Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Do the risks and consequences of hospitalized fall injuries among older adults in California vary by type of fall?,2001,56,11,M686-92,Trent Predictors of adherence with the recommended use of hip protectors,2004,59,9,M958-61,Kurrle Tai chi and fall reductions in older adults: a randomized controlled trial,2005,60,2,187-194,Fisher Fear of falling and related activity restriction among middle-aged African Americans,2005,60,3,355-360,Miller Driving cessation and increased depressive symptoms,2005,60,3,399-403,Ragland Statistical analysis of efficacy in falls prevention trials,2005,60,4,530-534,Robertson Psychotropic medications and risk for falls among community-dwelling frail older people: an observational study,2005,60,5,622-626,Landi Older drivers and cataract: driving habits and crash risk,1999,54,4,M203-11,Stalvey Visual attention and driving behaviors among community-living older persons,2003,58,9,M832-6,Marottoli Age differences in timed accurate stepping with increasing cognitive and visual demand: a walking trail making test,2005,60,12,1558-1562,Ashton-Miller Time requirement for young and elderly women to move into a position for breaking a fall with outstretched hands,2005,60,12,1553-1557,Robinovitch Foot and ankle characteristics associated with impaired balance and functional ability in older people,2005,60,12,1546-1552,Lord Risk Factors for Falls in Older Disabled Women With Diabetes: The Women's Health and Aging Study,2005,60,12,1539-1545,Fried Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of falls in elderly residents of a long-term care facility,2005,60,9,1157-1162,Maurer Impact of falls on the balance gait and activities of daily living functioning in community-dwelling Chinese older adults,2006,61,4,399-404,Chu Predictors of falls in a multiethnic population of older rural adults with diabetes,2006,61,4,394-398,Bell Foot and ankle risk factors for falls in older people: a prospective study,2006,61,8,866-870,Lord Falls-related self-efficacy is independently associated with balance and mobility in older women with low bone mass,2006,61,8,832-838,Liu-Ambrose Independent domains of gait in older adults and associated motor and nonmotor attributes: validation of a factor analysis approach,2013,68,7,820-827,Rochester Falls risk and functional decline in older fallers discharged directly from emergency departments,2006,61,10,1090-1095,Hill Sleep disturbances and falls in older people,2007,62,1,62-66,Cumming Alarming rise in the number and incidence of fall-induced cervical spine injuries among older adults,2007,62,2,180-183,Parkkari Utility of the mean cumulative function in the analysis of fall events,2007,62,4,415-419,Janssen Choice stepping response and transfer times: effects of age fall risk and secondary tasks,2007,62,5,537-542,Lord Design-related bias in hospital fall risk screening tool predictive accuracy evaluations: systematic review and meta-analysis,2007,62,6,664-672,Haines Hyperkyphotic posture and risk of injurious falls in older persons: the Rancho Bernardo study,2007,62,6,652-657,Barrett-Connor Tae kwon do: an effective exercise for improving balance and walking ability in older adults,2007,62,6,641-646,Cromwell A retrospective study on heat-related mortality in an elderly population during the 2003 heat wave in Modena Italy: the Argento project,2007,62,6,647-651,Foroni Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes in older women,2002,57,3,M186-91,Songer Exploratory study of incident vehicle crashes among older drivers,2000,55,1,M22-7,McGwin Frailty and risk of falls fracture and mortality in older women: the study of osteoporotic fractures,2007,62,7,744-751,Cawthon Physical fatigue affects gait characteristics in older persons,2007,62,9,1010-1015,Moe-Nilssen Self-report versus state records for identifying crashes among older drivers,1997,52,3,M184-7,Marottoli Medication as a risk factor for falls: critical systematic review,2007,62,10,1172-1181,Hartikainen Self-reported health and driving cessation in community-dwelling older drivers,2007,62,7,789-793,Sims Force platform balance measures as predictors of indoor and outdoor falls in community-dwelling women aged 63-76 years,2008,63,2,171-178,Pajala A two-year longitudinal study of falls in 482 community-dwelling elderly adults,1998,53,4,M264-74,Vellas Effectiveness of a community-based multifactorial intervention on falls and fall risk factors in community-living older adults: a randomized controlled trial,2007,62,12,1420-1427,Koepsell Multidimensional geriatric assessment: back to the future preclinical disability as a risk factor for falls in community-dwelling older adults,2008,63,3,314-320,Iliffe Predictive accuracy of falls risk screening tools,2008,63,5,543,Webster Balance impairment not predictive of falls in geriatric rehabilitation wards,2008,63,5,523-528,Clarke Gaze behavior of older adults during rapid balance-recovery reactions,2008,63,8,885-891,Maki The Optimal Sequence and Selection of Screening Test Items to Predict Fall Risk in Older Disabled Women: The Women's Health and Aging Study,2008,63,10,1082-1088,Becker Age-associated effects of a concurrent cognitive task on gait speed and stability during narrow-base walking,2008,63,12,1329-1334,Price Executive functions are associated with gait and balance in community-living elderly people,2008,63,12,1344-1349,Bloem Hearing as a Predictor of Falls and Postural Balance in Older Female Twins,2009,64 A,2,312-317,Pyykko Acceleration Patterns of the Head and Pelvis During Gait in Older People With Parkinson's Disease: A Comparison of Fallers and Nonfallers,2009,64 A,6,700-706,Lord Quantitative Gait Markers and Incident Fall Risk in Older Adults,2009,64,8,896-901,Wang Measuring Fall Risk and Predicting Who Will Fall: Clinimetric Properties of Four Fall Risk Assessment Tools for Residential Aged Care,2009,64,8,916-924,Haines Prevalence of sleep disturbances in a cohort of older drivers,2008,63,7,715-723,Marottoli Assessment of driving with the global positioning system and video technology in young middle-aged and older drivers,2002,57,9,M578-82,Porter Driving and the promotion of safe mobility in older populations,2007,62,10,1111-1112,Satariano Driving status and three-year mortality among community-dwelling older adults,2009,64,2,300-305,Reynolds Regarding Sims and colleagues' "Self-reported health and driving cessation in community-dwelling older drivers",2008,63,8,892,Rebok A randomized trial of an education program to enhance older driver performance,2007,62,10,1113-1119,Marottoli fall-related hip fractures,2009,64,11,1199,Hirdes Older Drivers and Failure to Stop at Red Lights,2010,65,2,179-183,Bandeen-Roche Errors in Postural Preparation Lead to Increased Choice Reaction Times for Step Initiation in Older Adults,2011,66,6,705-713,Horak Longitudinal course of substance treatment benefits in older male veteran at-risk drinkers,2008,63,1,98-106,Oslin Square-stepping exercise and fall risk factors in older adults: a single-blind randomized controlled trial,2008,63,1,76-82,Tanaka Impaired depth perception and restricted pitch head movement increase obstacle contacts when dual-tasking in older people,2010,65,7,751-757,Lord Which Types of Activities Are Associated With Risk of Recurrent Falling in Older Persons?,2010,65,7,743-750,Visser Recent hospitalization and the risk of hip fracture among older Americans,2009,64,2,249-255,Wallace The association of race gender and comorbidity with mortality and function after hip fracture,2008,63,8,867-872,Magaziner Executive Control Deficits as a Prodrome to Falls in Healthy Older Adults: A Prospective Study Linking Thinking Walking and Falling,2010,65,10,1086-1092,Giladi The Development and Validation of a Brief Performance-Based Fall Risk Assessment Tool for Use in Primary Care,2010,65,8,896-903,Lord Psychological indicators of balance confidence: relationship to actual and perceived abilities,1996,51,1,M37-43,Maki The effect of exercise on gait patterns in older women: a randomized controlled trial,1996,51,2,M64-70,Williams Postural balance and its sensory-motor correlates in 75-year-old men and women: a cross-national comparative study,1996,51,2,M53-63,Schroll Postural sensitivity to visual flow in aging adults with and without balance problems,1996,51,2,M45-52,Moore Stepping over obstacles: dividing attention impairs performance of old more than young adults,1996,51,3,M116-22,Ashton-Miller Reproducibility of performance-based and self-reported measures of functional status,1997,52,6,M363-8,Kromhout Predictors of mobility decline: the Hong Kong old-old study,1997,52,6,M356-62,Ho Alcoholic beverage and long-term mortality in elderly people living at home,2007,62,11,1313-1314,Trabucchi Physical and psychological factors associated with stair negotiation performance in older people,2007,62,11,1259-1265,Lord Associations of gait speed and other measures of physical function with cognition in a healthy cohort of elderly persons,2007,62,11,1244-1251,DeKosky A regions-of-interest volumetric analysis of mobility limitations in community-dwelling older adults,2007,62,9,1048-1055,Newman Age-related deficits in early response characteristics of obstacle avoidance under time pressure,2007,62,9,1042-1047,Weerdesteyn Gait variability and the risk of incident mobility disability in community-dwelling older adults,2007,62,9,983-988,Brach Cognitive function gait speed decline and comorbidities: the health aging and body composition study,2007,62,8,844-850,Harris Impaired attention predicts motor performance decline in older community-dwellers with normal baseline mobility: results from the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging (ILSA),2007,62,8,837-843,Marchionni Testing interventions to preserve walking ability: progress against disability one step at a time,2007,62,8,834-836,Hadley The Functional ACTN3 577X Variant Increases the Risk of Falling in Older Females: Results From Two Large Independent Cohort Studies,2011,66,1,130-135,Judson Cognitive speed of processing training delays driving cessation,2009,64,12,1262-1267,Edwards Driving cessation and health trajectories in older adults,2009,64,12,1290-1295,Rebok Differentiating drivers with dementia of the Alzheimer type from healthy older persons with a Traffic Sign Naming test,1998,53,2,M135-9,Storandt Defective Adaption of Erythrocytes During Acute Hypoxia Injury in an Elderly Population,2011,66,4,376-384,de Gonzalo-Calvo Cerebral Oxygenation in Wake and During Sleep and Its Relationship to Cognitive Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Without Sleep Disordered Breathing,2011,66,1,150-156,Carlson The Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Mortality Among Chinese Elderly: A Hong Kong Cohort Study,2011,66,4,459-466,Sun Development of a Protocol for Improving the Clinical Utility of Posturography as a Fall-Risk Screening Tool,2011,66,2,228-233,Edginton Bigelow Relationship of age-related decreases in muscle mass and strength to skeletal status,1995,50 Spec No,,86-87,Marcus Strength is a major factor in balance gait and the occurrence of falls,1995,50 Spec No,,64-67,King Muscle function and mobility biomechanics in the elderly: an overview of some recent research,1995,50 Spec No,,60-63,Schultz Peripheral neuropathy: a true risk factor for falls,1995,50,4,M211-5,Richardson The Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale,1995,50A,1,M28-34,Myers Gait Variability Is Associated With Frailty in Community-dwelling Older Adults,2011,66,5,568-576,Kloseck Activities and Mortality in the Elderly: The Leisure World Cohort Study,2011,66,5,559-567,Paganini-Hill Development and Initial Validation of the Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale,2011,66,6,674-680,Lord The effects of two types of cognitive tasks on postural stability in older adults with and without a history of falls,1997,52,4,M232-40,Baldwin Leg extension power and walking speed in very old people living independently,1997,52,4,M225-31,Avela The effect of strength and endurance training on gait balance fall risk and health services use in community-living older adults,1997,52,4,M218-24,Price Assessing functional status: correlation between performance on tasks conducted in a clinic setting and performance on the same task conducted at home. The Salisbury Eye Evaluation Project Team,1997,52,4,M209-17,Fried Balance and skeletal alignment in a group of elderly female fallers and nonfallers,1997,52,4,B221-6,Culham Self-paced resistance training and walking exercise in community-dwelling older adults: effects on neuromotor performance,1997,52,3,M161-8,Parsons Differences in muscle endurance and recovery between fallers and nonfallers and between young and older women,1997,52,3,M155-60,Schwendner Abilities to turn suddenly while walking: effects of age gender and available response time,1997,52,2,M88-93,Ashton-Miller An assessment of falls in elderly men and women,1997,52,2,M80-7,Drury Reliability of physical performance measures in nursing home residents with Alzheimer's disease,1997,52,1,M52-5,Tappen Age differences in using a rapid step to regain balance during a forward fall,1997,52,1,M8-13,Ashton-Miller The relationship of strength to function in the older adult,1995,50 Spec No,,55-59,Brown Dynamic balance in older persons: effects of reduced visual and proprioceptive input,1995,50,5,M263-70,Wolfson Contribution of psychosis and depression to behavioral disturbances in geropsychiatric inpatients with dementia,1999,54,3,M157-61,Orengo Reach Distance but Not Judgment Error Is Associated With Falls in Older People,2011,66,8,896-903,Lord Age and gender differences in single-step recovery from a forward fall,1999,54,1,M44-50,Ashton-Miller Risk factors for falls in hospitalized older medical patients,1999,54,1,M38-43,Wong The sex and age of older adults influence the outcome of induced trips,1999,54,2,M103-8,Grabiner Phase-dependent modulation of proximal and distal postural responses to slips in young and older adults,1999,54,2,M89-102,Woollacott Evaluation of the Sustained Effect of Inpatient Falls Prevention Education and Predictors of Falls After Hospital Discharge--Follow-up to a Randomized Controlled Trial,2011,66,9,1001-1012,Hill Measurements of Stepping Accuracy in a Multitarget Stepping Task as a Potential Indicator of Fall Risk in Elderly Individuals,2011,66,9,994-1000,Yamada Inefficient postural responses to unexpected slips during walking in older adults,1998,53,6,M471-80,Woollacott Interactions Between Life Stress Factors and Carrying the APOE4 Allele Adversely Impact Self-reported Health in Old Adults,2011,66,10,1054-1061,Zeng Antidepressant Prescriptions: An Acute Window for Falls in the Nursing Home,2011,66,10,1124-1130,Lipsitz Elderly nursing home patients with congestive heart failure after myocardial infarction living in new york city have a higher prevalence of mortality in cold weather and warm weather months,2004,59,2,146-147,Ahn Weighted vest exercise improves indices of fall risk in older women,1998,53,1,M53-8,Snow The relationship between physical restraint removal and falls and injuries among nursing home residents,1998,53,1,M47-52,Capezuti The dynamics of dimensions of age-related disability 1982 to 1994 in the U.S. elderly population,1998,53,1,B59-70,Stallard The Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders Study: Design and Methods,2011,66,11,1226-1237,Newman The effect of falls and fall injuries on functioning in community-dwelling older persons,1998,53,2,M112-9,Williams Age period and cohort effects on physical activity among elderly men during 10 years of follow-up: the Zutphen Elderly Study,1998,53,3,M235-41,Caspersen Completion and Return of Fall Diaries Varies With Participants' Level of Education First Language and Baseline Fall Risk,2012,67,2,210-214,Iliffe Reliability of physical performance and self-reported functional measures in an older population,1998,53,4,M295-300,Tager Attentional demands and postural control: the effect of sensory context,2000,55,1,M10-6,Woollacott The contribution of genetic influences to measures of lower-extremity function in older male twins,2000,55,1,B49-53,Guralnik The effects of antidepressants on obstructed and unobstructed gait in healthy elderly people,2001,56,1,M36-41,Zacny The effects of multidimensional home-based exercise on functional performance in elderly people,2004,59,2,154-160,Nelson Muscle coordination during rapid force production by young and older adults,2005,60,2,232-240,Riek The influence of intense Tai Chi training on physical performance and hemodynamic outcomes in transitionally frail older adults,2006,61,2,184-189,Wolf Effects of age on balance assessment using voluntary and involuntary step tasks,1999,54,3,M140-4,Wallace Perception of postural limits in elderly nursing home and day care participants,1999,54,3,B124-30; discussion B131,Robinovitch Reported and measured physical functioning in older inner-city diabetic African Americans,1999,54,5,M230-6,Morley Exercise: effects on physical functional performance in independent older adults,1999,54,5,M242-8,DeLateur A cross-cultural comparison of neuromuscular performance functional status and falls between Japanese and white women,1999,54,6,M288-92,Davis The relation between psychometric test performance and physical performance in older adults,1999,54,8,M428-32,Storandt Brain White Matter Hyperintensities Executive Dysfunction Instability and Falls in Older People: A Prospective Cohort Study,2012,67,10,1085-1091,Lord Relationship between pain and opioid analgesics on the development of delirium following hip fracture,2003,58,1,76-81,Koval Step training improves the speed of voluntary step initiation in aging,2003,58,1,46-51,Rogers Cognitive screening predicts magnitude of functional recovery from admission to 3 months after discharge in hospitalized elders,2003,58,1,37-45,Yaffe Creatine supplementation enhances isometric strength and body composition improvements following strength exercise training in older adults,2003,58,1,11-19,Brose Fear of Falling and Coexisting Sensory Difficulties As Predictors of Mobility Decline in Older Women,2012,67,11,1230-1237,Kaprio Anaerobic power and physical function in strength-trained and non-strength-trained older adults,2002,57,3,M168-72,Cress Alcoholic beverage preference 29-year mortality and quality of life in men in old age,2007,62,2,213-218,Strandberg Not all older adults have insight into their driving abilities: evidence from an on-road assessment and implications for policy,2013,68,5,559-566,Wood Older driver training using video and global positioning system technology--a randomized controlled trial,2013,68,5,574-580,Porter Lower limb muscle weakness predicts use of a multiple- versus single-step strategy to recover from forward loss of balance in older adults,2012,67,11,1246-1252,Barrett Cognitive domains and trajectories of functional independence in nondemented elderly persons,2006,61,12,1330-1337,Dodge Tai Chi Chih acutely decreases sympathetic nervous system activity in older adults,2006,61,11,1177-1180,Motivala Effects of a physical activity intervention on measures of physical performance: Results of the lifestyle interventions and independence for Elders Pilot (LIFE-P) study,2006,61,11,1157-1165,Newman Cognitive function gait and gait variability in older people: a population-based study,2013,68,6,726-732,Srikanth Daily ambulation activity and task performance in community-dwelling older adults aged 63-71 years with preclinical disability,2004,59,3,264-267,Cress Increased concern is protective for falls in Chinese older people: the Chopstix Fall Risk Study,2013,68,8,946-953,Lord Cognitive function modifies the effect of physiological function on the risk of multiple falls--a population-based study,2013,68,9,1091-1097,Callisaya Predicting death in the nursing home: development and validation of the 6-month Minimum Data Set mortality risk index,2005,60,4,491-498,Rantz Age and stepping limb performance differences during a single-step recovery from a forward fall,2005,60,4,481-485,Madigan Effect of single dose methylphenidate on walking and postural stability under single- and dual-task conditions in older adults--a double-blind randomized control trial,2013,68,10,1271-1280,Melzer A comparison of straight- and curved-path walking tests among mobility-limited older adults,2013,68,12,1532-1539,Brach Walking smoothness is associated with self-reported function after accounting for gait speed,2013,68,10,1286-1290,Brach Efficacy of Nintendo Wii training on mechanical leg muscle function and postural balance in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trial,2013,68,7,845-852,Laessoe Depression antidepressants and falls among community-dwelling elderly people: The MOBILIZE Boston Study,2013,68,12,1575-1581,Lipsitz A 12-week Iyengar yoga program improved balance and mobility in older community-dwelling people: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2013,68,9,1068-1075,Tiedemann Epidemiology of fracture risk with advancing age,2013,68,10,1236-1242,Ensrud Impaired systolic blood pressure recovery directly after standing predicts mortality in older falls clinic patients,2014,69,4,471-478,Wieling Do ACE inhibitors improve the response to exercise training in functionally impaired older adults? A randomized controlled trial,2014,69,6,736-743,McMurdo Neuropsychological physical and functional mobility measures associated with falls in cognitively impaired older adults,2014,69,8,987-995,Lord The neural basis of age-related changes in motor imagery of gait: An fMRI study,2013,69,11,1389-1398,Vuilleumier Declines in mobility and changes in performance in the instrumental activities of daily living among mildly disabled community-dwelling older adults,2014,70,1,71-77,Albert Perturbation training can reduce community-dwelling older adults' annual fall risk: a randomized controlled trial,2014,69,12,1586-1594,Bhatt The Alcohol Paradox: Light-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption Cognitive Function and Brain Volume,2014,69,12,1528-1535,Harris Regional cerebral glucose metabolism and gait speed in healthy community-dwelling older women,2014,69,12,1519-1527,Shinkai Enhanced somatosensory feedback reduces prefrontal cortical activity during walking in older adults,2014,69,11,1422-1428,Williamson The motor signature of mild cognitive impairment: results from the gait and brain study,2014,69,11,1415-1421,Speechley Aging motor skill and the energy cost of walking: implications for the prevention and treatment of mobility decline in older persons,2014,69,11,1429-1436,Vanswearingen Relative association of processing speed short-term memory and sustained attention with task on gait speed: a study of community-dwelling people 50 years and older,2014,69,11,1407-1414,Cronin Progression of white matter hyperintensities of presumed vascular origin increases the risk of falls in older people,2014,70,3,360-366,Beare Insomnia symptoms and actigraph-estimated sleep characteristics in a nationally representative sample of older adults,2014,70,2,185-192,Lauderdale Walking energetics fatigability and fatigue in older adults: the study of energy and aging pilot,2014,70,4,487-494,Mackey Ability versus hazard: risk-taking and falls in older people,2014,70,5,628-634,Lord Ambulatory fall-risk assessment: amount and quality of daily-life gait predict falls in older adults,2015,70,5,608-615,Lips Regional gray matter volumes are related to concern about falling in older people: a Voxel-based morphometric study,2015,71,1,138-144,Lord Can a body-fixed sensor reduce Heisenberg's uncertainty when it comes to the evaluation of mobility? Effects of aging and fall risk on transitions in daily living,2015,71,11,1459-1465,Giladi Longitudinal relationships between cognitive decline and gait slowing: the Tasmanian Study of Cognition and Gait,2015,70,10,1226-1232,Callisaya Association between vestibular and cognitive function in U.S. adults: data from the,2015,71,2,243-250,Agrawal Heritability and genome-wide association analyses of human gait suggest contribution of common variants,2015,71,6,740-746,Srikanth Antipsychotic and benzodiazepine drug changes affect acute falls risk differently in the nursing home,2015,71,2,273-278,Lipsitz Antihypertensive use and recurrent falls in community-dwelling older adults: findings from the Health ABC Study,2015,70,12,1562-1568,Shorr Long-term Consequences of Noninjurious and Injurious Falls on Well-being in Older Women,2015,70,12,1519-1525,Byles Are performance measures necessary to predict loss of independence in elderly people?,2015,71,1,84-89,Cesari Gait speed predicts incident disability: a pooled analysis,2015,71,1,63-71,Newman Patterns of alcohol consumption and risk of frailty in community-dwelling older adults,2015,71,2,251-258,Galan Estimating the upper limit of lifetime probability distribution based on data of Japanese Centenarians,2015,71,8,1014-1021,Hanayama Measuring frailty can help emergency departments identify independent seniors at risk of functional decline after minor injuries,2015,72,1,68-74,Emond Associations of computed tomography-based trunk muscle size and density with balance and falls in older adults,2015,71,6,811-816,Kiel Analysis and interpretation of accelerometry data in older adults: the LIFE Study,2015,71,4,521-528,Marsh Motor function is associated with incident disability in older African Americans,2015,71,5,696-702,Bennett Alcohol consumption and longitudinal trajectories of physical functioning in Central and Eastern Europe: a 10-year follow-up of HAPIEE study,2016,71,8,1063-1068,Pikhart A prospective study of back pain and risk of falls among older community-dwelling women,2016,71,9,1177-1183,Deyo Characterizing frailty status in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial,2016,71,5,649-655,Chertow Predictors of new onset sleep medication and treatment utilization among older adults in the United States,2016,71,7,954-960,Assari Continuous monitoring of turning mobility and its association to falls and cognitive function: a pilot study,2016,71,8,1102-1108,Horak Motor output variability impairs driving ability in older adults,2016,71,12,1676-1681,Christou Prospective study of trajectories of physical performance and mortality among community-dwelling older Japanese,2016,71,11,1492-1499,Shinkai Disentangling cognitive-frailty: results from the gait and brain study,2016,71,11,1476-1482,Camicioli An evaluation of the longitudinal bidirectional associations between gait speed and cognition in older women and men,2016,71,12,1616-1623,Liu-Ambrose Aged muscle demonstrates fiber-type adaptations in response to mechanical overload in the absence of myofiber hypertrophy independent of satellite cell abundance,2016,71,4,461-467,Yang Fall and fracture risk in nursing home residents with moderate-to-severe behavioral symptoms of alzheimer's disease and related dementias initiating antidepressants or antipsychotics,2016,72,5,695-702,Brandt Gait speed and decline in gait speed as predictors of incident dementia,2016,72,5,655-661,Dufouil Simple test of manual dexterity can help to identify persons at high risk for neurodegenerative diseases in the community,2016,72,1,75-81,Hofman Associations of guideline recommended medications for acute coronary syndromes with fall-related hospitalizations and cardiovascular events in older women with ischemic heart disease,2016,72,2,259-265,Hilmer Cognitive and physical function in relation to the risk of injurious falls in older adults: a population-based study,2017,72,5,669–675,Fratiglioni Impact of potentially inappropriate prescribing on adverse drug events health related quality of life and emergency hospital attendance in older people attending general practice: a prospective cohort study,2016,72,2,271-277,Smith A comparison of objective physical performance tests and future mortality in the elderly people,2016,72,3,362-368,Crepaldi Sensorimotor and cognitive predictors of impaired gait adaptability in older people,2016,72,9,1257-1263,Sturnieks Intraindividual stepping reaction time variability predicts falls in older adults with mild cognitive impairment,2016,72,6,832-837,Lord A prospective study of back pain and risk of falls among older community-dwelling men,2016,72,9,1264-1269,Deyo Baseline characteristics of participants in the ASPREE (ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly) Study,2017,72,11,1586-1593,Newman Remote traumatic brain injury is associated with motor dysfunction in older military veterans,2017,72,9,1233-1238,Diaz-Arrastia Clinical definitions of sarcopenia and risk of hospitalization in community-dwelling older men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study,2017,72,10,1383-1389,Orwoll A 2-year follow-up after a 2-year RCT with vitamin D and exercise: effects on falls injurious falls and physical functioning among older women,2017,72,9,1239-1245,Kannus Association of family history of exceptional longevity with decline in physical function in aging,2017,72,12,1649-1655,Verghese Executive network activation is linked to walking speed in older adults: functional MRI and TCD ultrasound evidence from the MOBILIZE Boston Study,2017,72,12,1669-1675,Lipsitz Stabilized incidence in proximal humeral fractures of elderly women: nationwide statistics from Finland in 1970-2015,2017,72,10,1390-1393,Parkkari Comparison of the Simplified sWHI and the Standard CHS Frailty Phenotypesfor prediction of mortality incident falls and hip fractures in older women,2017,72,10,1394-1400,Lacroix Prevalence and correlates of frailty among community-dwelling Chinese older adults: the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,2017,73,1,102-108,Odden The association between childhood abuse and elder abuse among Chinese adult children in the United States,2017,72,Suppl 1,S69-S75,Dong Risk profiles for injurious falls in people over 60: a population-based cohort study,2018,73,2,233-239,Fratiglioni Association between subjective sleep quality and future risk of falls in older people: results from LOHAS,2018,73,9,1205-1211,Takegami Motor output variability impairs driving ability in older adults: Reply to Stinchcombe Dickerson Weaver and Bedard,2018,73,2,269-270,Lodha Response to "Motor output variability impairs driving ability in older adults",2018,73,2,267-268,Bedard Validation of gait characteristics extracted from raw accelerometry during walking against measures of physical function mobility fatigability and fitness,2018,73,5,676-681,Glynn Fracture Risk Assessment in Long-term Care (FRAiL): development and validation of a prediction model,2018,73,6,763-769,D'Agostino Association between quantitative gait and balance measures and total daily physical activity in community-dwelling older adults,2018,73,5,636-642,Bennett Frailty and cerebral small vessel disease: a cross-sectional analysis of the Tasmanian Study of Cognition and Gait (TASCOG),2018,73,2,255-260,Beare Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (STRIDE): a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial of a multifactorial fall injury prevention strategy: design and methods,2018,73,8,1053-1061,Travison The association between fall frequency injury risk and characteristics of falls in older residents of long-term care: do recurrent fallers fall more safely?,2018,73,6,786-791,van Schooten The temporal association between executive function and life-space mobility in old age,2018,73,6,835-839,Portegijs Fear of falling predicts incidence of functional disability two years later: a perspective from an international cohort study,2018,73,9,1212-1215,French Serious fall injury history and adverse health outcomes after initiating hemodialysis among older U.S. adults,2018,73,9,1216-1221,Bowling Body mass index falls and hip fractures among nursing home residents,2018,73,10,1403-1409,Zhang Distracted driving and risk of crash or near-crash involvement among older drivers using naturalistic driving data with a case-crossover study design,2019,74,4,550-555,McGwin Strong relation between muscle mass determined by D3-creatine dilution physical performance and incidence of falls and mobility limitations in a prospective cohort of older men,2019,74,6,844-852,Cawthon Screening recruitment and baseline characteristics for the Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (STRIDE) study,2018,73,11,1495-1501,Ganz Recruitment for a pragmatic clinical trial to reduce fall injuries,2018,73,11,1502-1503,Cauley The prevalence of orthostatic hypotension: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tan Comparing estimates of fall-related mortality incidence among older adults in the 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identifying risk factors for fear of falling: the International Mobility in Aging Study (IMIAS),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gómez A multimodal training modulates short-afferent inhibition and improves complex walking in a cohort of faller older adults with an increased prevalence of Parkinson's disease,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mirelman Addressing balance mobility and falls: are we moving the needle on fall prevention?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hicks When will my patient fall? Sensor-based in-home walking speed identifies future falls in older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaye Does cognitive impairment influence visual-somatosensory integration and mobility in older adults?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verghese Evidence of a link between fall-related anxiety and high-risk patterns of visual search in older adults during adaptive locomotion,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Young Associations of body composition trajectories with bone mineral density muscle function falls and fractures in older men: the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Naganathan Peripheral nerve impairment and recurrent falls among women: results from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strotmeyer Mortality risk among older people who did vs. Did not sustain a fracture: baseline pre-fracture strength and gait speed as predictors in a 15-year follow-up,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rantanen Warrior Wellness: A randomized controlled pilot trial of the effects of exercise on physical function and clinical health risk factors in older military veterans with PTSD,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pieper Type of disaster exposure affects functional limitations of older people six years later,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson-Genderson Commonly used screening instruments to identify frailty among community-dwelling older people in a general practice (primary care) setting: a study of diagnostic test accuracy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Visvanathan Does obesity increase the risk and severity of falls in people aged 60 years and older? A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiedemann Medications acting on the central nervous system and fall-related injuries in community dwelling older adults: a new user cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Larson Unravelling the association between gait and mortality - one step at a time,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Geest Sharp rise in fall-induced cervical spine injuries among older adults between 1970 and 2017,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parkkari The roles of body composition and specific strength in the relationship between race and physical performance in older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Studenski Patterns of home environmental modification use and functional health: the women's health initiative,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ip Classification of injurious fall severity in hospitalized adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Falls risk in relation to activity exposure in high risk older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rochester Are biological consequences of childhood exposures detectable in telomere length decades later?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferraro Frailty phenotype and cause-specific mortality in the US,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lohman Association between characteristics of injurious falls and fall preventive interventions in acute medical and surgical units,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shorr Development and validation of person-centered cut-points for the figure-of-8-walk test of mobility in community-dwelling older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brach Opioid use and the risk of falls fall injuries and fractures among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramirez The impact of obstructive sleep apnoea on balance gait and falls risk: a narrative review of the literature,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crotty Effect of holding objects on the occurrence of head impact in falls by older adults: evidence from real-life falls in long-term care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robinovitch The U-shaped relationship between levels of bouted activity and fall incidence in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kwok The role of psychological and social well-being on physical function trajectories in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fratiglioni Prediction of balance perturbations and falls on stairs in older people using a biomechanical profiling approach: a 12-month longitudinal study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arampatzis Machine learning in aging: an example of developing prediction models for serious fall injury in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newman Tailored exercise and home hazard reduction for fall prevention in older people with cognitive impairment: the i-FOCIS randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill Chronic pain and risk of injurious falls in community-dwelling older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leveille Antidepressant use partially mediates the association between depression and risk of falls and fall injuries among older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairchild Risk factors for hospital admission after a fall: a prospective cohort study of community-dwelling older people,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Batty Increasing life-space mobility in community-dwelling older persons with cognitive impairment following rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hauer Longitudinal associations between gait falls and disability in community-dwelling older adults with type II diabetes mellitus: findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kenny Incidence and associated risk factors for falls in older adults post discharge who undergo elective total hip replacement surgery- a prospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bulsara Exercise processing speed and subsequent falls: a secondary analysis of a 12-month randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu-Ambrose Exercise effects on falls fractures hospitalizations and mortality in older adults with dementia: an individual-level patient data meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lamb Cognitive processing speed is strongly related to driving skills financial abilities and other instrumental activities of daily living in persons with MCI and mild dementia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crowe Subjective motoric complaints and new onset slow gait,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verghese Comparison of lateral perturbation-induced step training and hip muscle strengthening exercise on balance and falls in community dwelling older adults: a blinded randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beamer The prospective association between socioeconomic status and falls among community-dwelling older men,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Naganathan Risk factors for incident falls and fractures in older men with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Naganathan The association between injurious falls and older adults' cognitive function: the role of depressive mood and physical performance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sergi Motor imagery deficits in high-functioning older adults and its impact on fear of falling and falls,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Montero-Odasso Frailty with or without cognitive impairment is a strong predictor of recurrent falls in a US population-representative sample of older adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simonsick Delirium and delirium severity predict the trajectory of the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility (HABAM) in hospitalised older people: findings from the DECIDE Study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brayne Mortality falls and fracture risk are positively associated with frailty: a SIDIAP cohort study of 890000 patients,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prieto-Alhambra Fall-related injuries mediate the relationship between self-reported hearing loss and mortality in middle-aged and older adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xu Neither leg muscle strength nor balance are associated with the incidence of falls in middle-aged women: a 5-year population-based prospective study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Mobility of older adults: gait quality measures are associated with life-space assessment scores,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Redfern Effectiveness of the wearable sensor based Ambient Intelligent Geriatric Management System (AmbIGeM) in preventing falls in older people in hospitals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill Dissemination and implementation of evidence-based falls prevention programs: reach and effectiveness,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brach Comment on: "Mobility of older adults: gait quality measures are associated with life-space assessment scores" by Suri et al,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hauer Sex differences in recovery across multiple domains among older adults with hip fracture,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Resnick Identification of fall-related injuries in nursing home residents using administrative claims data,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kiel Hospital length of stay after hip fracture and its association with 4-month mortality - exploring the role of patient characteristics,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hedström Development and internal validation of a risk prediction model for falls among older people using primary care electronic health records,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Velde Creatinine to cystatin C ratio a biomarker of sarcopenia measures and falls risk in community-dwelling older women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duque Effects of physical and cognitive training on falls and concern about falling in older adults: results from a randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sipilä Association between free-living sit-to-stand transition characteristics and lower-extremity performance fear of falling and stair negotiation difficulties among community-dwelling 75 to 85-year-old adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Portegijs Development of the ADFICE_IT models for predicting falls and recurrent falls in community-dwelling older adults: pooled analyses of European cohorts with special attention to medication,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Velde Correction to: Identification of fall-related injuries in nursing home residents using administrative claims 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