Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Nonfatal agricultural injuries among Colorado older male farmers,1999,11,1,65-78,Stallones Receptivity to protective garments among the elderly,1997,9,3,355-372,Zimmer Mobility impairments in crash-involved older drivers,2001,13,3,430-438,McGwin Stride width discriminates gait of side-fallers compared to other-directed fallers during overground walking,2007,19,2,200-212,MacDonald The Evolution of Unintentional Injury Mortality Among Elderly in Europe,2008,20,2,159-182,Barbone The Prevalence and Clustering of Four Major Lifestyle Risk Factors in Hong Kong Chinese Older Adults,2008,20,7,788-803,Chou Home Accidents in the Community-Dwelling Elderly in Izmir Turkey: How Do Prevalence and Risk Factors Differ Between High and Low Socioeconomic Districts?,2008,20,7,824-836,Ucku Environmental Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials,2008,20,8,954-971,Cumming Fall Risk in Older Adults: Roles of Self-Rated Vision Home Modifications and Limb Function,2009,21,5,655-676,Pynoos What Works Better for Community-Dwelling Older People at Risk to Fall? A Meta-Analysis of Multifactorial Versus Physical Exercise-Alone Interventions,2009,21,5,713-729,Negri An Exploratory Study of Individual and Environmental Correlates of Fear of Falling Among Community-Dwelling Seniors,2009,21,6,881-894,Trottier Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Disorder in Relation to Walking in Community-Dwelling Older Adults,2009,21,1,155-171,Evans The Relationship of Neighborhood Climate to Perceived Social Support and Mental Health in Older Hispanic Immigrants in Miami Florida,2009,21,3,431-459,Mason Impact of a Community-Based Falls Prevention Program on Maintenance of Physical Activity Among Older Adults,2009,21,3,480-500,Robitaille Activity Restriction Related to Fear of Falling Among Older People in the Colombian Andes Mountains,2009,21,3,460-479,Curcio The Use of Mobility Devices Among Institutionalized Older Adults,2009,21,4,611-626,Clarke Visual Function and Cognitive Speed of Processing Mediate Age-Related Decline in Memory Span and Fluid Intelligence,2009,21,4,547-566,Ball Fall Risk in Older Adults,2009,21,5,655-676,Steinman Social Inequalities in Grip Strength Physical Function and Falls Among Community Dwelling Older Men and Women,2009,21,6,913-939,Syddall Reports of abusive experiences during childhood and adult health ratings: personal control as a pathway?,2006,18,3,458-485,Ferraro Development of a screening tool for identifying elderly people at risk of abuse by their caregivers,2006,18,5,660-685,Cohen Profiles of Physical and Psychological Violence in Childhood as a Risk Factor for Poorer Adult Health: Evidence From the 1995-2005 National Survey of Midlife in the United States,2009,21,7,943-966,Greenfield Fear of falling among the community-dwelling elderly,1993,5,2,229-243,Bak Do falls predict institutionalization in older persons? An analysis of data from the Longitudinal Study of Aging,1993,5,2,194-207,Furner Expenditures for unintentional injuries among the elderly,1990,2,2,157-178,Bernstein Evolving Self-Rated Health in Middle and Old Age: How Does it Differ Across Black Hispanic and White Americans?,2010,22,1,3-26,Liang Does the Relationship Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Health Outcomes Persist Into Very Old Age? A Population-Based Study,2010,22,1,27-47,Menec Volunteering and Trajectories of Depression,2010,22,1,84-105,Kim Effect of the Exercise Dance for Seniors (EXDASE) Program on Lower-Body Functioning Among Institutionalized Older Adults,2010,22,1,106-119,Holmerová Changes in the Prevalence of Mobility Limitations and Mobile Life Expectancy of Older Adults in Singapore 1995-2005,2010,22,1,120-140,Yong Basic Anthropometry and Health Status of Elderly: Findings of the Maracaibo Aging Study,2010,22,2,242-261,Muñoz Care management service and falls prevention: a case-control study in a Chinese population,2010,22,3,348-361,Chi Understanding Factors That Influence Success of Home- and Community-Based Services in Keeping Older Adults in Community Settings,2010,22,3,267-291,Thompson Diabetes and Cognitive Decline: Investigating the Potential Influence of Factors Related to Health Disparities,2010,22,3,292-306,Clay Who Participates? Accounting for Longitudinal Retention in the MIDUS National Study of Health and Well-Being,2010,22,3,307-331,Ryff Factors Influencing Driving Status in an Older Latino Population,2010,22,3,332-347,Varma Prevalence and Correlates of Functional Status in an Older Community— Representative Sample in Brazil,2010,22,3,362-383,Andreoli Occurrence of hip fractures and socioeconomic position,2000,12,2,193-203,Bacon Black—White Disparities in Disability Among Older Americans,2009,21,5,677-698,Guralnik Differentials by Socioeconomic Status and Institutional Characteristics in Preventive Service Utilization by Older Persons in Costa Rica,2009,21,5,730-758,Brenes-Camacho Social Inequality in Onset of Mobility Disability Among Older Danes: The Mediation Effect of Social Relations,2010,22,4,522-541,Avlund What Works Better for Community-Dwelling Older People at Risk to Fall?,2009,21,5,713-729,Petridou Ethnic Differences in the Dynamics of Depressive Symptoms in Middle-Aged and Older Americans,2010,22,5,631-652,Liang A longitudinal investigation of fear of falling fear of pain and activity avoidance in community-dwelling older adults,2007,19,6,965-984,Asmundson The Prospective Relationship Between Binge Drinking and Physician Visits Among Older Adults,2010,22,8,1099-1113,Zucker Predictors of Condom Use and HIV Testing Among Midlife and Older Women Seeking Medical Services,2007,19,4,705-719,Shibusawa Reconceptualizing the Role of Fear of Falling and Balance Confidence in Fall Risk,2011,23,1,3-23,Delbaere Age Differences in Long-Term Patterns of Change in Alcohol Consumption Among Aging Adults,2011,23,2,207-227,Krause Physical Disability and Depression: Clarifying Racial/Ethnic Contrasts,2010,22,7,977-1000,Turner Shorter Stay Longer Life: Age at Migration and Mortality Among the Older Mexican-Origin Population,2010,22,7,914-931,Angel Negative life events and cognitive performance in a population of older adults,2007,19,4,612-629,Borenstein Psychotropic Drugs and Falls in the Elderly People: Updated Literature Review and Meta-Analysis,2011,23,2,329-346,Bloch Trading Years for Perfect Health: Results From the Health and Retirement Study,2010,22,8,1184-1197,Ayalon Predictors of Mortality in Older Hip Fracture Inpatients Admitted to an Orthogeriatric Unit in Oslo Norway,2010,22,8,1114-1131,Holvik Fall Risk Factors in Community-Dwelling Elderly Who Receive Medicaid-Supported Home- and Community-Based Care Services,2011,23,4,682-703,Bailer How Do U.S. Chinese Older Adults View Elder Mistreatment? Findings From a Community-Based Participatory Research Study,2011,23,2,289-312,Simon Effects of Drinking on Hospital Stays and Emergency Room Visits Among Older Adults,2012,24,1,67-91,Li Self-Silencing and Age as Risk Factors for Sexually Acquired HIV in Midlife and Older Women,2009,21,1,102-128,Thomlison Acculturation and Depressive Symptoms Among Mexican American Elders New to the Caregiving Role: Results From the Hispanic-EPESE,2011,23,3,417-432,Chiriboga Psychosocial Interventions for the Prevention of Depression in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,2011,23,3,387-416,Wahlbeck Environmental Sustainability in an Aging Society: A Research Agenda,2011,23,3,433-453,Pillemer Illicit and Nonmedical Drug Use Among Older Adults: A Review,2011,23,3,481-504,Blazer Unmet Needs for Home and Community-Based Services Among Frail Older Americans and Their Caregivers,2011,23,3,529-553,Casado Defining Profiles of Functional Limitations in Groups of Older Persons: How and Why?,2011,23,3,578-604,Carlsson Exposure to physical violence during childhood aging and health,2002,14,4,467-494,Shaw Secular trends in hip fracture occurrence and survival: age and sex differences,1996,8,4,538-553,Bacon Social Activity and Depressive Symptoms in Korean American Older Adults: The Conditioning Role of Acculturation,2011,23,5,767-781,Chiriboga Depressive Symptoms Social Support and Walking Among Hispanic Older Adults,2011,23,6,974-993,Brown The Protective Effect of Neighborhood Composition on Increasing Frailty Among Older Mexican Americans: A Barrio Advantage?,2011,23,7,1189-1217,Markides The Role of Medications in Predicting Activity Restriction Due to a Fear of Falling,2012,24,2,269-286,Hirdes Osteoporotic fracture among older U.S. women: risk factors quantified,1998,10,3,372-391,Wang Religion: a sociocultural predictor of health behaviors in Mexico,2008,20,3,290-305,Benjamins Frailty as a Predictor of Falls in Older Mexican Americans,2011,24,4,641-653,Graham Effects of gender ethnicity and medical illness on drinking cessation in older primary care patients,2005,17,1,70-84,Satre Racial and ethnic differences in use of assistive devices for mobility: effect modification by age,2006,18,1,106-124,Resnik Effect of a Fall Prevention Program on Balance Maintenance Using a Quasi-experimental Design in Real-World Settings,2012,24,5,827-845,Robitaille Does childhood misfortune increase cancer risk in adulthood?,2012,24,6,948-984,Morton Gender and racial disparities in driving cessation among older adults,2012,24,8,1364-1379,Rebok Gender differences in the link between excessive drinking and domain-specific cognitive functioning among older adults,2012,24,8,1380-1398,Lyu A profile of calls to a poison information center regarding older adults,2004,16,2,228-247,Krenzelok Elder self-neglect is associated with increased risk for elder abuse in a community-dwelling population findings from the Chicago Health and Aging Project,2013,25,1,80-96,Dong The longitudinal relationship between depression and walking behavior in older Latinos the "¡Caminemos!" study,2013,25,2,319-341,Sarkisian Performance on five times sit-to-stand task as a predictor of subsequent falls and disability in older persons,2013,25,3,478-492,Metter The role of pain in understanding racial/ethnic differences in the frequency of physical activity among older adults,2013,25,3,405-421,Shaw Accumulation of sensory difficulties predicts fear of falling in older women,2013,25,5,776-791,Kaprio The Relation Between Frequency of Binge Drinking and Psychological Distress Among Older Adult Drinkers,2013,25,7,1243-1257,Kim Work-related injuries: an old problem revisited in the first representative u.s. Sample of home health aides,2013,25,6,1065-1081,Fitzgerald Biopsychosocial risk factors for driving cessation: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study,2013,25,8,1313-1328,Dugan Severity of fall-based injuries fear of falling and activity restriction: Sex differences in a population-based sample of older Canadian adults,2013,25,8,1378-1387,Asmundson Outcomes of Stay Strong Stay Healthy in community settings,2013,25,8,1388-1397,Kelly Socioeconomic Status Neighborhood Characteristics and Walking Within the Neighborhood Among Older Hong Kong Chinese,2013,25,8,1425-1444,Cerin Mediators of the association between driving cessation and mortality among older adults,2013,25,8 Suppl,249S-269S,Edwards Gender and racial disparities in driving cessation among older adults,2013,25,8 Suppl,147S-162S,Rebok Change in balance confidence and its associations with increasing disability in older community-dwelling women at risk for falling,2014,26,4,616-636,Wyman Functional living in older adults with type 2 diabetes: executive functioning dual task performance and the impact on postural stability and motor control,2014,26,5,841-859,Smith Suicidal ideation in an older U.S. Chinese population,2014,26,7,1189-1208,Dong Racial/ethnic predictors of falls among older adults: the Health and Retirement Study,2014,26,6,1060-1075,Taylor Functional limitations as potential mediators of the effects of self-reported vision status on fall risk of older adults,2014,27,1,158-176,Steinman Predictors of injurious falls and fear of falling differ: an 11-year longitudinal study of incident events in older people,2014,27,2,239-256,Kendig The cross-sectional and longitudinal association between perceived neighborhood walkability characteristics and depressive symptoms in older Latinos: the "¡Caminemos!" study,2014,27,3,551-568,Marquez Professional service use for a serious personal problem: comparing older African Americans Black Caribbeans and Non-Hispanic Whites using the National Survey of American Life,2014,27,5,755-774,Taylor Characteristics associated with fear of falling and activity restriction in South Korean older adults,2015,27,6,1066-1083,Choi Design and sample characteristics of the PRISM-E multisite randomized trial to improve behavioral health care for the elderly,2004,16,1,3-27,Ware Association of alcohol use and loneliness frequency among middle-aged and older adult drinkers,2015,28,2,267-284,Kaufmann Very frequent fallers and future fall injury: continuous risk among community-dwelling home care recipients,2015,28,4,587-599,Hirdes Association of hearing impairment with incident frailty and falls in older adults,2015,28,4,644-660,Simonsick Trajectories of outdoor mobility in vulnerable community-dwelling elderly: the role of individual and environmental factors,2015,28,5,796-811,Gallagher Usual and dual-task walking speed: implications for pedestrians crossing the road,2015,28,5,850-862,Kenny The association between transportation and life-space mobility in community-dwelling older people with or without walking difficulties,2015,28,6,1038-1054,Portegijs Alcohol use predicts 10-year depressive symptom trajectories in the health and retirement study,2015,28,5,911-932,Soohoo The role of the hostile-world scenario in predicting physical and mental health outcomes in older adults,2015,28,5,863-889,Shmotkin Exploring associations between perceived measures of the environment and walking among Brazilian older adults,2016,29,1,45-67,Brownson Sleep difficulty and disease in a cohort of very old women,2016,28,6,1090-1104,Byles Factors associated with injurious falls in residential care facilities,2016,29,4,669-687,Smith Performance-based impairment measures as predictors of early-stage activity limitations in community-dwelling older adults,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Terhorst Obesity and falls in a prospective study of older men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cawthon A novel exercise initiative for seniors to improve balance and physical function,2017,29,8,1424-1443,Hill Individual and neighborhood factors associated with functional mobility and falls in elderly residents of São Paulo Brazil: a multilevel analysis,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lebrao Ethnic differences in fall risk among community-dwelling older people in the Netherlands,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,El Fakiri The association between depression and traumatic brain injury in older adults: a nested matched case control study,2018,30,7,1156-1168,Bedard The nature and extent of physical restraint-related deaths in nursing homes: a systematic review,2018,30,7,1042-1061,Bugeja Relationships between neighborhood social capital and the occurrence of outdoor falls in Canadian older adults: a multilevel analysis,2018,30,7,1108-1135,Pickett Circumstances of falls with fractured femur in residents of Australian nursing homes,2018,30,5,738-757,Mackenzie The complex association between fear of falling and mobility limitation in relation to late-life falls: a share-based 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