Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Official Labeling Criminal Embeddedness and Subsequent Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of Labeling Theory,2006,43,1,67-88,Bernburg Are Violent Delinquents Worth Treating? A Cost-Benefit Analysis,2006,43,2,148-168,Caldwell Violent Victimization and Women's Mental and Physical Health: Evidence from a National Sample,2005,42,4,384-411,Kaukinen The Timing of Property Crime Violent Crime and Substance Use among Juveniles,2005,42,1,110-120,Gottfredson School Climate Predictors of School Disorder: Results from a National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools,2005,42,4,412-444,Gottfredson Pubertal Development and Physical Victimization in Adolescence,2006,43,1,3-35,Piquero Differential Pathways to Violence and Self-Injurious Behavior: African American and White Girls in the Juvenile Justice System,2005,42,2,211-242,Holsinger Systematic measurement error with state-level crime data: evidence from the "More guns less crime" debate,2005,42,2,187-210,Martin Are U.S. Crime Rate Trends Historically Contingent?,2005,42,4,359-383,Loftin Violent Lives: A Lifestyle Model Linking Exposure to Violence to Juvenile Violent Offending,2005,42,1,3-26,Nofziger Can Control Theory Explain the Link Between Parental Physical Abuse and Delinquency? A Longitudinal Analysis,2005,42,3,247-274,Van Gundy Traveling to Violence: The Case for a Mobility-Based Spatial Typology of Homicide,2005,42,3,275-308,Tita Discovering the Impact of Community Policing: The Broken Windows Thesis Collective Efficacy and Citizens' Judgment,2005,42,2,147-186,Xu Carrying guns for protection: results from the National Self-Defense Survey,1998,35,2,193-224,Kleck Rehabilitative Sanctions for Drunk Driving - An Experimental Evaluation,1983,20,1,55-72,Holden Drinking and Driving Self-Control and Gender - Testing A General-Theory of Crime,1993,30,1,30-46,Keane An application of Stafford and Warr's reconceptualization of deterrence to drinking and driving,1998,35,1,3-39,Piquero Socio-Economic Status and Delinquent Behavior: A Retest,1964,1,1,38-46,Akers New Prediction and Classification Methods in Criminology,1964,1,1,19-32,Wilkins Personality Dimensions in Delinquent Males as Inferred from the Factor Analysis of Behavior Ratings,1964,1,1,33-37,Quay Sources of variation in u. s. city crime 1950 and 1960,1964,1,2,127-148,Schuessler Crime Delinqueney and Social Areas,1964,1,2,149-154,Quinney Delinquency Proneness of Urban and Rural Youth,1965,2,1,32-44,Feldhusen A Comparison of Two Delinquency Predicting Instruments,1965,2,1,45-48,Bothman Developmental Stage Delinquency and Differential Treatment,1965,2,1,20-31,Hunt A Conflict and Learning Theory Analysis of Psychopathic Behavior,1965,2,1,12-19,Hare The Extent of Recidivism among Juvenile Delinquents in a Metropolitan Area,1965,2,2,77-84,Simpson Urbanization and Male Delinquency in Ghana,1965,2,2,85-94,Weinberg Problems of Causal Analysis in Criminology: A Case Illustration,1966,3,1,47-52,Gibbons Adolescence Commitment and Delinquency,1966,3,2,82-96,Polk Delinquent Generations in New Zealand,1966,3,2,140-146,Darwin Delinquent Gangs in Cross-Cultural Perspective: the Case of Cordoba,1967,4,1,132-141,Defleur Dimensions of Current Gang Delinquency,1967,4,1,119-131,Gannon Groups Gangs and Cohesiveness,1967,4,1,63-75,Klein Delinquency Theory and Recent Research,1967,4,1,28-42,Empey Juvenile Gangs in Paris: Toward a Structural Analysis,1967,4,1,142-165,Monod A Cost Approach to the Assessment of Gang Rehabilitation Techniques,1967,4,1,166-182,Adams An Effort to Identify Assault-Prone Offenders,1968,5,1,66-71,Sarbin Comparison of Multiple Regression and Configural Analysis Techniques for Developing Base Expectancy Tables,1968,5,1,72-80,Gottfredson Arrests of Self and Friends as Indicators of Delinquency Involvement,1968,5,1,44-51,Hardt Scaling Juvenile Delinquency,1968,5,1,52-65,Shannon Personality Attributes of the Criminal: An Analysis of Research Studies 1950-65,1967,4,2,185-202,Waldo School Identification and Delinquency Proneness,1967,4,2,231-242,Waldo Some Cognitive Dimensions of Interpersonal Behavior in Adolescent Delinquent Boys,1967,4,2,243-247,Shore Sound an Alarm: The Problem of Bias,1968,5,2,115-121,Smith Negro-White Differentials and Delinquency,1968,5,2,122-133,Stephenson The resolution of binocular rivalry among assaultive and nonassaultive youthful offenders,1968,5,2,134-147,Sarbin Deterrence and Marginal Groups,1968,5,2,100-114,Zimring Relative Occupational Anticipations and Aspirations of Delinquents and Nondelinquents,1969,6,1,1-7,Fredericks The Response of Adults to Delinquency Prevention Programs: The Race Factor,1970,7,1,31-45,Hackler Delinquent Subcultures in Neighborhood Settings: A Social System Perspective,1970,7,1,46-57,Alissi An Experimental Program for the Psychopathic Delinquent: Looking in the "Correctional Wastebasket",1970,7,1,24-30,Quay A Descriptive Personality Study of Delinquency-prone Adolescents,1970,7,1,11-23,Baker The ''Religious Factor" and Delinquent Behavior,1970,7,1,83-98,Reiss Police Perception of Riot Activity,1970,7,2,120-156,Kitch On Quantitative Approaches to Urban Police Patrol Problems,1970,7,2,157-166,Larson A Climatological Model for Forecasting the Demand for Police Service,1970,7,2,167-176,Heller The legality of killings by Australian police,1970,7,2,177-187,Harding Armed and Disarmed Police: Police Firearms Policy and Levels of Violence,1970,7,2,188-197,Ward Personality Factors in Delinquent Boys: Differences Between Blacks and Whites,1971,8,1,10-22,Cross The Conception of Criminality Illustrated by a Stochastic Process Model for Deviant Behavior,1972,9,1,31-45,Petersen Crime and the Cost of Crime: An Economic Approach,1972,9,1,12-30,Hann Assaultive youth: An exploratory study of the assaultive experience and assaultive potential of California youth authority wards,1972,9,2,171-196,Wenk Homicide in Chicago 1965-1970,1973,10,1,1-12,Zimring Urban Violence and Risk to the Individual,1973,10,2,111-116,Barnett Family Background Ethnicity and Urban Delinquency,1974,11,1,80-87,Walberg Reactions of Juvenile Delinquents to "Justified" and "Less Justified" Movie Violence,1974,11,1,16-24,Berkowitz Public Opinion regarding Crime Criminal Justice and Related Topics,1974,11,2,101-116,Hindelang Applications of Crime Seriousness Information in Police Departments,1975,12,1,44-50,Heller Violence in the Road: The Crime of Vehicular Homicide,1975,12,1,30-43,Michalowski Victimization and the Fear of Crime,1979,16,1,80-97,Garofalo Some Implications for North Carolina of Recent Research in Juvenile Delinquency,1975,12,1,51-60,Clarke Juvenile Delinquents' Perceptions of Own and Others' Commitment to Delinquency,1975,12,2,124-132,Breznitz Problems with the Use of Regression Analysis in Prediction Studies,1976,13,1,64-81,Carlson Certainty of Arrest and Crime Rates for Major Felonies: A Research Note,1976,13,2,145-154,Bailey Subjective Perception of Deterrence (Continued),1976,13,2,155-164,Teevan Economic Analyses of the Deterrent Effect of Punishment: A Review,1977,14,1,4-21,Palmer The Incapacitation of the Dangerous Offender: A Statistical Experiment,1977,14,1,22-34,Dinitz Community Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency: A Review of Evaluation Studies - 1,1977,14,1,35-67,Wright Incapacitation of the Dangerous Offender: The Arithmetic Is Not So Simple,1978,15,1,126-129,Boland Police Control of Juveniles: A Replication,1978,15,1,74-91,Clark The Incapacitation of the Dangerous Offender: A Second Look,1978,15,1,130-134,Palmer Is criminal violence normative behavior?: Hostile and instrumental aggression in violent incidents,1978,15,2,148-161,Berkowitz Violence Personality Deterrence and Culture,1978,15,2,166-171,Curtis Normatively Hostile Purposefully Hostile or Disinhibitedly Bloody Angry?,1978,15,2,162-165,Toch On the Etiology of Delinquent Behavior,1979,16,1,28-33,Short An Integrated Theoretical Perspective on Delinquent Behavior,1979,16,1,3-27,Elliott Models and Muddles: An Ecological Examination of High School Crime Rates,1979,16,2,307-331,Gottfredson Organizing Research to Improve Criminal Justice Policy: A Perspective from Canada,1979,16,2,196,Waller The Group Hazard Hypothesis: a Reexamination,1980,17,1,58-68,Feyerherm Geographic Correlates of Police Shooting: a Microanalysis,1980,17,1,101-113,Fyfe Additivity and Interactions in Offense Seriousness Scales,1980,17,1,26-41,Young Spatial Distribution of Criminal Offenses by States 1970-76,1980,17,1,4-25,Kowalski Causes of Police Behavior: the Current State of Quantitative Research,1980,17,1,69-100,Sherman Fear in the Neighborhoods: an Investigation of the Impact of Crime,1980,17,2,160-189,Lewis Crime and the mass media: a selective review of research,1981,18,2,319-350,Garofalo Any Truth You Want: the Use and Abuse of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics,1982,19,1,135-165,Polk Attrition in Case Processing: Is Rape Unique?,1983,20,1,126-154,Polk Relationships Between Crime Rates and Incarceration Rates: Further Analysis,1983,20,1,73-85,McGuire Social Class and Delinquency in Cross-Cultural Perspective,1983,20,2,164-182,Axenroth Deterrence Findings and Data Sources: a Comparison of the Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Surveys,1983,20,2,262-276,Zedlewski Urbanism Race and Crime,1983,20,2,183-198,Laub Explaining Delinquent Involvement: a Consideration of Suppressor Effects,1983,20,2,199-213,Smith Toward the Measurement and Prediction of Victim Proneness,1983,20,2,243-261,Thissen Effects of Item Order on the Perceived Seriousness of Crime: A Reexamination,1984,21,2,139-151,Evans Reporting Crimes to the Police: The Status of World Research,1984,21,2,113-137,Skogan The Limits of Vulnerability in Explaining Fear of Crime: A Comparative Neighborhood Analysis,1984,21,3,233-250,Maxfield Male-Female Differences in Delinquency in a Minority Group Sample,1984,21,3,191-212,Farnworth Forcible Rape and Sexual Violence,1984,21,3,251-269,Gibbons Block Crime and Fear: Defensible Space Local Social Ties and Territorial Functioning,1984,21,4,303-331,Gottfredson Is Delinquency Prevention a Cost-Effective Strategy? A California Perspective,1984,21,4,279-302,Lipsey Prison Violence: The Contribution of Crowding Versus Other Determinants of Prison Assault Rates,1985,22,1,41-65,McGuire Neighborhood and Crime: The Structural Determinants of Personal Victimization,1985,22,1,7-40,Sampson The Relationship between Sensation Seeking and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Analysis,1985,22,3,197-211,Labouvie Testing a General Model of Fear of Crime: Data from a National Sample,1985,22,3,239-255,Baumer The Broken Homes Model of Delinquency: Analytic Issues,1986,23,1,68-93,Wells The Use of Composite Scales in Perceptual Deterrence Research: A Cautionary Note,1986,23,2,128-168,Paternoster The Pattern of Violence in Urban Public Schools: The Influence of School and Community,1986,23,2,102-127,Hellman Effects of Criminal Punishment on Perceived Threat of Punishment: Toward an Understanding of Specific Deterrence,1986,23,3,207-239,Bridges Delinquency Crime and Development: A Case Study of Iceland,1986,23,3,268-294,Skinner Adjudication in Homicide: An Interpretive Analysis of the Effects of Defendant and Victim Social Characteristics,1986,23,4,349-369,Farrell Measuring and Explaining Legislator Crime Control Ideology,1987,24,2,102-118,McGarrell Changes in the Victimization of Women: Is There A "New Female Victim"?,1987,24,4,291-301,Smith Social Structure and Criminal Victimization,1988,25,1,27-52,Smith Were Cloward and Ohlin Strain Theorists? Delinquency and Opportunity Revisited,1988,25,3,214-241,Cullen Community Types Crime and Police Services on Canadian Indian Reserves,1988,25,4,375-391,LaPrairie Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Deviance: The Case of Bhopal,1989,26,1,7-35,Lynch Beyond Hellfire: An Exploration of the Variable Effects of Religiosity on Adolescent Marijuana and Alcohol Use,1989,26,3,198-225,Cochran Deviant lifestyles proximity to crime and the offender-victim link in personal violence,1990,27,2,110-139,Sampson Motives for Rape,1990,27,3,222-242,Felson Twenty Years of Testing Theories: What Have We Learned and Why?,1990,27,4,325-347,Bernard Reconciling Structural and Subjective Approaches to the Study of Crime,1990,27,4,348-375,Lynch The Social Construction of Crime and Crime Control,1990,27,4,376-389,Rafter Gender Bias in Juvenile Justice Handling of Seriously Crime-Involved Youths,1991,28,1,75-100,Horowitz Criminal Justice Responses to Crack,1991,28,1,55-74,Fagan Monoamine Oxidase and Criminality: Identifying an Apparent Biological Marker for Antisocial Behavior,1991,28,2,227-251,Ellis Knowledge and Death Penalty Opinion: A Test of the Marshall Hypotheses,1991,28,3,360-387,Bohm An Analysis of American Indian Homicide: A Test of Social Disorganization and Economic Deprivation at the Reservation County Level,1991,28,4,456-471,Bachman The Failure of Arrest to Deter Spouse Abuse,1992,29,1,7-33,Hirshel Deterrence of Domestic Violence: A Critical View of Research,1992,29,2,229-239,McCord Rape and dimensions of gender socioeconomic inequality in U.S. metropolitan areas,1992,29,2,162-177,Bailey Will They Tell? Assessing Preadolescents' Reports of Family Violence,1992,29,2,136-147,Kruttschnitt The Generality of Deviance: Replication of a Structural Model among High-Risk Youths,1992,29,2,200-216,Williams Gang involvement and delinquency among Hispanic and African-American adolescent males,1992,29,3,273-291,Curry Wife Assault Costs of Arrest and the Deterrence Process,1992,29,3,292-310,Williams Perceived Risk and Fear of Crime: Role of Social and Physical Incivilities,1992,29,3,311-334,LaGrange An aggregate-level study of inmate suicides and deaths due to natural causes in U.S. jails,1992,29,4,466-479,Winfree Routine activities and a subculture of violence: A study of violence on the street,1993,30,1,88-112,Kennedy The role of juvenile gangs in facilitating delinquent behavior,1993,30,1,55-87,Lizotte Type of Place Urbanism and Delinquency: Further Testing the Determinist Theory,1993,30,2,192-212,Ingram The Seasonality of Violent Crime: The Case of Robbery and Homicide in Israel,1993,30,2,163-191,Fridman Obstacles to the Development of Research in Crime and Delinquency,1993,30,4,491-497,Jeffery Some Thoughts on the Future of Research in Crime and Delinquency,1993,30,4,513-525,Witte Whither the Craft of Criminology?,1993,30,4,505-513,Reiss Cops in the Classroom: A Longitudinal Evaluation of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE),1994,31,1,3-31,Ringwalt Bringing "Booze" Back In: The Relationship Between Alcohol and Homicide,1995,32,1,3-38,Parker Predicting Rearrest for Violence among Serious Youthful Offenders,1995,32,1,54-83,Lattimore Gender inequality and rates of female homicide victimization across U.S. cities,1995,32,2,175-190,Smith Juvenile Victimization: Convergent Validation of Alternative Measurements,1995,32,3,287-307,Wells A Comparison of Child Molesters and Nonsexual Criminals: Risk Predictors and Long-Term Recidivism,1995,32,3,325-337,Scott The Hawthorne Misunderstanding (and How to Get the Hawthorne Effect in Action Research),1996,33,1,28-48,Gottfredson Can Violent Offenders be Distinguished from Frequent Offenders: Prediction from Childhood to Adolescence,1996,33,2,206-231,Capaldi Biography of Heinous Criminals: Culture Family Violence and Prisonization,1996,33,3,354-377,Sullivan Deviant Homicide: A New Look at the Role of Motives and Victim-Offender Relationships,1996,33,4,427-449,Decker The Moderating Effects of Gender and Hostility on the Alcohol-Aggression Relationship,1996,33,4,450-470,White Risk of Death among Serious Young Offenders,1997,34,2,187-209,Macdonald Welfare and Homicide,1997,34,3,395-406,DeFronzo The Effect of Sexual Arousal on Expectations of Sexual Forcefulness,1997,34,4,443-473,Nagin Primary Definitions of Crime and Moral Panic: A Content Analysis of Experts' Quotes in Feature Newspaper Articles on Crime,1997,34,4,474-494,Roberts Adolescent Maltreatment and Delinquency: The Question of Intervening Processes,1998,35,1,71-99,Brezina Racial Differences in Violent Behavior among Young Adults: Moderating and Confounding Effects,1998,35,2,148-165,Flewelling Perceived Risk of Crime in the Czech Republic,1998,35,2,225-242,Bao Street Youth and Criminal Violence,1998,35,2,166-192,Hartnagel The Influence of Crack Cocaine on Robbery Burglary and Homicide Rates: A Cross-City Longitudinal Analysis,1998,35,3,316-340,Wright A Reexamination of the Crime-Fear Linkage,1998,35,3,341-372,Rountree Gender and Victimization Risk among Young Women in Gangs,1998,35,4,429-453,Miller Female-Female Criminal Assault: An Evolutionary Perspective,1998,35,4,413-428,Campbell Assessing the effects of school-based drug education: A six-year multilevel analysis of project D.A.R.E,1998,35,4,381-412,Rosenbaum Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT): Results from the National Evaluation,1999,36,2,194-225,Osgood Childhood Risk Factors for Adolescent Gang Membership: Results from the Seattle Social Development Project,1999,36,3,300-322,Hawkins Making sense of recent U.S. crime trends 1980 to 1996/1998: Age composition effects and other explanations,1999,36,3,235-274,Steffensmeier Personal Victimization in a High-Risk Environment: Homeless and Runaway Adolescents,1999,36,4,371-392,Hoyt Childhood Victimization Running Away and Delinquency,1999,36,4,347-370,Widom Disadvantage and Neighborhood Violent Crime: Do Local Institutions Matter?,2000,37,1,31-63,Peterson Criminal Victimization During One's Life Course: The Effects of Previous Victimization and Patterns of Routine Activities,2000,37,1,91-122,Wittebrood The Effect of Perceptions of Sanctions on Batterer Program Outcomes,2000,37,4,369-391,Gondolf Frequency Specialization and Violence in Offending Careers,2000,37,4,392-418,Piquero A Comparison of Social Development Processes Leading to Violent Behavior in Late Adolescence for Childhood Initiators and Adolescent Initiators of Violence,2001,38,1,45-63,Herrenkohl Developmental Associations Between Alcohol and Interpersonal Aggression During Adolescence,2001,38,1,64-83,Kosterman The Risk of Offending on Homicide Victimization: A Case Control Study,2001,38,2,154-173,Dobrin Problem-Oriented Policing Deterrence and Youth Violence: An Evaluation of Boston's Operation Ceasefire,2001,38,3,195-225,Braga Policing is Not a Treatment: Alternatives to the Medical Model of Police Research,2001,38,4,387-415,Thacher Student Anger and Aggressive Behavior in School: An Initial Test of Agnew's Macro-Level Strain Theory,2001,38,4,362-386,Piquero Crime and Risky Behavior in Traffic: An Example of Cross-Situational Consistency,2001,38,4,439-459,West Quality of School-Based Prevention Programs: Results from a National Survey,2002,39,1,3-35,Gottfredson Illegal Acts Committed by Adolescents Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs,2002,39,2,131-152,Stouthamer-Loeber Urban Disadvantage and Types of Race-Specific Homicide: Assessing the Diversity in Family Structures in the Urban Context,2002,39,3,277-303,Parker Getting Tough on Juvenile Crime: An Analysis of Costs and Benefits,2002,39,4,363-399,Fass The Relationship Between Child Sexual Abuse And Female Delinquency And Crime: A Prospective Study,2003,40,1,71-94,Williams Linking Local Labor Market Opportunity To Violent Adolescent Delinquency,2003,40,1,6-33,Bellair Factors Affecting Homicide Clearances: Multivariate Analysis Of A More Complete Conceptual Framework,2003,40,2,171-193,Lundman Structural Covariates Of Homicide Rates: Does Type Of Homicide Matter?,2003,40,2,139-170,Kubrin The Police Role In Preventing Homicide: Considering The Impact Of Problem-Oriented Policing On The Prevalence Of Murder,2003,40,2,194-225,White The Built Environment and Community Crime Risk Interpretation,2003,40,3,322-345,Wilcox Neighborhood Context and Police Use of Force,2003,40,3,291-321,Terrill Does the Perceived Risk of Punishment Deter Criminally Prone Individuals? Rational Choice Self-Control and Crime,2004,41,2,180-213,Moffitt A Typology of Street Criminal Retaliation,2004,41,3,295-323,Jacobs "What Me Ashamed?" Shame Management and School Bullying,2004,41,3,269-294,Ahmed Investigating the Connections Between Race Illicit Drug Markets and Lethal Violence 1984-1997,2004,41,4,352-383,Lee A Multilevel Multivariate Analysis of Factors Affecting Homicide Clearances,2004,41,4,327-351,Litwin Examining the Disparity between Juvenile and Adult Victims in Notifying the Police: A Study of Mediating Variables,2005,42,3,333-353,Watkins The Relationship between Age Structure and Homicide Rates in the United States 1970 to 1999,2006,43,3,230-260,Phillips "I Ain't Gonna Let No One Disrespect Me": Does the Code of the Street Reduce or Increase Violent Victimization among African American Adolescents?,2006,43,4,427-458,Simons Levels of Nonlethal Force: An Examination of Individual Situational and Contextual Factors,2007,44,2,163-184,Lawton The Impact of Gang Formation on Local Patterns of Crime,2007,44,2,208-237,Tita Reassessing the Racial Divide in Support for Capital Punishment: The Continuing Significance of Race,2007,44,1,124-158,Cullen Assessing the Relationship between Violent and Nonviolent Criminal Activity among Serious Adolescent Offenders,2009,46,4,553-580,Morral Whites’ Concern about Crime: The Effects of Interracial Contact,2009,46,4,524-552,Mears Household Structure Coupling Constraints and the Nonpartner Victimization Risks of Adults,2009,46,4,495-523,Griffiths Predicting Trajectories of Offending over the Life Course: Findings from a Dutch Conviction Cohort,2009,46,4,468-494,Nieuwbeerta Individual and Environmental Effects on Assaults and Nonviolent Rule Breaking by Women in Prison,2009,46,4,437-467,Steiner Controlling Violent Offenders Released to the Community: An Evaluation of the Boston Reentry Initiative,2009,46,4,411-436,Braga An Assessment of Scales Measuring Constructs in Tests of Criminological Theory Based on National Youth Survey Data,2009,46,1,73-105,Armstrong Trajectories of Delinquency among Puerto Rican Children and Adolescents at Two Sites,2009,46,2,144-181,Piquero Gendered Opportunity?,2009,46,2,245-269,Fisher Delinquent Development in a Sample of High-Risk Youth,2009,46,2,111-143,van der Geest The Heritage of Herding and Southern Homicide,2009,46,3,275-300,Messner Victim-Offender Racial Dyads and Clearance of Lethal and Nonlethal Assault,2009,46,3,301-326,Roberts Reconsidering the Relationship between Race and Crime,2009,46,3,327-352,Wright Community Variations in Violence: The Role of Social Ties and Collective Efficacy in Comparative Context,2010,47,1,3-30,Mazerolle "Does It Take a Village?" Assessing Neighborhood Influences on Children’s Self-Control,2010,47,1,31-62,Piquero On the Relationship between Co-Offending Network Redundancy and Offending Versatility,2010,47,1,63-90,Piquero History of Juvenile Arrests and Vocational Career Outcomes for At-Risk Young Men,2010,47,1,91-117,Wiesner Civic Community Population Change and Violent Crime in Rural Communities,2010,47,1,118-147,Lee The influence of being under the influence - Alcohol effects on adolescent violence,2008,45,2,119-141,Felson The Intergenerational Transmission of Low Self-control,2010,47,2,174-209,Beaver A Cost-Benefit Study of a Breaking the Cycle Program for Juveniles,2010,47,2,241-262,Cowell The Validity of Self-reported Prevalence Frequency and Timing of Arrest: An Evaluation of Data Collected Using a Life Event Calendar,2010,47,2,210-240,Morris The Correlates of Crime and Deviance: Additional Evidence,2010,47,3,297-328,Antonaccio Guardians on Guardianship: Factors Affecting the Willingness to Supervise the Ability to Detect Potential Offenders and the Willingness to Intervene,2010,47,3,358-390,Reynald The Cumulative Effect of Race and Ethnicity in Juvenile Court Outcomes and Why Preadjudication Detention Matters,2010,47,3,391-413,Rodriguez Commercial Density Residential Concentration and Crime: Land Use Patterns and Violence in Neighborhood Context,2010,47,3,329-357,Peterson Betwixt and Between: The Role of Psychosocial Factors in the Early Stages of Desistance,2010,47,4,419-438,Healy Are Teen Delinquency Abstainers Social Introverts?: A Test of Moffitt’s Theory,2010,47,4,439-468,Chen Examining the Direct and Interactive Effects of Changes in Racial and Ethnic Threat on Sentencing Decisions,2010,47,4,522-557,Wang Effects of Hurricane Katrina and Other Adverse Life Events on Adolescent Female Offenders: A Test of General Strain Theory,2010,47,4,469-495,Stein Contemporary Disorganization Research: An Assessment and Further Test of the Systemic Model of Neighborhood Crime,2010,47,4,496-521,Bellair Are Sex Offenders Moving into Social Disorganization? Analyzing the Residential Mobility of California Parolees,2010,47,4,558-590,Turner Robberies in Chicago: A Block-Level Analysis of the Influence of Crime Generators Crime Attractors and Offender Anchor Points,2011,48,1,33-57,Bernasco Testing the Stability of Crime Patterns: Implications for Theory and Policy,2011,48,1,58-82,Andresen The Relevance of Micro Places to Citywide Robbery Trends: A Longitudinal Analysis of Robbery Incidents at Street Corners and Block Faces in Boston,2011,48,1,7-32,Braga Exposure to Community Violence and Young Adult Crime: The Effects of Witnessing Violence Traumatic Victimization and Other Stressful Life Events,2002,39,2,214-237,Turner Acquaintance Robbery,2000,37,3,284-305,Messner Levels of Nonlethal Force,2007,44,2,163-184,Lawton The Love of a Good Man? Romantic Relationships as a Source of Support or Hindrance for Female Ex-Offenders,2006,43,4,459-488,Leverentz Experiencing the Streets: Harassment and Perceptions of Safety among Women,2000,37,3,306-322,Welsh Social Problems and Patterns of Juvenile Delinquency in Transitional Russia,2002,39,2,187-213,Pridemore A Comparison of Victim Offender and Event Characteristics of Alcohol- and Non-Alcohol- Related Homicides,2008,45,3,227-255,Pridemore Distress and Violent Victimization among Young Adolescents,2007,44,4,381-405,Miller Gang Membership as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Violent Victimization,2007,44,4,351-380,Esbensen Public Support for Getting Tough on Corporate Crime,2008,45,2,163-190,Cullen Networks of Collaborating Criminals: Assessing the Structural Vulnerability of Drug Markets,2011,48,2,271-297,Malm Ecological Origins of Shared Perceptions of Troublesome Teen Groups: Implications for the Basic Systemic Model of Crime the Incivilities Thesis and Political Economy,2011,48,2,298-324,Taylor Racial/Ethnic Threat and Federal Sentencing,2011,48,2,238-270,Feldmeyer Getting into the Script of Adult Child Sex Offenders and Mapping out Situational Prevention Measures,2011,48,2,209-237,Smallbone Gang Membership and Race as Risk Factors for Juvenile Arrest,2011,48,3,364-395,Tapia Examining Juvenile Delinquency within Activity Space: Building a Context for Offender Travel Patterns,2011,48,3,472-506,Bichler Gang Set Space Drug Markets and Crime around Drug Corners in Camden,2011,48,3,327-363,Taylor Are Similar Sex Offenders Treated Similarly? A Conjunctive Analysis of Disparities in Community Notification Decisions,2011,48,3,448-471,Miethe Alcohol outlets and community levels of interpersonal violence spatial density outlet type and seriousness of assault,2013,50,1,132-159,Pridemore Getting the upper hand scripts for managing victim resistance in carjackings,2012,49,2,249-268,Copes Illegal behavior neighborhood context and police reporting by victims of violence,2013,50,1,75-103,Berg Partners in crime? Criminal offending marriage formation and partner selection,2012,49,4,545-571,Nieuwbeerta Patterns of near-repeat gun assaults in Houston,2012,49,2,186-212,Wells The offenders' perspective on prevention guarding against victimization and law enforcement,2012,49,2,269-294,Jacques Unsafe at any age linking childhood and adolescent maltreatment to delinquency and crime,2012,49,2,295-318,Mersky The effect of interracial contact on whites' perceptions of victimization risk and black criminality,2013,50,2,272-299,Gertz The variable impacts of public housing community proximity on nearby street robberies,2013,50,2,163-188,Taylor Intimate partner violence and the victim-offender overlap,2013,51,1,29-55,Wright Can punishment encourage offending? investigating the "resetting" effect,2003,40,1,95-120,Piquero Citizens' perceptions of distributive and procedural injustice during traffic stops with police,2005,42,4,445-481,Engel Police-community relations in a majority-black city,2008,45,4,398-428,Skogan Age matters: race differences in police searches of young and older male drivers,2012,49,1,31-55,Rosenfeld Individual offending routine activities and activity settings: revisiting the routine activity theory of general deviance,2013,50,3,390-416,Miller A longitudinal assessment of the impact of foreclosure on neighborhood crime,2013,50,3,359-389,Katz Explaining temporary and permanent motor vehicle theft rates in the United States: a crime-specific approach,2013,50,3,445-471,Roberts "A good man always knows his limitations": The role of overconfidence in criminal offending,2013,50,3,327-358,Fagan Why do they do it? An examination of the intervening mechanisms between "social control" variables and delinquency,1993,30,3,245-266,Agnew Delinquent Samaritans: Network structure social conflict and the willingness to intervene,1990,27,1,30-51,Hagan The situational context of violent female offenders,1993,30,2,136-162,Sommers Locking up youth: The impact of race on detention decisions,1994,31,2,149-165,Bynum Racial prejudice and support for the death penalty by whites,1994,31,2,202-209,Barkan Criminal expertise and offender decision making: An experimental study of the target selection process in residential burglary,1995,32,1,39-53,Wright The incapacitation of the dangerous offender: a statistical experiment,1977,14,,22-34,Van Dine The Origins of Delinquent Events: An Examination of Offender Accounts,1990,27,3,267-294,Agnew A General Strain Theory of Community Differences in Crime Rates,1999,36,2,123-155,Agnew Building on the Foundation of General Strain Theory: Specifying the Types of Strain Most Likely to Lead to Crime and Delinquency,2001,38,4,319-361,Agnew A Test of Turk's Theory of Norm Resistance Using Observational Data on Police-Suspect Encounters,2005,42,1,84-109,Weidner "If You Love Me Keep My Commandments": A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Religion on Crime,2001,38,1,3-21,Wright Self-Control Social Consequences and Criminal Behavior: Street Youth and the General Theory of Crime,2003,40,4,403-425,Baron Street Youth and Criminal Violence,1998,14,1,166-192,Baron Religion and Violent Offenders in Boot Camp: A Structural Equation Model,2002,39,1,91-121,Benda Adolescent Maltreatment and Delinquency: The Question of Intervening Processes,1998,35,1,71-89,Brezina Delinquent Problem-Solving: An Interpretive Framework for Criminological Theory and Research,2000,37,1,3-30,Brezina Gender and Crime: A General Strain Theory Perspective,1997,34,3,275-306,Agnew Gender Self-Control and Crime,1998,14,1,123-147,Cullen The Impact of an Arrest on the Job Stability of Young White American Men,1998,35,4,454-479,Bushway On the Validity of Official Statistics: A Comparative Study of White Black and Japanese High School Boys,1969,6,,71-77,Chambliss The Racial and Ethnic Typification of Crime and the Criminal Typification of Race and Ethnicity in Local Television News,2002,39,4,400-420,Chiricos Childhood Predictors of Offense Trajectories,2002,39,1,60-90,Hawkins Is the Religiosity-Delinquency Relationship Spurious? A Test of Arousal and Social Control Theories,1994,31,1,92-123,Cochran Selecting Delinquents for Adjudication: An Analysis of Intake Screening Decisions in Two Metropolitan Juvenile Courts,1979,16,1,143-163,Cohen A Life-Course Analysis of Military Service in Vietnam,2005,42,1,55-83,Cullen Testing Moffitt's Account of Delinquency Abstention,2005,42,1,27-54,Piquero A Chinese Birth Cohort: Theoretical Implications,2005,42,2,123-146,Friday Reintegrative Shaming and Predatory Delinquency,2004,41,4,433-453,Zhang A Test of Gottfredson and Hirschi's General Theory of Crime in African American Adolescents,2004,41,4,407-432,Vazsonyi "Getting High and Getting By": Dimensions of Drug Selling Behaviors among American Mexican Gang Members in South Texas,2004,41,1,82-105,Valdez Crime and Coercion: A Test of Core Theoretical Propositions,2004,41,3,244-268,Cullen State Failure Economic Failure and Predatory Organized Crime: A Comparative Analysis,2004,41,2,111-129,Sung A stab in the dark? A research note on temporal patterns of street robbery,2013,50,4,616-631,Bowers Changes in criminal offending around the time of marriage,2013,50,4,608-615,Skardhamar Child abuse and neglect developmental role attainment and adult arrests,2013,50,4,551-578,Widom Estimating a dose-response relationship between time served in prison and recidivism,2013,50,4,525-550,Makarios Are arrested and non-arrested serial offenders different? A test of spatial offending patterns using DNA found at crime scenes,2014,51,2,143-167,Lammers Proximal adolescent outcomes of gang membership in England and Wales,2014,51,2,168-199,Aldridge Breaches in the wall: imprisonment social support and recidivism,2014,51,2,200-229,Cochran Emergent regularities of interpersonal victimization an agent-based investigation,2014,51,1,119-140,Townsley From colors and guns to caps and gowns? The effects of gang membership on educational attainment,2014,51,1,56-87,Pyrooz Offenses around stadiums a natural experiment on crime attraction and generation,2014,51,1,5-28,Johnson The spatial distribution and social context of homicide in Toronto's neighborhoods,2014,51,1,88-118,Gartner Uncovering the spatial patterning of crimes a criminal movement model (CriMM),2014,51,2,230-255,Brantingham Out of place: racial stereotypes and the ecology of frisks and searches following traffic stops,2014,51,5,559-584,Carroll Can the FIFA World Cup Football (soccer) tournament be associated with an increase in domestic abuse?,2014,51,3,259-276,Francis Criminogenic facilities and crime across street segments in Philadelphia uncovering evidence about the spatial extent of facility influence,2014,51,3,277-314,Lockwood The contribution of gang membership to the victim-offender overlap,2014,51,3,315-348,Decker Comparing official and self-report records of offending across gender and race/ethnicity in a longitudinal study of serious youthful offenders,2014,51,4,526-556,Piquero Contact and compromise explaining support for conciliatory measures in the context of violent intergroup conflict,2014,51,5,585-619,Gertz Criminal trajectories of white-collar offenders,2014,51,6,759-784,Denkers Explaining high-risk concentrations of crime in the city social disorganization crime opportunities and important next steps,2014,51,4,480-498,Clarke Gender family functioning and violence across immigrant generations,2014,51,6,785-815,DiPietro Looking back to move forward some thoughts on measuring crime and delinquency over the past 50 years,2014,51,4,445-466,Sullivan Police charging practices for incidents of intimate partner violence in Canada,2014,51,5,655-683,Dawson The importance of both opportunity and social disorganization theory in a future research agenda to advance criminological theory and crime prevention at places,2014,51,4,499-508,Weisburd Using developmental science to reorient our thinking about criminal offending in adolescence,2014,51,4,467-479,Mulvey Strengthening theoretical testing in criminology using agent-based modeling,2014,51,4,509-525,Johnson The impact of age of onset of substance use on delinquency,1997,34,2,253-268,Welte Measures of gun ownership levels for macro-level crime and violence research,2004,41,1,3-36,Kleck Concentrated Disadvantage and the Incarceration of Youth: Examining How Context Affects Juvenile Justice,2013,50,2,189-215,Rodriguez Adding Color to a Black-and-White Picture - Using Qualitative Data to Explain Racial Disproportionality in the Juvenile Justice System,1994,31,2,135-148,Conley African American male adolescents' involvement in the criminal justice system: The criterion validity of self-report measures in a prospective study,2001,38,2,174-187,Flewelling The individual and joint effects of race gender and family status on juvenile justice decision-making,2003,40,1,34-70,Leiber On the operational validity of perceptual peer delinquency: exploring projection and elements contained in perceptions,2012,49,4,601-621,Krohn The influence of travel distance on treatment noncompletion for juvenile offenders,2012,49,4,572-600,Lockwood The social transmission of delinquency: effects of peer attitudes and behavior revisited,2012,49,3,420-443,Weerman Carjacking and copresence,2012,49,4,471-488,Jacobs Structural covariates of gang homicide in large U.S.. cities,2012,49,4,489-518,Pyrooz White perceptions of whether African Americans and Hispanics are prone to violence and support for the death penalty,2012,49,4,519-544,Cullen Delinquency balance and time use: a research note,2012,49,1,109-121,McGloin The long-term effects of paternal imprisonment on criminal trajectories of children,2012,49,1,81-108,Nieuwbeerta The imprisonment penalty for young Black and Hispanic males: a crime-specific analysis,2012,49,1,56-80,Chiricos The conditional effects of race and politics on social control: Black violent crime arrests in large cities 1970 to 1990,2012,49,1,3-30,Stucky Local businesses as attractors or preventers of neighborhood disorder,2012,49,2,213-248,Steenbeek Conflict resolution in criminal justice,1970,7,2,99-119,O'Leary A descriptive personality study of delinquency-prone adolescents,1970,7,1,11-23,Bakzr II The penal press: opportunities for correctional research,1970,7,1,1-10,Rogers Exploring the defensive actions of drug sellers in open-air markets: a systematic social observation,2015,53,1,36-65,Piza Online sexual solicitation of minors: how often and between whom does it occur?,2016,53,2,165-188,Santtila Impact of victim offender and relationship characteristics on frequency and timing of intimate partner violence using life history calendar data,2016,53,2,189-219,Hayes Fear spots in relation to microlevel physical cues: exploring the overlooked,1995,32,2,214-239,Fisher The consequences of school dropout among serious adolescent offenders more offending? More arrest? Both?,2016,54,1,78-110,Na Impact of maternal incarceration on the criminal justice involvement of adult offspring a research note,2016,53,1,93-111,Muftić High school dropout resource attainment and criminal convictions,2017,54,5,715-749,Bäckman A network of neighborhoods,2017,54,6,824-846,Boivin Victimization of children left behind in rural China,2017,54,4,515-543,Chen Does target-hardening result in deadlier terrorist attacks against protected targets? An examination of unintended harmful consequences,2017,54,6,930-957,McDowall Assessing the situational predictors of drug markets across street segments and intersections,2017,54,6,902-929,Miller Racial threat intergroup contact and school punishment,2017,54,5,583-616,Mears Nerve management and crime accomplishment,2017,54,5,617-638,Jacobs Progress and future directions of crime research in China with selected case studies,2017,54,4,447-453,Liu Exploring cognitive decision-making processes computer-focused cyber deviance involvement and victimization,2017,54,5,639-679,Antonaccio The coproduction of truancy control,2017,54,6,791-823,Mazerolle Neighborhood crime control in a changing China,2017,54,4,544-577,Messner Developmental predictors of violent extremist attitudes,2017,54,6,755-790,Ribeaud Rational choice theory and interest in the "fortune of others",2017,54,6,847-868,Paternoster Head injuries and changes in delinquency from adolescence to emerging adulthood,2017,54,6,869-901,Schwartz Procedural justice legitimacy and public cooperation with police,2017,54,4,454-478,Sun Revitalized or disorganized? Unpacking the immigration-crime link in a multiethnic setting,2017,54,5,680-714,Sydes Internal migration social exclusion and victimization,2017,54,4,479-514,Piquero Updating perceptions of (in)justice,2015,53,2,255-286,Augustyn Can policing disorder reduce crime? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,52,4,567-588,Braga The mediating role of heart rate on the social adversity-antisocial behavior relationship,2015,52,3,303-341,Raine Spatial distance community disadvantage and racial and ethnic variation in prison inmate access to social ties,2015,53,2,220-254,Mears Explaining adolescents' delinquency and substance use,2015,52,5,747-767,Vollebergh A spatiotemporal analysis of arson,2015,53,1,66-92,Nobles Configural behavior settings of crime event locations,2015,52,3,373-402,Miethe An author's brief history of an idea,2015,52,4,626-629,Kelling Mortgage foreclosures and the changing mix of crime in micro-neighborhoods,2015,52,5,717-746,Ellen Criminal achievement and self-efficacy,2015,52,6,856-889,Morselli Co-offender ties and the criminal career,2015,52,5,658-690,Lantz Processed as an adult,2015,52,6,890-922,Loeffler Broken windows neighborhoods and the legitimacy of law enforcement or why I fell in and out of love with Zimbardo,2015,52,4,609-625,Meares Young adult outcomes and the life-course penalties of parental incarceration,2015,53,1,3-35,Mears Credit and trust,2015,52,5,691-716,Sandberg Developmental trajectories of individuals' code of the street beliefs through emerging adulthood,2015,52,3,342-372,Stewart Public and private spheres of neighborhood disorder,2015,52,4,486-510,Sampson How different operationalizations of recidivism impact conclusions of effectiveness of parole supervision,2015,52,6,771-796,Ostermann Developmental trajectories of marijuana use among men,2015,52,6,797-828,Pardini Selection into street gangs,2015,53,4,447-481,Pyrooz Disorder and decline,2015,52,4,464-485,Skogan Where broken windows should be fixed,2015,52,4,511-533,Steenbeek Can we predict long-term community crime problems? The estimation of ecological continuity to model risk heterogeneity,2015,52,5,635-657,Taylor Racial discrimination weakened school bonds and problematic behaviors,2015,53,2,139-164,Cullen The modifiable areal unit problem in person-context research,2015,53,1,112-135,Vogel Understanding the mechanisms underlying broken windows policing,2015,52,4,589-608,Braga Reimagining broken windows,2015,52,4,447-463,Braga The effect of a surveillance banner in an attacked computer system,2015,52,6,829-855,Maimon Do we "see" the same thing? An experimental look into the black box of disorder perception,2015,52,4,534-566,Yang Ecological determinants of situated choice in situational action theory,2016,54,2,208-243,Hughes Do street robbery location choices vary over time of day or day of week? A test in Chicago,2016,54,2,244-275,Bernasco From incapacitation to criminal careers,2016,53,3,291-305,Blumstein Are domestic violence offenders specialists? Answers from multiple analytic approaches,2016,53,6,788-813,Bouffard Modeling long-term criminal careers,2016,53,3,372-391,Bushway Relative difference and burglary location,2016,53,6,872-906,Boggess A latent class analysis of family characteristics linked to youth offending outcomes,2016,53,6,765-787,Li Evaluating the impact of "old" criminal conviction decision guidelines on subsequent employment and arrest outcomes,2016,54,3,379-408,Denver Understanding the mechanisms of desistance at the intersection of race gender and neighborhood context,2016,53,5,681-710,Bersani Mathematical models of criminal careers,2016,53,3,336-355,Farrington An experimental test of deviant modeling,2016,53,4,482-505,Bouchard The criminal career perspective as an explanation of crime and a guide to crime control policy,2016,53,3,406-419,Hirschi Desisting from crime in emerging adulthood,2016,53,4,506-535,Blokland Parenting as a protective factor against criminogenic settings? Interaction effects between three aspects of parenting and unstructured socializing in disordered areas,2016,54,2,181-207,Eichelsheim Greenspace and crime,2016,54,3,303-337,Wickes From the editor,2016,53,5,595-596,Maxfield After the bell and into the night,2016,54,3,409-441,Esbensen Considering the elements that inform perceived peer deviance,2016,53,5,597-627,McGloin Deeply embedded core normative values and legitimacy of law enforcement authorities,2016,54,2,151-180,Factor They protect our homeland but neglect our community,2016,53,6,814-839,Wolfe School discipline as a turning point,2016,53,5,628-653,Mowen Group-based trajectory modeling and criminal career research,2016,53,3,356-371,Nagin The impact of neighborhood context on spatiotemporal patterns of burglary,2016,53,5,711-740,Ward Social opportunity structures and the escalation of drug market offending,2016,53,6,743-764,Bouchard Exploring the relationship between subjectively experienced severity of imprisonment and recidivism,2016,54,1,3-28,Nieuwbeerta Turning points and the future of life-course criminology,2016,53,3,321-335,Sampson Narratives of childhood adversity and adolescent misconduct as precursors to violent extremism,2016,53,4,536-563,Simi The role of religious support in reentry,2016,54,1,111-145,Boman The criminal career concept,2016,53,3,420-442,Piquero Ethnographic research on criminal careers,2016,53,3,392-405,Sullivan Educational pathways and change in crime between adolescence and early adulthood,2016,53,6,840-871,Swisher Portable electronics and trends in goods stolen from the person,2016,54,2,276-298,Thompson Virtual burglary,2016,54,1,29-62,van Prooijen Unintended consequences,2016,53,3,306-320,Visher "I wouldn't take my chances on the street",2016,53,5,654-680,Johnson Are suspects who resist arrest defiant desperate or disoriented?,2016,53,4,564-591,Felson Direct and indirect experiential effects in an updating model of deterrence,2016,54,1,63-77,Paternoster The effects of arrest reporting to the police and victim services on intimate partner violence,2016,54,3,338-378,Lynch Weapons body postures and the quest for dominance in robberies: a qualitative analysis of video footage,2018,55,1,3-26,Weenink That door you just kicked in was locked for your protection not mine: developing and testing competing theoretical models of crime prevention behavior,2018,55,2,316-345,Wilcox Sex race and place: taking an intersectional approach to understanding neighborhood-level violent crime across race and sex,2018,55,4,493-537,Boggess Reconsidering labels and primary deviance: false appraisals reflected appraisals and delinquency onset,2018,55,5,609-648,de Coster Do national homicide rates follow supranational trends?,2018,55,6,691-727,Pridemore Is exposure to violence a persistent risk factor for offending across the life course? Examining the contemporaneous acute enduring and long-term consequences of exposure to violence on property crime violent offending and substance use,2018,55,6,728-765,Zimmerman Mental illness the media and the moral politics of mass violence: the role of race in mass shootings coverage,2018,55,6,766-797,Duxbury Prosocial identities and youth violence,2019,56,1,84-128,Na Nonlinear strain effects on delinquent behavior and depressive symptoms,2019,56,2,213-253,Hoffmann Does it take a school? Revisiting the influence of first arrest on subsequent delinquency and educational attainment in a tolerant educational background,2019,56,2,254-302,Kim From impressions to intentions: direct and indirect effects of police contact on willingness to report crimes to law enforcement,2019,56,3,412-450,Slocum Street gangs gun violence and focused deterrence: comparing place-based and group-based evaluation methods to estimate direct and spillover deterrent effects,2019,56,4,524-562,Braga The intergenerational stability of punishment: paternal incarceration and suspension or expulsion in elementary school,2019,56,5,651-693,Jacobsen Longitudinal mechanisms linking perceived racial discrimination to aggressive delinquency among North American Indigenous youth,2019,56,5,694-735,Hautala Reassessing the generational disparity in immigrant offending: a within-family comparison of involvement in crime,2019,56,6,851-887,Bersani Bullying victimization as a strain: examining changes in bullying victimization and delinquency among Korean students from a developmental general strain theory perspective,2020,57,1,31-65,Metcalfe Black out-group marriages and hate crime rates: a cross-sectional analysis of U.S. metropolitan areas,2020,57,1,105-135,Messner Adherence to the street code predicts an earlier anticipated death,2020,57,2,139-181,Piquero Perceived control severity certainty and emotional fear: testing an expanded model of deterrence,2020,57,4,493-531,Pickett Gender racial threat and perceived risk in an urban university setting,2020,57,5,612-639,Miller A common target: anti-Jewish hate crime in New York City communities 1995-2010,2020,57,6,643-692,Mills Low self-control and legal cynicism among at-risk youth: an investigation into direct and vicarious police contact,2020,57,6,741-783,Vaughn A uniquely punitive turn? Sex offenders and the persistence of punitive sanctioning,2021,58,1,74-118,Mears The effects of residential mobility on criminal persistence and desistance during the transition to adulthood,2021,58,2,151-191,Siennick Gang affiliation and prisoner reentry: discrete-time variation in recidivism by current former and non-gang status,2021,58,2,192-234,Decker Gangbangin on the [Face]book: understanding online interactions of Chicago Latina/o gangs,2021,58,3,239-268,Leverso Public support for policies to reduce school shootings: a moral-altruistic model,2021,58,3,269-305,Cullen Examining the racial dynamic of the victim-offender dyad in homicide-suicide: does intraracial homicide encourage perpetrator suicide?,2021,58,4,420-466,Zimmerman Testing the situational explanation of victimization among adolescents,2014,52,2,151-180,Bernasco Race ethnic and gender divides in juvenile court sanctioning and rehabilitative intervention,2014,52,2,181-212,Mears What works for whom? The effects of gender responsive programming on girls and boys in secure detention,2014,52,1,93-129,Zahn Racial ethnic and immigrant threat,2014,52,1,62-92,Feldmeyer Consequences of expected and observed victim resistance for offender violence during robbery events,2014,52,1,32-61,Bernasco The social and developmental antecedents of legal cynicism,2014,52,2,270-298,Malti Absent fathers or absent variables? A new look at paternal incarceration and delinquency,2014,52,3,414-443,King Marriage and county-level crime rates,2014,52,1,130-145,Paternoster Shoplifting of everyday products that serve illicit drug uses,2014,52,2,245-269,Smith Burglar target selection,2014,52,1,3-31,Bernasco Community disadvantage parental network and commitment to social norms,2014,52,2,213-244,Bernburg Kids groups and crime,2014,52,3,403-413,Zimring Sibling transmission of gang involvement,2021,58,5,507-544,Apel The opioid epidemic and homicide in the United States,2021,58,5,545-590,Rosenfeld Low self-control peer delinquency and crime: considering gendered pathways,2021,58,6,666-709,Hay Foster care permanency and risk of prison entry,2021,58,6,710-754,Berger Gender differences in the accumulation timing and duration of childhood adverse experiences and youth delinquency in fragile families,2022,59,1,3-43,Jones Social disorganization and strain: macro and micro implications for youth violence,2022,59,1,82-127,Antunes When crime moves where does it go? Analyzing the spatial correlates of robbery incidents displaced by a place-based policing intervention,2022,59,1,128-162,Piza The age-graded consequences of justice system involvement for mental health,2022,59,2,167-202,Powell Development and application of individual and national opportunity to the experience of intimate partner violence among married women in the Global South,2022,59,3,327-364,Hayes Arrested friendships? Justice involvement and interpersonal exclusion among rural youth,2022,59,3,365-409,Feinberg Country-level firearm availability and terrorism: a new approach to examining the gun-crime relationship,2022,59,4,449-486,Fisher Gender life domains and intimate partner violence perpetration: a partial test of Agnew's general theory of crime and delinquency,2022,59,4,487-529,Piquero Cumulative racial and ethnic disparities along the school-to-prison pipeline,2022,59,5,574-626,Chiricos Firearm dealers and local gun violence: a street network analysis of shootings and concentrated disadvantage in Atlanta,2022,59,5,627-658,Griffiths Recidivism of low-risk people that receive residential community-based correctional programs: the role of risk contamination,2022,59,5,659-695,Ostermann Childhood head injury as an acquired neuropsychological risk factor for adolescent delinquency,2022,59,6,756-790,Mongilio An examination of noncompleted sexual offences offenders' perceptions of risks and difficulties and related situational factors,2022,59,6,791-819,Reynald The evolution of anti-Blackness in the American South: how slavery and segregation perpetuates the victimization of Black people,2023,60,1,14-42,Bailey Generations of criminalization: resistance to desegregation and school punishment,2023,60,1,43-78,Kupchik Disproportionately punished yet still neglected: variation in official police responses to American Indian/Alaska Native offending and victimization,2023,60,1,79-111,Lantz Who believes that the police use excessive force? Centering racism in research on perceptions of the police,2023,60,1,112-164,Drakulich Trends in prison sentences and racial disparities: 20-years of sentencing under Florida's criminal punishment code,2023,60,2,300-338,Mitchell Social change and race-specific homicide trajectories: an age-period-cohort analysis,2024,61,2,224-267,Lu Mortality rates and causes of death of convicted Dutch criminals 25 years later,2008,45,3,256-286,Nieuwbeerta