,178-179,Anonymous Poisoning by belladonna,1869,26,17-18,531-532,Drake Poisoning by opium,1869,26,21,720-721,O'Brien Case of poisoning by fluid extract of gelseminum,1868,25,23,760-761,Hani Rape: what is it? [[An article from the Chicago Medical Journal published in 1867 (That this was published even in the 19th century spoiled my good day)]],1867,24,10,e472,Hunt A case of poisoning with sulphate of copper,1870,27,1,30-32,Hillis Poisoning by belladonna,1870,27,6,e330,Hogeboom Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup-a poison,1872,29,6,358-360,M'Nutt Homicide-suspected simulation of insanity,1874,31,12,726-734,Ray Remarkable case of injury from glass,1873,30,6,324-330,Kittell