Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Parent's behaviors knowledge and beliefs related to unintentional firearm injuries among children and youth in the Southwest [USA],1998,12,3,139-146,Knight-Bohnhoff Educating youths and their parents about the prevention of firearm injury,1994,8,3,127-129,Brady Firearm safety devices,2003,17,3,157-158,Meadows-Oliver Safe biking--a bike helmet,1987,1,6,334,Hancock Promoting helmet use in recreational sports,1994,8,3,138-139,Swartz The federal role in motor vehicle safety issues,1995,9,6,279-281,Havens Promoting children's use of bicycle helmets,1995,9,2,51-58,Coppens Physical abuse: Recognition and reporting,2005,19,1,4-11,Hornor Adolescent mothers' beliefs about parenting and injury prevention: results of a focus group,2001,15,4,194-199,Bennett Murphy Parent education for drowning prevention,1991,5,3,141-146,Coffman Drowning,1995,9,4,185-186,Castiglia Eye trauma in children: epidemiology management and prevention,1997,11,4,182-188,Coody Child passenger safety,1998,12,3,130-138,Murphy Kids and car safety: beyond car seats and seat belts,2001,15,5,257-259,Starr Scooters as a new trend in injury with opportunities for prevention,2001,15,3,155-157,Rhynders Promoting safety of young children with guided participation processes,2003,17,5,245-251,Limbo Keeping children safe: protecting children from sexual abuse,2003,17,6,275-276,Nelms School bus safety: Issues and controversy,1995,9,3,145-148,Reilly Domestic violence and children,2005,19,4,206-212,Hornor All-terrain Vehicles and Children: History Injury Burden and Prevention Strategies,2006,20,1,67-70,Brown Risk taking in young Hispanic children,1999,13,3 Pt 1,126-135,Kennedy A nursing intervention to ensure a safe playground environment,1996,10,5,209-216,McEvoy Evaluating health and safety knowledge of preschoolers: assessing their early start to being health smart,2000,14,4,160-165,Mobley Shaken baby syndrome education: a role for nurse practitioners working with families of small children,2006,20,5,304-310,Walls New challenges new answers: pediatric nurse practitioners and the care of adolescents,1999,13,4,183-190,Bearinger What African-American Middle School Youth Report About Risk-taking Behaviors,2006,20,6,393-400,Busen The cutaneous manifestations and common mimickers of physical child abuse,2004,18,3,123-129,Mudd Sexually transmitted infections in preadolescent children,2007,21,3,153-161,Lewin NAPNAP position statement on child maltreatment,2007,21,1,25A-26A, Kids and hot liquids-a burning reality,2007,21,3,192-194,Ring Playground safety,1992,6,3,161-162,Swartz Biting in day care centers: incidence prevention and intervention,1991,5,4,191-196,Elardo Booster seats: protecting the forgotten child,2006,20,2,137-140,Yuma Back-up detection devices: what do we all need to know? Dangerous blind zones,2007,21,2,123-128,Lovette The teenage driver: an opportunity to educate,2004,18,4,204-207,Heald Whiplash injury secondary to a motor vehicle accident,2003,17,3,148,Perrone Every ride a safe ride,1999,13,6 Pt 1,308-310,Halopka A guide to personal flotation devices and basic open water safety for pediatric health care practitioners,2006,20,3,214-218,Morgan The environmental health of Latino children,2007,21,5,307-314,Carter-Pokras Family violence,1995,9,6,269-271,Castiglia Violence prevention,1995,9,5,234-236,Hobbie Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1995,9,2,79-80,Castiglia Domestic violence: children are victims too!,1994,8,5,201-202,Nelms Gangs,1993,7,1,39-41,Castiglia Adolescent addiction. Assessment and identification,1991,5,2,86-93,Myers A review of current technology in child safety seats for infants,2006,20,6,419-423,Daniels Risk behaviors of Dominican adolescents in their homeland and in the United States,2007,21,6,372-380,Babington Observations of children youth and violence,1987,1,2,77-84,Newell-Withrow Parental methamphetamine abuse and children,2008,22,3,152-158,McGuinness NAPNAP position statement on the prevention of unintentional injuries in children,2008,22,3,27A-28A, Bicycle Attachments for Children: Bicycle Seats Trail-a-bikes and Trailers,2009,23,1,62-65,Murray Depiction of Food as Having Drug-like Properties in Televised Food Advertisements Directed at Children: Portrayals as Pleasure Enhancing and Addictive,2009,23,3,150-157,Page Child advocacy centers: providing support to primary care providers,2008,22,1,35-39,Hornor A case of tot maltreatment,2007,21,5,323-4 350-3,Martin Perceptions of battered women,2005,19,1,66; author reply 66,Taylor Breaking the cycle of family violence: understanding the perceptions of battered women,2004,18,5,236-243,Cohen How mothers respond to their crying infant,2006,20,2,148,Meer Ano-genital herpes in children,2006,20,2,106-114,Hornor Car seats: helping parents do it right!,1987,1,4,190-195,Bull From disclosure to court: the facets of sexual abuse,1987,1,3,136-140,Elvik Assessing suicide risk in the school-age child,1987,1,1,14-20,Valente Corporal punishment in the schools: sanctioned abuse?,1988,2,5,219-220,Nelms Violence in dating relationships,1989,3,6,298-304,Koval Violence: the epidemic is growing,1989,3,4,173-174,Nelms Suicide in adolescents,1990,4,3,149-151, Sexual abuse of children,1990,4,2,91-93,Castiglia Shaken baby syndrome,1993,7,5,238-239,Couser Home and holiday safety,1993,7,6,290-291,Swartz Injury prevention: a survey of clinical practice,1992,6,4,182-186,Jones Home care of the child and family after near drowning,1992,6,1,18-24,Coffman The injury Prevention Program (TIPP),1991,5,5,279-280,Hobbie Microwave heating of infant formula and breast milk,1990,4,3,131-135,Nemethy Survey of accidents in a university day-care center,1990,4,1,18-23,Bass The Relationship of Perception of Invincibility Demographics and Risk Behaviors in Adolescents of Military Parents,2010,24,1,25-33,Wickman On Hitting Children: A Review of Corporal Punishment in the United States,2010,24,2,103-107,Knox Identification of suicide risk among rural youth: implications for the use of HEADSS,2010,24,3,152-167,Sekula A normal ano-genital exam: sexual abuse or not?,2010,24,3,145-151,Hornor The eyes have it: visual attention as an index of infant cognition,1993,7,4,150-155,Morrow Is this sexual abuse?,1994,8,2,87 97-8,Walsh Shaken baby syndrome: identification and prevention for nurse practitioners,1994,8,2,50-56,Coody Bruises in children: normal or child abuse?,2010,24,4,216-221,Harris Societal child neglect,1994,8,3,99-100,Nelms A pediatric nurse practitioner call to arms: new solutions needed for nation's growing public health problem,1994,8,3,135-137,Havens Sex offending among juveniles: development and response,1994,8,3,101-105,Elliott Lowe's Home Safety Council: an opportunity for PNPs to work with industry on child safety issues on a large scale,1996,10,2,89-91,Burns Suicide--can we help prevent it?,1996,10,3,97-98,Nelms Poison prevention,1993,7,3,143-144,Swartz Ethical decision making and mandatory reporting in cases of suspected child abuse,1997,11,6,258-265,Greipp Juvenile animal abuse: Practice and policy implications for PNPs,2004,18,1,15-21,Muscari Teachers' perceptions of school violence,2003,17,2,79-83,Fisher Position statement. Child maltreatment,2002,16,1,30A-31A, Emotional abuse: helping prevent the problem,2001,15,3,103-104,Nelms Male child sexual abuse,1999,13,3 Pt 1,112-119,Moody Aberrant genital practices: an unrecognized form of child sexual abuse,1999,13,1,12-17,Hornor School preparation--it's not what it used to be!!,1998,12,5,229-230,Nelms Incorporating violence prevention into anticipatory guidance for well child visits,1997,11,5,222-226,Hobbie Violence prevention: a community approach,1997,11,4,155-164,Kelley Incest prevention: the role of the pediatric nurse practitioner,1996,10,6,246-254,Flournoy A driving dilemma,2007,21,6,401-402,Stewart Adolescent injury prevention,1998,12,3,160 167-8,Jonides Psychosocial issues in primary care of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth,1997,11,6,266-274,Patterson Heat-related Illness Risk With Methylphenidate Use,2011,25,2,127-132,Thoenes The power of "Power Rangers",1995,9,3,101-102,Kettl Peers--the great teachers of social skills,1995,9,4,151-152,Nelms Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1997,11,5,242 252-4,Bosch Helping the victims and the bullies,1997,11,5,205-206,Nelms Preschool injuries in child care centers: nursing strategies for prevention,1997,11,3,111-116,Ulione Characteristics of fifth-grade children in relation to the type of after-school care,1995,9,4,167-171,Cutler How mothers respond to their crying infant,2005,19,6,347-353,Wade Child sexual abuse: Consequences and implications,2010,24,6,358-364,Hornor Common conditions that mimic findings of sexual abuse,2009,23,5,283-288,Hornor Cyberbullying: an extension of the schoolyard,2009,23,5,281-282,Swartz Shaken baby syndrome,2001,15,2,78-80,Castiglia Repeated sexual abuse allegations: a problem for primary care providers,2001,15,2,71-76,Hornor A comparison of the psychological resources of adolescents at low and high risk of mistreating their children,2001,15,6,299-303,Barrett Ano-genital warts in children: Sexual abuse or not?,2004,18,4,165-170,Hornor Sticks and stones: the NP's role with bullies and victims,2002,16,1,22-28,Muscari When terrible things happen: a parent's guide to talking with their children,2002,16,5,272-274,Leavitt The aftermath of violence: children disaster and posttraumatic stress disorder,2002,16,5,235-244,Veenema Mental health worries communication and needs in the year of the U.S. terrorist attack: national KySS survey findings,2002,16,5,222-234,Feinstein Attack on America: children's reactions and parents' responses,2002,16,5,213-221,Kelley Child sexual abuse: psychosocial risk factors,2002,16,4,187-192,Hornor Infant crying: a clinical conundrum,2007,21,5,333-338,Evanoo The risks and alternatives to physical punishment use with children,2003,17,3,126-132,Ateah Risk and protective factors in children adopted from the former Soviet Union,2000,14,3,109-116,McGuinness Evaluation of sexual abuse in the pediatric patient,2000,14,3,93-102,McClain Do pediatric nurse practitioners recognize sexual abuse?,2000,14,4,204,Harrison Do pediatric nurse practitioners recognize sexual abuse?,2000,14,2,45-49,McCleery The aggressive child,1991,5,3,152-154,Castiglia Suspicious fracture in a toddler,2008,22,3,196-198,McKegney Identifying and documenting findings of physical child abuse and neglect,1999,13,3 Pt 1,142-143,Cheung The adolescent athlete. Part II: Injury patterns and prevention,1994,8,5,203-211,Allen The handgun as a consumer product,1994,8,6,288-290,Swartz Lead poisoning,1995,9,3,134-135,Castiglia Access to the Consumer Product Safety Commission,1996,10,6,300-301,Swartz Medical Evaluation for Child Sexual Abuse: What the PNP Needs to Know,2011,25,4,250-256,Hornor Mild head injury in children: identification clinical evaluation neuroimaging and disposition,1998,12,6 Pt 1,288-298,van Stralen NAPNAP position statement on child maltreatment,2011,25,4,e17-e18, Anticipatory guidance: having a dog in the family,1998,12,2,73-79,Iazzetti Risky choices: the dangers of teens using self-induced abortion attempts,1998,12,3,147-151,Smith Intervention booster: adding a decision-making module to risk reduction and other health care programs for adolescents,1998,12,5,247-255,Hollen Position statement on health risks and needs of gay lesbian bisexual and transgender adolescents,2000,14,3,28A, An adolescent with osteoporosis,2000,14,3,133 144-6,Walsh Teen Club: a nursing intervention for reducing risk-taking behavior and improving well-being in female African American adolescents,2000,14,3,103-108,Collins Tattoos: counseling the adolescent,2001,15,1,14-19,Montgomery Interpersonal Violence: Secondary Analysis of the Keep Your Children/Yourself Safe and Secure (KySS) Data,2012,26,2,102-108,Lewin Family Communication Patterns and Teen Drivers' Attitudes Toward Driving Safety,2013,27,5,334-341,Cheng A descriptive study of missed appointments: families' perceptions of barriers to care,1999,13,4,178-182,Pesata Helping children and families deal with the psychological aspects of disaster,2002,16,1,36-39,Barber Starr Medical Evaluation for Child Physical Abuse: What the PNP Needs to Know,2012,26,3,163-170,Hornor Willingness to respond in a disaster: a pediatric nurse practitioner national survey,2012,26,4,e7-e20,Upperman Wired at a young age: the effect of caffeine and technology on sleep duration and body mass index in school-aged children,2012,26,4,276-282,Calamaro Perspectives of nurse practitioners on health care needs among Latino children and families in the rural southeastern United States: a pilot study,2012,26,6,409-417,Kim-Godwin Parenting support needs assessment: screening for child maltreatment risk in young families,2014,28,3,208-216,Lewin The Rapid Assessment for Adolescent Preventive Services (RAAPS): Providers' Assessment of Its Usefulness in Their Clinical Practice Settings,2014,28,3,217-226,Martyn Characteristics of violence among high-risk adolescent girls,2014,28,3,227-233,Secor-Turner Child maltreatment: screening and anticipatory guidance,2013,27,4,242-250,Hornor Barriers to and consequences of mandated reporting of child abuse by nurse practitioners,2014,28,1,e1-7,Anson Violence prevention: A nursing issue,2014,28,1,4,Ricciardi Child neglect: Assessment and intervention,2014,28,2,186-192,Hornor Pediatric falls from windows: A health policy model for prevention,2014,28,2,182-185,Koppolu Advanced practice nursing in child maltreatment: practice characteristics,2014,28,5,438-443.e1,Hornor African American mothers' self-described discipline strategies with young children in 1992 and 2012,2014,29,1,28-37,Kitzman Pressuring children to learn versus developmentally appropriate education,1989,3,4,181-186,Howes Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Children: Complications and Rehabilitation Strategies,2014,29,3,e1-7,Reuter-Rice The Relationship Among Playground Areas and Physical Activity Levels in Children,2014,29,2,156-168,Bungum Pediatric nurses' differentiations between acceptable and unacceptable parent discipline behaviors: a Q-study,2015,29,3,255-264,Ho Childhood trauma exposure and toxic stress: what the PNP needs to know,2015,29,2,191-198,Hornor Concordance of Child and Parent Reports of Health-Related Quality in Children With Mild Traumatic Brain or Non-Brain Injuries and in Uninjured Children: Longitudinal Evaluation,2015,29,4,343-351,Garvan Corporal punishment: evaluation of an intervention by PNPs,2015,29,6,526-535,Hornor The influence of school-based health centers on adolescents' youth risk behaviors,2015,30,3,e1-9,Runton Domestic minor sex trafficking: what the PNP needs to know,2015,29,1,88-94,Hornor Commercial sexual exploitation of minors: overlooked and underreported,2014,28,3,195-196,Swartz Fall backward or move forward with full practice authority,2015,29,5,400-401,Haut Predicting the transition from acute stress disorder to posttraumatic stress disorder in children with severe injuries,2016,30,6,558-568,Koenen Nonsuicidal self-injury,2016,30,3,261-267,Hornor A comprehensive plan to prevent bullying,2016,30,6,515-516,Swartz Closing in on crisis: informing clinical practice regarding nonsuicidal self-injury in youth,2016,31,3,334-341,Lawson Driving after adolescent concussion: advice from nurse practitioners in the absence of standardized recommendations,2016,31,4,441-451,Graves The identification of psychosocial risk factors associated with child neglect using the WE-CARE screening tool in a high-risk population,2017,31,4,470-475,Herendeen "I didn't even know you cared about that stuff": youths' perceptions of health care provider roles in addressing bullying,2017,31,5,536-545,Vessey Opioid addiction in adolescents: a background and policy brief,2016,30,6,606-609,Wenner Child maltreatment screening and anticipatory guidance: a description of pediatric nurse practitioner practice behaviors,2017,31,6,e35-e44,Hornor The impact of adolescent dating violence training for primary care providers,2018,32,2,e19-e26,Johnson A novel approach to assessing head injury severity in pediatric patient falls,2018,32,2,e59-e66,Ryan-Wenger Depressive symptoms in the young athlete after injury: recommendations for research,2018,32,3,245-249,Palisch Commercial sexual exploitation of children: health care use and case characteristics,2018,32,3,250-262,Hornor Disaster preparedness: meeting the needs of children,2018,32,2,207-210,Blake Decreasing caregivers' positive attitudes toward spanking,2018,32,4,333-339,Burkhart Integration of the nurse practitioner into your child abuse team,2018,32,3,313-318,Herold Window safety devices,2010,24,3,199-202,Meadows-Oliver Bullying: What the PNP needs to know,2018,32,4,399-408,Hornor Bell ringers: factors related to concussive events in children playing tackle football,2019,33,1,14-25,Taylor Expanding concepts of youth adversity: relationships with a positive Patient Health Questionnaire-2,2019,33,1,42-52,Duke Child maltreatment red flags: two cases of bruising in premobile infants,2019,33,1,92-96,Kleinschmidt Child sexual abuse and differential diagnoses: a case report,2019,33,2,201-205,Freeman LGBT youth sex trafficking and the nurse practitioner's role,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boswell Human trafficking of children: nurse practitioner knowledge beliefs and experience supporting the development of a practice guideline: part one,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meadows-Oliver Unintentional gun violence in the home: a survey of pediatric advanced practice nurses' preventive measures,2019,34,1,23-29,Dowdell Childhood bullying: screening and intervening practices of pediatric primary care providers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hensley Human trafficking of children: nurse practitioner knowledge beliefs and experience supporting the development of a practice guideline: part two,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peck White paper: recognizing child trafficking as a critical emerging health threat,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meadows-Oliver Decreasing opioid use in pediatric lower extremity trauma: a quality improvement project,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weiner A qualitative metasynthesis of mothers' adverse childhood experiences and parenting practices,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bloom Unintentional cocaine exposure and Brugada syndrome: a case report,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ohns Translating screening into action: risk assessment and intervention for bullying in pediatric settings,2020,34,6,568-574,Brown Caring for the digital generation: understanding electronic aggression,2021,35,1,132-140,Brandau Implementation of universal adolescent depression screening: quality improvement outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sinnott Medical child abuse: essentials for pediatric health care providers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hornor A "storm" of somatic symptoms: a child's reaction to a natural disaster leads to diagnostic uncertainty,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caldwell School shooters: patterns of adverse childhood experiences bullying and social media,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dowdell Partners for Vulnerable Youth and the Alliance for Children in Trafficking: using the policy circle model as a framework for change,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peck Application of a child sex trafficking screening tool in patients with abuse: a retrospective chart review in the pediatric emergency department,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lin School-based health centers: a concept analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borkowski Intimate partner violence and children: essentials for the pediatric nurse practitioner,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hornor A-TEAM: an interprofessional approach to mandated reporting in the hospital setting,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roney A community educational intervention to improve firearm safety behaviors in families,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choma Pediatric nurse practitioner knowledge of and attitudes toward human trafficking: a psychometric evaluation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peck Sleep disturbances and hygiene of adolescent female survivors of domestic minor sex trafficking,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roe-Sepowitz Peer victimization in preadolescent children with ADHD: a controlled follow-up study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Örengül Pediatric firearm violence in America,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Sex and racial/ethnic differences in school security measures bullying victimization and perceived school safety: implications for pediatric health care,2024,38,2,148-159,Peguero The influences of adverse childhood experiences and social support on male teenagers' gaming motivation: a moderated network analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Child sexual abuse victimization and parenting,2024,38,3,438-449,Hornor Mind-Body Skills Groups for Adolescents With Depression in Primary Care: A Pilot Study,2020,34,5,462-469,Aalsma Growth and development. Suicide in adolescents,1990,4,3,149-151,Castiglia