Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Life Expectancy Death Rates Geography and Black People,2009,39,3,337-347,Kaba Using the SCL-90-R to Assess Distress in African Americans and Caucasian Americans,2009,39,3,420-433,Ayalon Scourge of Racism,2009,39,3,471-481,White Superior Self-Regulatory Skills in African American College Students,2009,40,2,337-346,Ernst Something Wicked This Way Comes,2009,40,2,347-361,Cureton The Words Have Changed but the Ideology Remains the Same: Misogynistic Lyrics in Rap Music,2006,36,6,938-957,Adams Inequality and Human Rights of African Descendants in Brazil,2004,34,6,766-786,Beato The Underutilization of Health Services in the Black Community,2010,40,5,915-931,Chandler Polygyny,2007,38,2,232-250,Cook The Interest Convergence Principle and the Integration of Major League Baseball,2010,41,2,367-384,DeLorme Living While Black,2006,37,1,83-102,Gabbidon Racial Identity Media Use and the Social Construction of Risk among African Americans,2001,31,5,600-618,Gandy An Examination of Domestic Violence in an African American Community in North Carolina,2001,31,6,790-811,Huang Black Youths and Illegal Drugs,2002,32,4,422-438,Joseph “We Make Freedom”,2001,31,4,437-461,Neville Any Four Black Men Will Do,2007,37,6,859-895,Patton Mass Media and Governmental Framing of Riots,2010,40,5,851-870,Messer The Nomenclature of Enslaved Africans as Real Property or Chattels Personal,2010,40,5,946-959,Copeland Educational Resilience Among African Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse in South Africa,2010,40,6,1234-1253,Phasha Dimensions of Oppression in the Lives of Impoverished Black Women Who Use Drugs,2010,41,1,21-39,Dunlap From Nat Turner to Molefi Kete Asante,2010,41,1,108-126,Gwekwerere Alcohol Use Abuse and Treatment in People of African Descent,2010,41,1,71-88,Sutherland Rebuilding the Park: The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on a Black Middle-Class Neighborhood,2010,41,2,385-404,Gafford Women in South Africa: Intentional Violence and HIV/AIDS: Intersections and Prevention,2005,35,4,135-154,Campbell Anatomy of a Haitian Tragedy: When the Fury of Nature Meets the Debility of the State,2011,42,2,131-157,Gros The Earthquake the Missionaries and the Future of Vodou,2011,42,2,247-263,Germain Earthquakes Nongovernmental Organizations and Governance in Haiti,2011,42,2,186-202,Pierre-Louis Haiti in the Aftermath of the Earthquake: The Politics of Catastrophe,2011,42,2,158-185,Fatton Haiti: Three Analytical Narratives of Crisis and Recovery,2011,42,2,276-287,Asante A Man-Made Disaster: The Earthquake of January 12 2010— A Haitian Perspective,2011,42,2,264-275,Bellegarde-Smith Transnationalism in the Aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake: Reinforcing Ties and Second-Generation Identity,2011,42,2,203-224,Lundy Internalized Racism’s Association With African American Male Youth’s Propensity for Violence,2011,42,4,690-707,Bryant Memory Brokers Shameful Pasts and Civil War Commemoration,2011,42,3,436-456,Holyfield Knowing What's Up and Learning What You're Not Supposed to: Hip-Hop Collegians Higher Education and the Limits of Critical Consciousness,2011,42,5,768-790,Petchauer (Re-)Dressing the KKK: Fred Shuttlesworth's Precept Hermeneutic and the Rhetoric of African American Prophetic Patriotism,2011,42,5,811-827,Holmes The Significance of Race and Geography on Legislative Behavior: Exploring the Legislative Agenda in Post-Katrina Louisiana,2011,42,5,791-810,Winburn From High School to College: The Transition Experiences of Black and White Students,2011,42,5,828-845,Pidi Zhang Slavery in the Age of Emancipation: Victims and Rebels in Brazil's Late 19th-Century Domestic Trade,2011,42,6,968-992,Butler Internalized racism's association with African American male youth's propensity for violence,2011,42,4,690-707,Bryant The legacy of fear: Is fear impacting fatal and non-fatal drowning of African American children?,2011,42,4,561-576,Irwin Examining the long-term racial disparities in health and economic conditions among Hurricane Katrina survivors: Policy implications for Gulf Coast recovery,2011,42,3,360-378,Hatcher Getting Mad But Ending Up Sad: The Mental Health Consequences for African Americans Using Anger to Cope With Racism,2011,42,7,1106-1124,Pittman Meaningful Dialogue? The Los Angeles Sentinel's Depiction of Black and Asian American Relations 1993-2000,2011,42,8,1275-1298,Thornton We fall down: The African American experience of coping with the homicide of a loved one,2011,42,6,855-873,Sharpe "It just kind of like falls in your hands": factors that influence black aunts' decisions to parent their nieces and nephews,2012,43,3,231-250,Davis-Sowers Contextual Complexity and Violent Delinquency among Black and White Males,2004,35,1,65-98,Bruce Ghosts in the Canadian multicultural machine: A tale of the absent presence of Black people,2008,38,3,374-387,Brown The relation of interracial relationships to intimate partner violence by college students,2015,46,4,384-403,Kimuna Bernard Magubane's The Making of a Racist State Revisited: 20 years on,2016,47,8,903-927,Nyoka Ubuntu and the quest for conflict resolution in Africa,2018,49,2,91-113,Akinola Is hip-hop violent? Analyzing the relationship between live music performances and violence,2018,49,3,235-255,Fearing The color of childhood: the role of the child/human binary in the production of anti-black racism,2018,49,4,307-329,Rollo Victim blaming in twitter users' framing of Eric Garner and Michael Brown,2018,49,4,383-407,Moody-Ramirez Reactions to violence among African American female survivors of intimate partner victimization,2018,49,5,502-519,Schumacher African American health and posttraumatic slave syndrome: a terror management theory account,2019,50,1,45-65,Halloran Hip-hop gangs and the criminalization of African American culture: a critical appraisal of Yes Yes Y'all,2019,50,3,298-315,Aprahamian Violent trends in hip-hop entertainment journalism:,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oredein Suicide among Black children: an integrated model of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide and intersectionality theory for researchers and clinicians,2020,51,6,611-631,Opara Drowning in inequalities: swimming and social justice,2006,36,6,894-917,Zahran "I See Death Around the Corner": Black Manhood and Vulnerability in Me Against the World,2019,50,7,632-650,Rudrow Racial Identity Profiles Among Suicidal Black Women: A Replication and Extension Study,2020,51,7,685-704,Kaslow