Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bioterrorism risk communication policy,2003,8,Suppl 1,146-7; discussion 148-51,Sandman A functional perspective on social marketing: insights from Israel's bicycle helmet campaign,1997,2,3,145-156,Ressler Crisis and emergency risk communication as an integrative model,2005,10,1,43-55,Reynolds Messages from teens on the big screen: smoking drinking and drug use in teen-centered films,2005,10,4,331-346,Stern Alcohol advertising: what makes it attractive to youth?,2005,10,6,553-565,Grube Age analysis of newspaper coverage of mental illness,2007,12,1,3-15,Corrigan Alcohol advertising exposure and perceptions: links with alcohol expectancies and intentions to drink or drinking in underaged youth and young adults,2004,9,1,3-29,Atkin Messages from moms: Barriers to and facilitators of behavior change in a lead poisoning preventive education project,2007,12,8,771-786,Jordan Sensation seeking and alcohol use by college students: Examining multiple pathways of effects,2006,11,3,269-280,Yanovitzky Media influence on alcohol-control policy support in the U.S. Adult population: the intervening role of issue concern and risk judgments,2009,14,3,262-275,Slater Trust influences response to public health messages during a bioterrorist event,2007,12,3,217-232,Ryan Defining moments in risk communication research: 1996-2005,2006,11,1,75-91,McComas Disaster communication on the internet: a focus on mobilizing information,2009,14,8,741-755,Friedman Mass media public health and achieving health literacy,2003,8,Suppl 1,124-125,Payne Leave no one behind: improving health and risk communication through attention to literacy,2003,8,Suppl 1,104-115,Hyde Sociodemographic behavioral and cognitive predictors of alcohol-impaired driving in a sample of U.S. College students,2010,15,2,218-232,Lawson Influence of a nationwide social marketing campaign on adolescent drug use,2010,15,3,240-271,Scheier Theory-based approaches to understanding public emergency preparedness: implications for effective health and risk communication,2010,15,4,428-444,Barge The depiction of illness and related matters in two top-ranked primetime network medical dramas in the United States: a content analysis,2010,15,5,555-570,Ye Recommendations to improve health risk communication: lessons learned from the U.S. Public Health Service,1996,1,2,197-217,Tinker Public meetings about suspected cancer clusters: the impact of voice interactional justice and risk perception on attendees' attitudes in six communities,2007,12,6,527-549,McComas The influence of famous athletes on health beliefs and practices: Mark McGwire child abuse prevention and Androstenedione,2003,8,1,41-57,Brown Preventing domestic violence in the African American community: Assessing the impact of a dramatic radio serial,2004,9,1,31-52,Wray Reductions in drinking and alcohol-related harms reported by first-year college students taking an online alcohol education course: a randomized trial,2010,15,7,805-819,Lovecchio The effects of sensation seeking misperceptions of peer consumption and believability of social norms messages on alcohol consumption,2010,15,8,825-839,Atkin Emotionally disturbed children's reactions to violent media segments,1997,2,3,157-168,Grimes The reporting of crime and violence in the Los Angeles Times: is there a public health perspective?,2001,6,2,169-82; discussion 189-92,Rodgers Communicating health information to an alarmed public facing a threat such as a bioterrorist attack,2004,9,1,67-75,Bates The effects of news stories that put crime and violence into context: testing the public health model of reporting,2002,7,5,401-425,Thorson Optimistic bias and perceptions of bioterrorism in Michigan corporate spokespersons fall 2001,2003,8,Suppl 1,130-143,Salmon Communication monitoring: shaping CDC's emergency risk communication efforts,2003,8,Suppl 1,35-49; discussion 148-51,Prue Uncertain science and certain deadlines: CDC responses to the media during the anthrax attacks of 2001,2003,8,Suppl 1,17-34; discussion 148-51,Robinson The anthrax attacks in New York City: the "Giuliani press conference model" and other communication strategies that helped,2003,8,Suppl 1,15-16,Mullin The reification of irrelevancy: a comment on "The reification of normalcy",1999,4,3,227-231,Murray The reification of normalcy,1999,4,3,211-226,Grimes Individual Differences in Motivational Activation Influence Responses to Pictures of Taboo Products,2011,16,10,1072-1087,Lang Predicting risk behaviors: development and validation of a diagnostic scale,1996,1,4,317-341,Witte Who's Afraid of Noncommunicable Diseases? Raising Awareness of the Effects of Noncommunicable Diseases on Global Health,2011,16,Suppl 2,82-93,Stuckler Communicating alcohol narratives: Creating a healthier relationship with alcohol,2011,16,Suppl 2,27-36,Jarl The development of building wellness™ a youth health literacy program,2011,16,Suppl 3,103-118,Diamond Predicting the potential for risky behavior among those "too young" to drink as the result of appealing advertising,2000,5,1,13-27,Austin Cognitive and Emotional Health Risk Perceptions Among People Living in Poverty,2012,17,3,303-318,Freimuth Efficacy of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Messages in the Florida Winds of Change Campaign,2011,17,4,413-431,Evans Assessing prosocial message effectiveness: effects of message quality production quality and persuasiveness,1999,4,3,195-210,Fujioka Power distance and collectivist/individualist strategies in alcohol warnings: effects by gender and ethnicity,1999,4,4,295-310,Perea A case against "binge" as the term of choice: convincing college students to personalize messages about dangerous drinking,2003,8,1,79-91,Stewart Communication during public health emergencies,2003,8,Suppl 1,144-145,Koplan How the CDC is meeting the training demands of emergency risk communication,2003,8,Suppl 1,128-129,Courtney Surviving a public health crisis: tips for communicators,2003,8,Suppl 1,126-127,Golan Public perceptions of information sources concerning bioterrorism before and after anthrax attacks: an analysis of national survey data,2003,8,Suppl 1,93-103; discussion 148-51,Pollard Using opinion surveys to track the public's response to a bioterrorist attack,2003,8,Suppl 1,83-92; discussion 148-51,Blendon Communicating anthrax in 2001: a comparison of CDC information and print media accounts,2003,8,Suppl 1,50-82; discussion 148-51,Mebane Communication lessons learned in the Emergency Operations Center during CDC's anthrax response: a commentary,2003,8,Suppl 1,11-12,Vanderford Electronic journal publishing in the age of bioterrorism: how fast is fast?,2003,8,Suppl 1,9-10,Potter Best practices in public health risk and crisis communication,2003,8,Suppl 1,5-8; discussion 148-51,Covello U.S. Tabloid Magazine Coverage of a Celebrity Dating Abuse Incident: Rihanna and Chris Brown,2012,17,6,733-744,Baughman Role of Transportation in the Persuasion Process: Cognitive and Affective Responses to Antidrug Narratives,2012,17,5,564-581,Greene Emergency Health Risk Communication During the 2007 San Diego Wildfires: Comprehension Compliance and Recall,2012,17,6,698-712,Sugerman Going beyond exposure to local news media: an information-processing examination of public perceptions of food safety,2006,11,8,789-806,Fleming Health promotion messages in entertainment media: crime drama viewership and intentions to intervene in a sexual assault situation,2013,18,1,105-123,Lei Understanding the effectiveness of the entertainment-education strategy: an investigation of how audience involvement message processing and message design influence health information recall,2013,18,2,160-178,Quick Portrayals of teen smoking drinking and drug use in recent popular movies,2013,18,2,179-191,Stern Underage drinkers' responses to negative-restrictive versus proactive-nonrestrictive slogans in humorous anti-alcohol abuse messages: are humorous responsible drinking campaign messages effective?,2013,18,3,354-368,Lee Injunctive peer misperceptions and the mediation of self-approval on risk for driving after drinking among college students,2013,18,4,459-477,LaBrie The conceptualization and communication of risk among rural appalachian adolescents,2013,18,6,668-685,Moreland The effectiveness of different approaches to media literacy in modifying adolescents' responses to alcohol,2013,18,6,723-739,Chen A panel study of peer norms and adolescent alcohol consumption: developing strategies for communication interventions,2013,18,8,913-930,Beaudoin Threading the needle in health-risk communication: Increasing vulnerability salience while promoting self-worth,2013,18,11,1279-1292,Gerrard Effects of an online alcohol education course among college freshmen: An investigation of potential mediators,2014,19,4,392-412,Ringwalt Examining how presumed media influence affects social norms and adolescents' attitudes and drinking behavior intentions in rural Thailand,2014,19,3,282-302,Detenber Injury news coverage relative concern and support for alcohol-control policies: an impersonal impact explanation,2014,20,1,51-59,Slater When Bad Things Happen to Bad People: Using Disposition Theory to Explore the Effects of Cautionary Tales,2014,20,3,266-274,Marett Patterns of media use and alcohol brand consumption among underage drinking youth in the United States,2015,20,3,314-320,Jernigan An applied test of the social learning theory of deviance to college alcohol use,2015,20,4,479-490,Rice Unwarranted optimism in media portrayals of genetic research on addiction overshadows critical ethical and social concerns,2015,20,5,555-565,Ostergren Subjective reality: the influence of perceived and objective conversational valence on binge drinking determinants,2015,20,7,859-866,de Bruijn The glass is half full: evidence for efficacy of Alcohol-Wise at one university but not the other,2015,20,6,627-638,Reyna Changing gender norms and reducing HIV and violence risk among workers and students in China,2015,20,8,869-878,Pulerwitz Outrage factors in government press releases of food risk and their influence on news media coverage,2015,20,8,879-887,You Effects of numerical versus foreground-only icon displays on understanding of risk magnitudes,2015,20,10,1230-1241,Stone Setting the stage for social change: using live theater to dispel myths about intimate partner violence,2015,20,8,969-976,Scharrer Qualitatively assessing the experiences of college students completing AlcoholEdu: do participants report altering behavior after intervention?,2015,21,3,267-275,Barry Effects of issue involvement and framing of a responsible drinking message on attitudes intentions and behavior,2015,20,8,989-994,de Bruijn Sexuality education websites for adolescents: a framework-based content analysis,2015,20,11,1310-1319,Lin Coverage of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the New York Times 1950-2012,2015,21,2,240-248,Houston Understanding health information seeking: a test of the risk perception attitude framework,2015,20,12,1406-1414,Bell Community perspectives on communication strategies for alcohol abuse prevention in rural central Kenya,2015,21,3,309-317,Muturi Law & Order CSI and NCIS: the association between exposure to crime drama franchises rape myth acceptance and sexual consent negotiation among college students,2015,20,12,1369-1381,Lei "Let's get this party started!": an analysis of health risk behavior on MTV reality television shows,2015,20,12,1382-1390,Flynn Do sexual assault bystander interventions change men's intentions? Applying the theory of normative social behavior to predicting bystander outcomes,2015,21,3,276-292,Turner "It was my fault": bullied students' causal and controllable attributions in bullying blogs,2016,21,4,408-414,Emmers-Sommer College students' drinking and posting about alcohol: forwarding a model of motivations behaviors and consequences,2016,21,6,688-695,Romo A qualitative comparison of susceptibility and behavior in recreational and occupational risk environments: implications for promoting health and safety,2016,21,6,705-713,Mattson Online and offline conversations about alcohol: comparing the effects of familiar and unfamiliar discussion partners,2016,21,7,734-742,de Bruijn Predicting intention to take protective measures during haze: the roles of efficacy threat media trust and affective attitude,2016,21,7,790-799,Bautista Narrative exemplars and the celebrity spokesperson in Lebanese anti-domestic violence public service announcements,2016,21,8,935-943,Shafer Tapping into motivations for drinking among youth: normative beliefs about alcohol use among underage drinkers in the United States,2016,21,10,1079-1087,Jernigan Postdischarge falls and readmissions: associations with insufficient vision and low health literacy among hospitalized seniors,2016,21,Suppl 2,135-140,Arora When bad things happen to a protagonist like you: the role of self in resistance to negatively framed health narratives,2016,21,12,1227-1235,Shapiro Evaluation of a social norms approach to a suicide prevention campaign,2017,22,2,135-142,Silk Placement and format of risk information on direct-to-consumer prescription drug websites,2017,22,2,171-181,Aikin Which type of risk information to use for whom? Moderating role of outcome-relevant involvement in the effects of statistical and exemplified risk information on risk perceptions,2017,22,4,304-311,Jeong Differences in the portrayal of health risk behaviors by black and white characters in popular films,2017,22,6,451-458,Hennessy A systematic review of literature on effectiveness of training in emergency risk communication,2017,22,7,612-629,Todd Self-determination theory and risk behavior in a collectivistic society: preventing reckless driving in urban Nepal,2017,22,8,672-681,Snyder The entertainment-education strategy in sexual assault prevention: a comparison of theoretical foundations and a test of effectiveness in a college campus setting,2017,22,9,721-731,Lei "I believe what i see": college students' use of media issue engagement and perceived responsibility regarding campus sexual assault,2017,22,9,772-782,Li Efficacy for dealing with terrorism precautionary behavior: laying the groundwork for communication effectiveness,2017,22,10,829-838,Wirtz Sports celebrities and public health: Diego Maradona's influence on drug use prevention,2010,15,4,358-373,Brown TV social media and college students' binge drinking intentions: moderated mediation models,2018,23,1,61-71,Yang How message fatigue toward health messages leads to ineffective persuasive outcomes: examining the mediating roles of reactance and inattention,2018,23,1,109-116,So Is it more feeling or thinking? The influence of affective and cognitive attitude on adolescents' intention to engage in binge drinking,2018,23,5,430-434,van den Putte A schema of denial: the influence of rape myth acceptance on beliefs attitudes and processing of affirmative consent campaign messages,2018,23,6,505-513,Hovick Disaster communication posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth following Hurricane Matthew,2019,24,1,65-74,Houston Emerging adults' discussion of substance use and sexual behavior with providers,2019,24,2,121-128,Anderson Viewers' perceptions of objectified images of women in alcohol advertisements and their intentions to intervene in alcohol-facilitated sexual assault situations,2019,24,3,328-338,Rodgers Adolescents' sex-related alcohol expectancies and alcohol advertisements in magazines: the role of wishful identification realism and beliefs about women's enjoyment of sexualization,2019,24,4,395-404,Rodgers Explicit voluntary and conscious: assessment of the importance of adopting an affirmative consent definition for sexual assault prevention programming on college campuses,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ortiz Direct verbal communication by parents pressure related to sport achievement and concussion safety in youth football,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rivara Is involvement a good thing? The undesirable consequences of topical and conversational involvement in the context of alcohol consumption,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hendriks Understanding pediatric residents' communication decisions regarding anticipatory guidance about firearms,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lichenstein When social media images and messages don't match: attention to text versus imagery to effectively convey safety information on social media,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manganello Tailoring temporal message frames to individuals' time orientation strengthens the relationship between risk perception and behavioral intention,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,So Preliminary insights from a U.S. probability sample on adolescents' pornography exposure media psychology and sexual aggression,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paul The influence of video-modeled sexual assault disclosure and self-efficacy messages on sexual assault disclosure efficacy of adolescent girls,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rasmussen Communication about suicide perceived social support and suicidal intention in Korean adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shin A year of child injury prevention on Instagram,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manganello A meta-analysis of media consumption and rape myth acceptance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hedrick Beyond depth and breadth: taking "types" of health information sought into consideration with cluster analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,So Pornography and women's experience of mixed-gender sexual choking/strangulation: eroticization mediates perceived similarity moderates,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wright Examining the effects of celebrity (vs. noncelebrity) narratives on opioid addiction prevention: identification transportation and the moderating role of personal relevance,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baker Yet again conversations matter: the importance of interpersonal discussions educational campaigns and advertising on cannabis-related risk perceptions attitudes and intentions in at-risk young adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Padon Social media communication about sexual violence may backfire: online experiment with young men,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nicolla Development of a web-based alcohol prevention program linking school-child-family for intermediate elementary students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Exploring the association between suicide prevention public service announcements and user comments on YouTube: a computational text analysis approach,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krishnan Explaining college men's rape myth acceptance: the role of sports media masculine norms and fraternity membership,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rodgers A mobile health information behavior model: theoretical development and mixed-method testing in the context of mobile apps on child poisoning prevention,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stehr The role of media in addressing opioid use disorder: examining causal attributions and emotions as mediators of media influence on stigma and policy support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Adolescents' drinking behavior off- and online: disentangling exposure effects and selective exposure in networked communication structures,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friemel How do gain-loss frames and cultural arguments persuade? Designing effective messages to weaken college students' binge-drinking intentions,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hong