Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Terrible triad injuries are no longer terrible! Functional outcomes of terrible triad injuries: a scoping review,2022,2,2,214-218,Stambulic How does the All-Star break affect injury rates in professional baseball?,2022,2,1,17-19,D'Angelo Most high school baseball pitchers are using weighted ball throwing programs to increase ball velocity: crosssectional analysis of US high school pitchers,2023,3,2,137-141,Ishikawa Luxatio erecta of the humerus: the spectrum of injury of inferior shoulder dislocation and analysis of injury mechanisms,2022,2,4,497-504,Ekholm Fractures of the humeral shaft caused by arm wrestling: a systematic review,2022,2,4,505-512,Ogawa Wakeboarder's arm - complete tear of the short head of the biceps brachii and coracobrachialis: a case report and review of the literature,2024,4,1,99-105,Garrigues