Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The illegitimacy of one-sided speculation: getting the defensive gun use estimate down,1997,87,4,1446-1461,Kleck Illinois v. Lidster : Continuing to carve out constitutional vehicle checkpoints,2005,95,3,839-870,Nickelsberg Confidentiality in criminological research and other ethical issues,1981,72,1,345-361,Wolfgang A call for a truce in the DGU war,1997,87,4,1462-1469,Smith Armed resistance to crime: the prevalence and nature of self-defense with a gun,1995,86,1,150-187,Kleck Capital punishment execution publicity and murder in Houston Texas,2004,94,2,351-379,Stolzenberg Legal Fictions and Criminology - the Jurisprudence of Drunk Driving,1986,77,2,358-378,Lanzakaduce 5Th-Amendment - Videotaping Drunk Drivers - Limitations on Miranda Protections - Pennsylvania V Muniz 110 S-Ct 2638 (1990),1991,81,4,883-925,Leboeuf Can Mandatory Jail Laws Deter Drunk Driving - the Arizona Case,1990,81,1,156-170,Ross Criminal homicide U.S.S.R./U.S.A.: reflections on Soviet data in a comparative framework,1973,64,1,111-117,Connor Victim Categories of Crime,1978,69,3,379-394,Singer Estimation of Individual Crime Rates From Arrest Records,1979,70,4,561-585,Cohen Foreword: Towards a Revitalization of Theory and Research on Victimization by Crime,1981,72,2,704-713,Reiss Kids Groups and Crime: Some Implications of a Well-Known Secret,1981,72,3,867-885,Zimring Punishing Youth Homicide Offenders in Philadelphia,1981,72,3,1072-1093,Eigen The "Saturday night special": an assessment of alternative definitions from a policy perspective,1981,72,4,1735-1745,Cook Homicide and the Death Penalty: A Cross-National Test of a Deterrence Hypothesis,1983,74,3,991-1013,Gartner The Deterrent Effects of the Florida Felony Firearm Law,1984,75,1,250-259,Loftin Robbery Violence,1987,78,2,357-376,Cook Stranger Homicide in Canada: A National Sample and a Psychiatric Sample,1987,78,2,398-429,Langevin A Comparison of Prison Use in England Canada West Germany and the United States: A Limited Test of the Punitive Hypothesis,1988,79,1,180-217,Lynch A Comparative Study of the Preventive Effects of Mandatory Sentencing Laws for Gun Crimes,1992,83,2,378-394,Loftin 18 u. s. c. section 924(c)(1). the court's construction of "use" and "second or subsequent conviction",1994,84,4,1006-1040,Apostolides Youth Violence Guns and the Illicit-Drug Industry,1995,86,1,10-36,Blumstein Firearms and Community Feelings of Safety,1995,86,1,121-132,Solnick Regulating Gun Markets,1995,86,1,59-92,Cook Additional discussion about easing concealed firearms laws,1995,86,1,221-226,Loftin Keeping Guns Out of the "Wrong" Hands: The Brady Law and the Limits of Regulation,1995,86,1,93-120,Jacobs 26 u. s. c. section 5861 (d) requires mens rea as to the physical characteristics of the weapon,1995,85,4,1136-1160,Lefevour Easing Concealed Firearms Laws: Effects on Homicide in Three States,1995,86,1,193-206,Loftin Gun Ownership and Gang Membership,1995,86,1,37-58,Lizotte Gun Control and Economic Discrimination: The Melting-Point Case-in-Point,1995,85,3,764-806,Funk Changes in Firearms Ownership Among Women 1980-1994,1995,86,1,133-149,Smith Preventive Detention and the Judicial Prediction of Dangerousness for Juveniles: A Natural Experiment,1996,86,2,415-448,Fagan Correction to Kleck and Gertz "Armed resistance to crime: the prevalence and nature of self-defense with a gun",1996,86,2,621,Journal Editor Defining "Use" of a Firearm: Bailey v. United States 116 S. Ct. 501 (1995),1997,87,3,842-863,Gilbert Survey Research and Self-Defense Gun Use: An Explanation of Extreme Overestimates,1997,87,4,1430-1445,Hemenway Explaining recent trends in U.S. homicide rates,1998,88,4,1175-1216,Blumstein Declining Homicide in New York City: A Tale of Two Trends,1998,88,4,1277-1324,Fagan Comprehensive Handgun Licensing and Registration: An Analysis and Critique of Brady II Gun Control's Next (And Last?) Step,1998,89,1,81-110,Jacobs Something about "carry": supreme court broadens the scope of 18 u.s.c. section 924(c),1999,89,3,973-1006,Marsella Policing Possession: The War on Crime and the End of Criminal Law,2001,91,4,829-996,Dubber Learning From the Past Living in the Present: Understanding Homicide in Chicago 1870-1930,2002,92,3/4,437-554,Bienen Firearm Deaths Gun Availability and Legal Regulatory Changes: Suggestions From the Data,2002,92,3/4,823-842,Weaver Alcohol and road traffic (book review),1964,55,1,173-174,Holcomb Firearms Evidence: Replicas of Fired Bullets,1961,51,6,666-670,Davis Identification of Shotguns by Fired Shells,1964,55,4,529-531,Rastogi Investigating Automobile Fire Causes,1958,49,3,276-279,Shifflett Justifiable Homicide by Police Officers,1963,54,2,225-231,Robin More About Public Safety V: Individual Civil-Liberties,1962,53,3,329-332,Inbau Motor Vehicular Suicides,1963,54,3,357-359,Ford Notes on Physical Evidence in Pedestrian Hit and Run Accidents,1959,50,3,302-306,Davis On Rehabilitating Chronic Traffic Offenders,1956,47,1,46-56,Larson Organized crime -- a challenge to the American legal system 2. Legal weapons and their actual and potential usefulness in law enforcement,1963,54,1,1-29,Johnson Physical Evidence in the Investigation of Traffic Accidents,1957,48,1,93-102,Smith Physical Evidence in Hit-and-Run Traffic Deaths,1959,50,1,80-85,Williams Plastic Replicas in Firearms and Tool Mark Identifications,1956,47,1,110-117,Biasotti Police Agencies and the Prevention of Racial Violence,1963,54,1,110-113,Grimshaw Public Health and Traffic Safety,1960,51,1,93-97,Moynihan Public Safety Vs Individual Liberties -- Some Facts and Theories,1962,53,2,171-193,Kamisar Public Safety Vs Individual Civil Liberties - the Prosecutors Stand,1962,53,1,85-89,Inbau Sane and Insane Homicide,1958,49,2,110-115,Gibbens The District Attorney and the Traffic Problem,1960,51,2,249-251,Clark The English Homicide Act of 1957: the Capital Punishment Issue and Various Reforms in the Law of Murder and Manslaughter,1959,49,6,521-532,Hughes The Importance of Firing Pin Impressions in the Identification of Firemarms,1963,54,3,378-380,Sharma The perception of violence as an indicator of adjustment in institutionalized offenders,1962,53,4,463-469,Shelley The traffic accident problem and the United States. [Presidents Committee for Traffic Safety],1960,51,1,90-92,No Author(s) Listed Victim Precipitated Criminal Homicide,1957,48,1,1-11,Wolfgang Why the Negro Carries Weapons,1962,53,4,476-483,Schultz Deportation and driving: felony DUI and reckless driving as crimes of violence following Leocal v. Ashcroft,2006,96,3,849-875,Davenport Arguing for an integrated approach to resolving the crisis in Darfur: the challenges of complementarity enforcement and related issues in the International Criminal Court,2008,98,3,1069-1118,Tyler Assessing the relative effects of state direct file waiver laws on violent juvenile crime: Deterrence or irrelevance?,2006,96,4,1451-1477,Steiner Atrocity punishment and international law,2008,98,2,699-707,Woody Deterrence in a sea of 'just deserts': Are utilitarian goals achievable in a world of 'limiting retributivism'?,2009,99,3,789-821,Haist Do executions lower homicide rates?: The views of leading criminologists,2009,99,2,489-508,Radelet Domestic violence and mandatory arrest laws: To what extent do they influence police arrest decisions?,2008,98,1,255-298,Hirschel Formal categorical but incomplete: the need for a new standard in evaluating prior convictions under the armed career criminal act,2008,98,4,1407-1438,Lamprecht From incitement to indictment? Prosecuting Iran's president for advocating Israel's destruction and piecing together incitement law's emerging analytical framework,2008,98,3,853-920,Gordon Grassroots death sentences? The social movement for capital child rape laws,2008,98,1,1-29,Bell Innocents convicted: An empirically justified factual wrongful conviction rate,2007,97,3,761-806,Risinger Intimacy and violence: Exploring the role of victim-defendant relationship in criminal law,2006,96,4,1417-1449,Dawson Justifying killing in self-defense,2009,99,1,235-253,Grabczynska Legal disparities in the capital of capital punishment,2009,99,3,717-755,Phillips Mens rea for sexual abuse: the case for defining the acceptable risk,2009,99,1,1-50,Johnson Nazi saboteurs on trial: A military tribunal and American law,2006,97,1,365-375,Tobias Never going home: Does it make us safer? Does it make sense? Sex offenders residency restrictions and reforming risk management law,2006,97,1,317-363,Durling 'Nigger': A critical race realist analysis of the n-word within hate crimes law,2008,98,4,1305-1352,Jones Off-court misbehavior: Sports leagues and private punishment,2009,99,3,573-597,Kim Pedophiles in wonderland: censoring the sinful in cyberspace,2008,98,4,1467-1499,Russell Playing by all the rules: How to define and provide a 'prior opportunity for cross-examination' in child sexual abuse cases after Crawford v. Washington,2007,97,2,631-664,Carr Police politics and culture in a deeply divided society,2008,98,3,1119-1146,Hasisi Pretrial and preventive detention of suspected terrorists: options and constraints under international law,2008,98,3,811-852,Cassel Protecting children from the harmful behavior of adults,2008,98,1,299-327,Shedlosky Rethinking the increased focus on penal measures in immigration law as reflected in the expansion of the 'aggravated felony' concept,2009,99,1,287-315,Podgorny State intentions and the law of punishment,2008,98,4,1353-1406,Ristroph State policy as an element of international crimes,2008,98,3,953-982,Schabas The cognitive psychology of mens rea,2009,99,2,317-379,Heller The crime of complicity in genocide: How the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and Yugoslavia got it wrong and why it matters,2008,98,3,921-952,Greenfield The felony murder rule in Illinois: The injustice of the proximate cause theory explored via research in cognitive psychology,2008,98,2,621-651,Lijtmaer The Innocence Commission: Preventing wrongful convictions and restoring the criminal justice system,2008,98,4,1501-1517,Bowman The manly sports: the problematic use of criminal law to regulate sports violence,2009,99,3,619-642,Standen The new wars and the crisis of compliance with the law of armed conflict by non-state actors,2008,98,3,711-810,Bassiouni The uneasy entente between legal insanity and mens rea: Beyond Clark v. Arizona,2007,97,4,1071-1149,Morse Using group statistics to sentence individual criminals: An ethical and statistical critique of the Virginia risk assessment program,2007,97,3,699-729,Netter Videotaping investigative interviews of children in cases of child sexual abuse: One community's approach,2006,96,4,1353-1416,Vandervort When human experimentation is criminal,2009,99,1,89-133,Richardson “I loved Joe but I had to shoot him”: Homicide by women in turn of-the-century Chicago,2002,92,3-4,867-897,Adler “Owing to the extreme youth of the accused”: The changing legal response to juvenile homicide,2002,92,3-4,641-705,Tanenhaus A “commonsense” theory of deterrence and the “ideology” of science: The New York state death penalty debate,2001,92,1-2,,Galliher Afterword to “lunatics and anarchists: Political homicide in Chicago”,2002,92,3-4,805-807,Bienen An actuarial risk assessment of violence posed by capital murder defendants,2000,90,4,1251-1270,Sorensen Beyond accommodation: Reconstructing the insanity defense to provide an adequate remedy for postpartum psychotic women,2003,93,2-3,713-752,Manchester Beyond repair? America's death penalty,2002,93,1,300-301,Ferrall Beyond repair? America's death penalty,2003,94,1,209-237,Geraghty Can gun control work?,2002,93,1,304-305,Ferrall Capital punishment for the crime of homicide in Chicago: 1870-1930,2002,92,3-4,843-866,Cheatwood Community policing and youth as assets,2004,95,1,1-48,Forman Conditional intent to kill is enough for federal carjacking conviction,2000,90,3,985-1012,Norborg Crime: Public policies for crime control,2002,93,1,289-297,Rosenfeld Crimes of the century: From Leopold and Loeb to O.J. Simpson,1999,89,3,1141-1156,Entin Dead woman walking: Executed women in England and Wales 1900-1955,2001,91,4,1153-1154,Ferrall Debating the death penalty: Should America have capital punishment? The experts from both sides make their case,2004,95,1,365-366,Ferrall Dr. Sam Sheppard on trial: The prosecutors and the Marilyn Sheppard murder,2004,94,3,825-826,Ferrall Exonerations in the United States 1989 through 2003,2005,95,2,523-555,Patil For mice or men or children? Will the expansion of the Eighth Amendment in Atkins v. Virginia force the Supreme Court to reexamine the minimum age for the death penalty?,2003,93,4,973-1008,Hughes Forecasting sexual abuse in prison: The prison subculture of masculinity as a backdrop for “deliberate indifference”,2001,92,1-2,,Man Foreword: Terrorism and utilitarianism: Lessons from and for criminal law,2002,93,1,1-22,Butler From William Henry Furman to Anthony Porter: The changing face of the death penalty debate,2005,95,2,371-380,Hall Further reflections on the guillotine,2005,95,2,625-636,Allen Gang loitering and race,2000,91,1,99-160,Rosenthal Gun violence in America: The struggle for control,2001,92,1-2,430-431,Ferrall Guns and violence: The English experience,2002,93,1,305-306,Ferrall Guns crimes and punishment in America,2004,94,2,497-499,Ferrall Homicide in New York Los Angeles and Chicago,2002,92,3-4,809-822,Monkkonen Homicides among Chicago families: 1870-1930,2002,92,3-4,899-916,Chilton Illinois death penalty reform: How it happened what it promises,2005,95,2,381-426,Warden Illusion of order: The false promise of broken windows policing,2001,92,1-2,432,Ferrall Juvenile crime juvenile justice - Panel on juvenile crime: Prevention treatment and control,2001,91,4,1154-1155,Ferrall Kansas Charley: The story of a 19th century boy murderer,2003,94,1,209-237,Geraghty Learning lessons from India: The recent history of antiterrorist legislation on the subcontinent,2004,95,1,315-343,Mohapatra Life terms or death sentences: The uneasy relationship between judicial elections and capital punishment,2002,92,3-4,609-639,Brooks Louisiana's newest capital crime: The death penalty for child rape,1999,89,2,717-750,Fleming Lunatics and anarchists: Political homicide in Chicago,2002,92,3-4,791-804,Burke Mitigating the dangers of capital convictions based on eyewitness testimony through treason's two-witness rule,2001,91,3,761-790,Jain Murder and the reasonable man: Passion and fear in the criminal courtroom,2003,93,4,1095-1096,Ferrall Murdering holiness: The trials of Franz Creffield and George Mitchell,2004,95,1,367-368,Ferrall No means no?: Withdrawal of consent during intercourse and the continuing evolution of the definition of rape,2004,95,1,277-314,Lyon On equality bias crimes and just deserts,2000,91,1,237-267,Simons One of the guys: Girls gangs and gender,2002,93,1,302-303,Ferrall Protecting the innocent: The Massachusetts Governor's Council Report,2005,95,2,561-585,Hoffmann Recognizing and remedying the harm of battering: A call to criminalize domestic violence,2004,94,4,959-1031,Tuerkheimer Report of the governor's commission on capital punishment,2003,94,1,209-237,Geraghty Responding to child homicide: A statutory proposal,1999,89,2,535-613,Phipps Securing our children's future: New approaches to juvenile justice and youth violence,2004,94,2,481-496,Geraghty Shafer v. South Carolina: Another missed opportunity to remove juror ignorance as a factor in capital sentencing,2002,93,1,23-74,Baarsma Stogner v. California: A collision between the ex post facto clause and California's interest in protecting child sex abuse victims,2004,94,3,723-760,Jen Supporting the snakeheads: Human smuggling from China and the 1996 Amendment to the US Statutory Definition of “Refugee”,2000,90,4,1271-1316,Kung The contradictions of American capital punishment,2003,94,1,209-237,Geraghty The crime drop in America,2000,91,1,269-305,Lafree The death penalty: An American history,2002,93,1,299-300,Ferrall The decline of the juvenile death penalty: Scientific evidence of evolving norms,2005,95,2,427-497,Fagan The hidden war: Crime and the tragedy of public housing in Chicago,2001,91,2,537-545,Taylor The modern death penalty. A legal research guide,2001,91,4,1155,Ferrall The myth of innocence,2005,95,2,501-521,Marquis The seduction of innocence: The attraction and limitations of the focus on innocence in capital punishment law and advocacy,2005,95,2,587-624,Steiker The wrong man: The final verdict on the Dr. Sam Sheppard murder case,2001,92,1-2,434-435,Ferrall Throwing away the key on society's youngest sex offenders,2001,91,4,1127-1152,Turoff Train wrecks and freeway crashes: An argument for fairness and against self representation in the criminal justice system,2000,91,1,161-235,Sabelli Ultimate punishment: A lawyer's reflections on dealing with the death penalty,2005,95,2,637-648,Devine Understanding infanticide in context: Mothers who kill 1870-1930 and today,2002,92,3-4,707-737,Oberman Unequal justice: The Supreme Court's failure to curtail selective prosecution for the death penalty,2003,93,4,1009-1031,Larson US domestic prosecution of the American international sex tourist: Efforts to protect children from sexual exploitation,2004,94,2,415-453,Andrews Wife murder in Chicago: 1910-1930,2002,92,3-4,739-790,Bowman A Bayesian analysis of the Colorado Springs spouse abuse experiment,1992,83,1,170-200,Berk A big mistake: Eroding the defense of mistake of fact about consent in rape,1996,86,3,815-860,Cavallaro A contemporary look at the effects of rape law reform - how far have we really come,1993,84,3,554-574,Bachman A tribute to a view I have opposed,1995,86,1,188-192,Wolfgang A woman scorned: Acquaintance rape on trial,1997,87,3,1066-1067,Smith Abolish the juvenile court: Youthfulness criminal responsibility and sentencing policy,1997,88,1,68-136,Feld Abolition and reinstatement of capital punishment during the progressive era and early 20th Century,1992,83,3,538-576,Cook Additional discussion about easing concealed firearms laws – Reply,1995,86,1,227-230,Polsby Alcohol and homicide in the United States 1934-1995 - Or one reason why US rates of violence may be going down,1998,88,4,1369-1398,Parker Are there multiple paths to delinquency?,1991,82,1,83-118,Huizinga Are you now or have you ever been a sociologist?,1991,82,1,141-155,Krisberg Book Review: 'Devices and desires'; a novel by PD James,1991,81,4,1106-1109,Smith Book review: 'Lethal laws' - SimkinJ,1995,86,1,247-256,Kates Book Review: 'Point blank: Guns and violence in America' - G. Kleck 1992,1992,82,4,1187-1189,Kessler Book Review: 'Serial murder: an elusive phenomenon' - EggerS,1991,81,4,1102-1105,Heide Book Review: 'The Martinsville Seven race rape and capital punishment' - RiseEW,1996,86,4,1571-1583,HoldenSmith Book review: 'To keep and bear arms the origins of an Anglo-American right' - MalcolmJL,1995,86,1,231-246,Rabkin Book Review: 'Violence: patterns causes public policy' - N Weiner M Zahn and R Sagi,1990,81,3,723-725,Kessler Capital confusion: the effect of jury instructions on the decision to impose death,1994,85,2,532-561,Cho Contemporary police practices in domestic violence cases – arresting the abuser. Is it enough?,1992,83,1,241-249,Mitchell Criminal behavior and age: A test of three provocative hypotheses,1997,88,1,309-342,Grasmick Criminal defendants with psychiatric impairment: Prevalence probabilities and rates,1993,84,2,352-376,Steury Declining crime rates: Insiders' views of the New York City story,1998,88,4,1217-1231,Kelling Determinants of judicial waiver decisions for violent juvenile offenders,1990,81,2,314-347,Fagan Deterrence and the death penalty: The views of the experts,1996,87,1,1-16,Radelet Effective law enforcement techniques for reducing crime,1998,88,4,1475-1487,Gallo Eighth Amendment: The constitutionality of the Alabama capital sentencing scheme,1996,86,4,1411-1437,Garvey Female gang participation: The role of African-American women in the informal drug economy and gang activities,1998,88,2,767-768,Smith Female spouse abuse and the police response: The Charlotte North Carolina experiment,1992,83,1,73-119,Hutchison Gender crime and the criminal law defenses,1994,85,1,80-189,Denno How reasonable is the reasonable man: Police and excessive force,1994,85,2,481-501,Alpert I have lived in the monster,1998,88,2,770,Smith Initiation escalation and desistance in juvenile offending and their correlates,1991,82,1,36-82,Farrington Just say no excuse: The rise and fall of the intoxication defense,1997,87,2,482-520,Keiter Justice by geography: Urban suburban and rural variations in juvenile justice administration,1991,82,1,156-210,Feld Lawyers guns and money: What price justice?,1998,88,3,1087-1120,Terry 'Mental illness': A sexually violent predator is punished twice for one crime,1998,88,3,985-1014,Rollman Moral appropriateness capital punishment and the Lockett doctrine,1991,82,2,283-333,Bilionis More than victims: Battered women the syndrome society and the law,1997,87,3,1066,Smith Our guys: The Glen Ridge rape and the secret life of the perfect suburb,1998,88,2,767,Smith Police plus perjury equals polygraphy,1996,86,3,693-716,Dripps Punishment and the wild beast of prey: The problem of preventive detention,1996,86,3,778-814,Corrado Requiring battered women die: Murder liability for mothers under failure to protect statutes,1998,88,2,579-660,Jacobs Research that succeeds policies that fail,1992,83,1,209-216,Frisch Sentenced to death: The American novel and capital punishment,1998,88,2,769,Smith Shadow play: The murder of Robert F. Kennedy the trial of Sirhan Sirhan and the failure of American justice,1998,88,2,768,Smith Should courts instruct juries as to the consequences to a defendant of a not guilty by reason of insanity verdict,1995,85,4,1062-1083,Ellias Suppressing domestic violence with law reforms,1992,83,1,250-253,Polsby The 8th Amendment: The death penalty and the mentally retarded criminal – fairness culpability and death,1990,80,4,1211-1235,Chan The arrest experiments: a feminist critique,1992,83,1,201-208,Bowman The criminal law of misdemeanor domestic violence 1970-1990,1992,83,1,46-72,Zorza The cycle of crime and socialization practices,1991,82,1,210-228,McCord The death penalty as cruel treatment and torture,1997,87,3,1067,Smith The decontextualization of domestic violence,1992,83,1,217-240,Lerman The impact of rape law reform on the processing of simple and aggravated rape cases,1996,86,3,861-884,Spohn The improbable transformation of inner-city neighborhoods: Crime violence drugs and youth in the 1990s,1998,88,4,1233-1276,Curtis The influence of the Garner decision on police use of deadly force,1994,85,1,241-260,Tennenbaum The lives and times of Bonnie and Clyde,1997,87,3,1069,Smith The measurement of recidivism in cases of spouse assault,1992,83,1,120-136,Dunford The proportionality review of capital case by state high courts after Gregg: Only 'the appearance of justice'?,1996,87,1,130-314,Bienen The tough-on-crime myth: Real solutions to cut crime,1997,87,3,1067,Smith The use of the necessity defense by abortion clinic protesters,1990,81,3,677-712,Boxerman The variable effects of arrest on criminal careers: The Milwaukee domestic violence experiment,1992,83,1,137-169,Sherman The whole truth: Restoring reality to children's narrative in long-term incest cases,1997,87,4,1385-1429,Feiner Thinking about cohorts,1991,82,1,119-124,Wilson Toward a consistent recognition of the forbidden inference: The Illinois rape shield statute,1992,83,2,395-436,Ellis Turning girls into women: Reevaluating modern statutory rape law,1994,85,1,15-77,Oberman Understanding the time path of crime,1998,88,4,1423-1451,Donohue Volunteerism and the decline of violent crime,1998,88,4,1453-1474,Friedman When heterosexual men kill homosexual men: reflections on provocation law sexual advances and the reasonable man standard,1995,85,3,726-763,Dressler Which homicides decreased? Why?,1998,88,4,1489-1496,Maltz The Collapse of the Harm Principle,1999,90,1,109-194,Harcourt "Offending women": A double entendre,2010,100,3,1061-1097,Belknap Docile Bodies? Chemical Restraints and the Female Inmate,2000,90,2,599-634,Auerhahn After Crawford Double-Speak: "Testimony" Does Not Mean Testimony and "Witness" Does Not Mean Witness,2006,97,1,147-217,Ross Religious perspectives on assisted suicide,1998,88,3,1147-1154,Traina The politics of policing: ensuring stakeholder collaboration in the federal reform of local law enforcement agencies,2008,98,2,489-546,Simmons A Transatlantic Perspective on the Compensation of Crime Victims in the United States,1994,85,2,333-401,Greer Criminal Sanctions for Corporate Illegality,1978,69,1,40-58,Yoder Rape in the Criminal Justice System,1997,87,4,1194-1384,Bryden Sources of Data for Victimology,1981,72,2,789-817,Biderman Firearms costs firearms benefits and the limits of knowledge,1995,86,1,207-220,Polsby Declining homicide in New York City: A tale of two trends,1998,88,4,1277-1323,Fagan Reflections on firearms and the criminal law,1995,86,1,1-9,Zimring The scale of imprisonment in the United States: Twentieth century patterns and twenty-first century prospects,2010,100,3,1225-1245,Zimring Personal violence by strangers: an extension and test of the opportunity model and predatory victimization,1987,78,2,327-356,Sampson Bayesian Analysis of the Colorado Springs Spouse Abuse Experiment,1992,83,1,170-200,Berk Victim-Offender Dynamics in Violent Crime,1981,72,2,743-761,Block Homicide in Chicago: A Nine-Year Study (1965-1973),1975,66,4,496-510,Block On the Racial Disproportionality of United States' Prison Populations,1982,73,,1259-1281,Blumstein Delinquency Opportunity and Gender,1979,70,,145-151,Cernkovich Chronic Offenders: The Missing Cases in Self-Report Delinquency Research,1985,76,3,705-732,Cernkovich The responsible gun ownership ordinance and novel textual questions about the Second Amendment,2012,102,2,471-496,McGovern Walking firearms to gunrunners: ATF's flawed operation in a flawed system,2013,103,2,585-624,Krantz The posse comitatus and the Office of Sheriff: armed citizens summoned to the aid of law enforcement,2015,104,4,761-850,Kopel Of vice and men: a new approach to eradicating sex trafficking by reducing male demand through educational programs and abolitionist legislation,2008,98,2,653-686,Yen Sex trafficking and the sex industry: the need for evidence-based theory and legislation,2011,101,4,1337-1369,Weitzer Correctional education can make a greater impact on recidivism by supporting adult inmates with learning disabilities,2015,105,1,,Koo Swift Certain and Fair Punishment: 24/7 Sobriety and Hope: Creative Approaches to Alcohol- and Illicit Drug-Using Offenders,2015,105,1,,Larkin Reasonable Doubt and Moral Elements,2015,105,1,,Lee The sound of silence: evidentiary analyses of precustodial silence in light of Salinas v. Texas,2015,105,1,,Mansour Transforming piecemeal social engineering into "grand" crime prevention policy: toward a new criminology of social control,2015,105,1,,Newman Criminals get all the rights: the sociolegal construction of different rights to die,2015,105,1,,Martin Rountree Technology and the guilty mind: when do technology providers become criminal accomplices,2015,105,1,,Martin Reasonable doubt and moral elements,2015,105,1,1-37,Lee Some sources of crime guns in Chicago: dirty dealers straw purchasers and traffickers,2015,104,4,717-760,Cook Missing the mark: gun control is not the cure for what ails the U.S. mental health system,2015,104,4,851-878,Wolf The current and future state of gun policy in the United States,2015,104,4,879-904,Vizzard Accentuating the positive or eliminating the negative? 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