Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risk Factors for Psychological Adjustment Following Residential Fire. The Role of Avoidant Coping,2005,6,2,85-99,Ollendick The Oklahoma city bombing study and methodological issues in longitudinal disaster mental health research,2005,6,2,27-35,North Social cognition and revictimization risk,2005,6,1,125-141,DePrince Rates of childhood trauma in a sample of patients with schizophrenia as compared with a sample of patients with non-psychotic psychiatric diagnoses,2006,7,3,7-22,Spence Women domestic violence offenders: Lessons of violence and survival,2007,8,2,47-68,Stabb The link from child abuse to dissociation: the roles of adult disorganized attachment self-concept clarity and reflective functioning,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paetzold Associations between substance use and depressive symptoms among women experiencing intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell The impact of child abuse on dissociative symptoms:a study of incarcerated women,2007,8,3,7-26,Roe-Sepowitz Childhood maltreatment and revictimization: the role of affect dysregulation interpersonal relatedness difficulties and posttraumatic stress disorder,2007,8,4,25-51,Dietrich Distorted Maternal Mental Representations and Atypical Behavior in a Clinical Sample of Violence-Exposed Mothers and Their Toddlers,2008,9,2,123-147,Zeanah Evaluation of the Swedish version of Dissociation Questionnaire (DIS-Q) Dis-Q-Sweden among adolescents,2006,7,3,65-89,Svedin Factor structure of PTSD in a community sample of sexual assault survivors,2008,9,4,507-524,Ullman Media Exposure Predicts Children's Reactions to Crime and Terrorism,2008,9,2,225-248,Finkelhor Stroop performance dissociation and trauma exposure in a community sample of children,2008,9,2,209-223,DePrince Benefits of a contextual approach to understanding and treating complex trauma,2008,9,2,269-292,Gold Familial and social support as protective factors against the development of dissociative identity disorder,2008,9,2,249-267,Korol Dissociation in foster preschoolers: A replication and assessment study,2008,9,2,173-190,Kim A review of childhood abuse health and pain-related problems: The role of psychiatric disorders and current life stress,2009,10,2,170-188,Hernandez Affective responsiveness betrayal and childhood abuse,2009,10,3,276-296,DePrince Abuse history and pathological dissociation among Israeli and American college students: a comparative study,2008,9,1,51-62,Somer A cross-cultural test of the trauma model of dissociation,2008,9,1,35-49,Chen A preliminary study examining relationships between childhood maltreatment dissociation and self-injury in psychiatric outpatients,2009,10,3,261-275,Murphy Ethics of asking trauma-related questions and exposing participants to arousal-inducing stimuli,2007,8,3,27-55,Naugle Developing and assessing effectiveness of a time-limited therapy group for incarcerated women survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2007,8,2,97-121,Brown Traumatized offenders: don't look now but your jail's also your mental health center,2007,8,2,81-95,Kinsler Evidence for a dissociative subtype of post-traumatic stress disorder among help-seeking childhood sexual abuse survivors,2006,7,2,7-27,Koopman Mental health services and sexual abuse: the need for staff training,2006,7,1,33-50,Coggan Prevention of intergenerational transmission of child abuse: a national priority,2006,7,3,1-6,Blizard Self-reports of potentially traumatic experiences in an adult community sample: gender differences and test-retest stabilities of the items in a brief betrayal-trauma survey,2006,7,3,39-63,Freyd Posttraumatic symptomatology and dissociation in outpatients with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder,2010,11,1,83-92,Brown Sexual trauma disclosure in clinical settings: addressing diversity,2010,11,2,244-259,Watlington The impact of social support and negative disclosure reactions on sexual assault victims: a cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation,2010,11,2,210-227,Littleton Disclosure of Sexual Victimization: The Effects of Pennebaker's Emotional Disclosure Paradigm on Physical and Psychological Distress,2010,11,2,193-209,Gidycz Disclosure of sexual assault: characteristics and implications for posttraumatic stress symptoms among African American and Caucasian survivors,2010,11,2,174-192,Abbey Disclosure and service use on a college campus after an unwanted sexual experience,2010,11,2,134-151,Walsh Narratives of dissociation: insights into the treatment of dissociation in individuals who were sexually abused as children,2009,10,3,297-314,Hirakata Assessment of Lifetime History of Exposure to Traumatic Stressors by Incarcerated Adults with the Turkish Version of the Traumatic Events Screening Instrument for Adults (TESI-A): A Pilot Study,2010,11,4,407-423,Ford Levels of trauma among women inmates with HIV risk and alcohol use disorders: behavioral and emotional impacts,2007,8,2,27-46,Clarke Exploring the relationships between dissociation victimization and juvenile sexual offending,2011,12,1,38-52,Burton Dissociative experiences in China,2006,7,3,23-38,Keyes Dissociative experiences in children with abuse histories: a replication in Puerto Rico,2005,6,1,99-112,Martínez-Taboas The role of depression and dissociation in the link between childhood sexual abuse and later parental practices,2005,6,1,71-97,Cyr A snapshot of terror: acute posttraumatic responses to the September 11 attack,2005,6,2,69-84,Dennis The relationship of lifetime polysubstance dependence to trauma exposure symptomatology and psychosocial functioning in incarcerated women with comorbid PTSD and substance use disorder,2007,8,2,9-26,Quinlan Intergenerational pathways linking childhood sexual abuse to HIV risk among women,2009,10,2,151-169,Classen Relations among anxiety depression and dissociative symptoms: the influence of abuse subtype,2009,10,1,83-101,Boysan Childhood sexual abuse severity and disclosure predict posttraumatic stress symptoms and biomarkers in ethnic minority women,2010,11,2,152-173,Wyatt Symptoms of trauma and traumatic memory retrieval in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2010,11,1,22-43,Malmo Somatoform dissociation in depersonalization disorder,2008,9,3,335-348,Knutelska Conceptualization and treatment of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures,2008,9,1,63-84,Schofield The expected psychiatric impact of detention in Guantanamo Bay Cuba and related considerations,2010,11,4,469-487,Brenner Posttraumatic Sequelae Associated with Military Sexual Trauma in Female Veterans Enrolled in VA Outpatient Mental Health Clinics,2011,12,3,261-274,Simpson Developing a trauma-informed emergency department-based intervention for victims of urban violence,2011,12,5,510-525,Corbin Dissociation PTSD and Substance Abuse: An Empirical Study,2012,13,1,115-126,Najavits The ties that bind: understanding the impact of sexual assault disclosure on survivors' relationships with friends family and partners,2012,13,2,226-243,Ahrens Partner preferences among survivors of betrayal trauma,2012,13,2,152-174,Gobin Talking About Sexual Assault: Society's Response to Survivors by S. E. Ullman,2012,13,3,383-385,Gamache Martin Dissociative Experiences During Sexual Behavior Among a Sample of Adults Living with HIV Infection and a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse,2012,13,3,345-360,Hansen Clinical Phenomenology of Childhood Abuse-Related Complex PTSD in a Population of Female Patients: Patterns of Personality Disturbance,2012,13,3,271-290,Smit Peritraumatic Dissociation as a Mediator of Peritraumatic Distress and PTSD: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study,2012,13,4,469-477,Marchand Childhood betrayal trauma and self-blame appraisals among survivors of intimate partner abuse,2012,13,5,526-538,DePrince Cumulative violence exposure emotional nonacceptance and mental health symptoms in a community sample of women,2013,14,1,69-83,DePrince Trauma Typology as a Risk Factor for Aggression and Self-Harm in a Complex PTSD Population: The Mediating Role of Alterations in Self-Perception,2013,14,1,56-68,Dorahy Parent-child incest that extends into adulthood: a survey of international press reports 2007-2011,2013,14,2,184-197,Middleton Transference-focused psychotherapy with former child soldiers: Meeting the murderous self,2013,14,2,170-183,Draijer Development and initial validation of the structured interview for self-destructive behaviors,2013,14,3,312-327,Dalenberg Dissociative symptoms and academic functioning in maltreated children: a preliminary study,2013,14,3,302-311,Taussig Ongoing incestuous abuse during adulthood,2013,14,3,251-272,Middleton Dissociative depression among women in the community,2013,14,4,423-438,Akyuz Response to commentary by Adah Sachs on "Parent-child incest that extends into adulthood: a survey of international press reports 2007-2011" and "Ongoing incestuous abuse during adulthood",2013,14,5,580-583,Middleton Commentary on "parent-child incest that extends into adulthood: A survey of international press reports 2007-2011" and "ongoing incestuous abuse during adulthood" (Middleton),2013,14,5,576-579,Sachs Can sudden severe emotional loss be a traumatic stressor?,2013,14,5,519-528,Dalenberg Psychological responses after a major fatal earthquake: The effect of peritraumatic dissociation and posttraumatic stress symptoms on anxiety and depression,2013,14,5,501-518,Dorahy The vicious cycle of traumatic narcissism and dissociative depression among young adults: a trans-diagnostic approach,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sar No justice and no peace: the ongoing traumatic stress of families bereaved by law enforcement,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Balbus Childhood abuse experiences depression and dissociation symptoms in relation to suicide attempts and suicidal ideation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sebre Exploring revictimization risk in a community sample of sexual assault survivors,2014,15,3,319-331,DePrince A system justification view of sexual violence: Legitimizing gender inequality and reduced moral outrage are connected to greater rape myth acceptance,2014,15,2,204-218,Chapleau Potentially perilous pedagogies: Teaching trauma is not the same as trauma-informed teaching,2014,15,2,153-168,Butler Indian Ocean tsunami: Relationships among posttraumatic stress posttraumatic growth resource loss and coping at three and fifteen months,2014,15,2,219-239,Sattler Reporting sexual harassment in the military: Associations between victims' perceptions of the reporting process and psychosocial well-being,2014,15,2,133-152,Stafford Does Working with Child Abuse Cases Affect Professionals' Parenting and the Psychological Well-Being of Their Children?,2014,15,5,557-571,Sener Incidence and predictors of acute psychological distress and dissociation after motor vehicle collision: a cross-sectional study,2014,15,5,527-547,Rathlev Responding to family violence: a comprehensive research-based guide for therapists by C. E. Murray and k. N. Graves,2014,15,4,518-520,Rothblum Dissociation is associated with emotional maltreatment in a sample of traumatized women with a history of child abuse,2014,16,1,86-99,Neuner Beyond gender: proximity to interpersonal trauma in examining differences in believing child abuse disclosures,2014,16,2,211-223,Cromer Dissociation as a mediator of the relationship between childhood trauma and non-suicidal self-injury for females: a path analytic approach,2015,16,3,286-302,Catani The importance of mental pain and physical dissociation in youth suicidality,2015,16,3,322-339,Holden Self injury & suicidality: the impact of trauma and dissociation,2015,16,3,225-231,Ford Levels of dissociation and non-suicidal self-injury: a quartile risk model,2015,16,3,303-321,Karpel The roles of emotion dysregulation and dissociation in the association between sexual abuse and self-injury among juvenile justice-involved youth,2015,16,3,272-285,Kerig The relationship of psychological trauma and dissociative and posttraumatic stress disorders to non-suicidal self-injury and suicidality: a review,2015,16,3,232-271,Ford Autonomic arousal and emotion in victims of interpersonal violence: shame proneness but not anxiety predicts vagal tone,2015,16,4,367-383,D'Andrea Matched trauma: the role of parents' and children's matched experiences of childhood trauma in parents' report of children's trauma-related symptomatology,2015,17,1,81-96,Narayan Voices from the past: mental and physical outcomes described by American Civil War amputees,2015,17,1,13-34,Hetzel-Riggin Peritraumatic distress and dissociation in prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress following violent and unexpected deaths,2015,16,5,541-550,Boelen Considering psychoeducation on structural dissociation for dialectical behavior therapy patients experiencing high-risk dissociative behaviors,2015,17,1,55-66,Shabb Dissociative depressive and PTSD severity as correlates of non-suicidal self-injury and suicidality in dissociative disorder patients,2015,17,1,67-80,Myrick Child abuse and neglect in complex dissociative disorder abuse-related chronic PTSD and mixed psychiatric samples,2015,17,2,223-236,Dorahy Betrayal trauma and child symptoms: the role of emotion,2015,17,2,207-222,DePrince Predicting three types of dissociation in female survivors of intimate partner violence,2015,17,3,267-285,Resick Seeking safety: an intervention for trauma-exposed incarcerated women?,2012,13,1,88-101,Lynch Prior peritraumatic dissociative experiences affect autonomic reactivity during trauma recall,2012,13,1,32-50,Delahanty The integration of science and practice in trauma and dissociation: a clinician's view,2012,,,1-8,Carlton Dissociation and psychosis in dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia,2012,13,4,397-413,Laddis Proposal for a national institute on sexual violence,2015,16,5,497-499,Freyd Survivor-spousal dissociation and PTSD: personal and dyad relationships,2015,17,4,448-459,Neria Childhood trauma and treatment outcome in bipolar disorder,2015,17,4,397-409,Sar Post-traumatic stress disorder and exposure to trauma reminders after a terrorist attack,2015,17,4,435-447,Jensen Dissociation mediates the association between intimate partner violence and posttraumatic stress among treatment-seeking incarcerated women,2016,17,4,480-493,Lynch Validity reliability and internal consistency of Persian Versions of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire the Traumatic Exposure Severity Scale and the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nobakht Disorganized attachment in young adulthood as partial mediator of relations between severity of childhood abuse and dissociation,2016,17,4,460-479,Brumariu Collusion torture and inequality: understanding the actions of the American Psychological Association as institutional betrayal,2016,17,5,527-544,Freyd The prevalence of deliberate self-harm and its relationships to trauma and dissociation among Iranian young adults,2016,18,4,610-623,Nobakht Head injury screening and intimate partner violence: a brief report,2016,18,4,635-644,DePrince Childhood trauma and psychiatric comorbidities in patients with depressive disorder in primary care in Chile,2016,18,2,189-205,Vitriol Acute dissociative reaction to spontaneous delivery in a case of total denial of pregnancy: diagnostic and forensic aspects,2016,18,5,710-719,Sar Childhood sexual abuse and fear of abandonment moderate the relation of intimate partner violence to severity of dissociation,2018,19,1,9-24,DiLillo Weaponized sex: defensive pseudo-erotic aggression in the service of safety,2017,18,3,259-283,Kluft Issues in consultation for treatments with distressed activated abuser/protector self-states in dissociative identity disorder,2017,18,3,465-475,Chefetz Dissociation in families experiencing intimate partner violence,2017,18,3,427-440,Miller Mother-child incest psychosis and the dynamics of relatedness,2017,18,3,409-426,Haliburn A personal perspective: the response to child abuse then and now,2017,18,3,476-482,Masson Knowing and not knowing: a frequent human arrangement,2017,18,3,397-408,Solinski Victim-perpetrator dynamics through the lens of betrayal trauma theory,2017,18,3,373-382,DePrince Conflicts between motivational systems related to attachment trauma: key to understanding the intra-family relationship between abused children and their abusers,2017,18,3,304-318,Liotti Extreme adaptations in extreme and chronic circumstances: the application of "weaponized sex" to those exposed to ongoing incestuous abuse,2017,18,3,284-303,Middleton Predicting a dissociative disorder from type of childhood maltreatment and abuser-abused relational tie,2017,18,3,356-372,Krüger Treatment strategies for programming and ritual abuse,2017,18,3,454-464,Ross The abused and the abuser: victim-perpetrator dynamics: introduction,2017,18,3,249-258,Middleton Organized abuse in adulthood: survivor and professional perspectives,2017,18,3,441-453,Salter Dying for love: an attachment problem with some perpetrator introjects,2017,18,3,340-355,Sinason The relationship between interpersonal trauma history and the functions of non-suicidal self-injury in young adults: an experience sampling study,2018,19,2,232-246,Stermac Attachment insecurity as a mediator of the relationship between childhood trauma and adult dissociation,2018,19,2,214-231,Kong Response to "Weaponized sex: Defensive pseudo-erotic aggression in the service of safety" by Dr. Richard Kluft March 2017,2018,19,1,126-128,Richardson Reply to McMaugh Badouk Epstein & Richardson: "Response to 'Weaponized sex: defensive pseudo-erotic aggression in the service of safety' by Dr. Richard Kluft March 2017",2018,19,1,129-130,Kluft What was once essential may become detrimental: the mediating role of depersonalization in the relationship between childhood emotional maltreatment and psychological distress in adults,2018,19,5,514-534,Egan Masochistic and Sadistic Ego States,2001,2,4,37-58,Blizard Polyvictimization and externalizing symptoms in foster care children: the moderating role of executive function,2018,19,3,307-324,Fisher Poly-victimization from different methodological approaches using the juvenile victimization questionnaire: are we identifying the same victims?,2018,19,3,289-306,Guilera Testing gender-differentiated models of the mechanisms linking polyvictimization and youth offending: numbing and callousness versus dissociation and borderline traits,2018,19,3,347-361,Kerig PTSD and dissociation symptoms as mediators of the relationship between polyvictimization and psychosocial and behavioral problems among justice-involved adolescents,2018,19,3,325-346,Ford Digital poly-victimization: the increasing importance of online crime and harassment to the burden of victimization,2018,19,3,382-398,Hamby Use of the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System in the formulation of a case of an adolescent refugee with PTSD,2018,19,5,572-595,Diamond A resilience framework: sexual health trajectories of youth with maltreatment histories,2018,19,4,444-460,Bowker On hate crime victimization: rates types and links with suicide risk among sexual orientation minority special interest group members,2018,19,4,476-489,Kapusta A comparison of risk factors for various forms of trauma in the lives of lesbian gay bisexual and heterosexual homeless youth,2018,19,4,431-443,Tyler Emotional numbing symptoms partially mediate the association between exposure to potentially morally injurious experiences and sexual anxiety for male service members,2018,19,4,417-430,Litz Sexual vs. Non-sexual trauma sexual satisfaction and function and mental health in female veterans,2018,19,4,403-416,Renshaw Emotion regulation processes and psychoform and somatoform dissociation in adolescents and young adults with cumulative maltreatment,2019,20,2,197-211,Henschel Seeking help for the health sequelae of military sexual trauma: a theory-driven model of the role of institutional betrayal,2019,20,3,340-356,Monteith Relationships between maltreatment posttraumatic symptomatology and the dissociative subtype of PTSD among adolescents,2019,20,2,212-227,Graham-Bermann Advocacy services for college victims of sexual assault: navigating complicated confidentiality concerns,2019,20,3,304-323,Campbell Reenacting past abuse - identification with the aggressor and sexual revictimization,2019,20,4,378-391,Spiegel Assessing the validity of the quartile risk model of dissociation for predicting deliberate self-harm,2019,ePub,ePub,1-16,Dorahy The impact of child abuse on relationships between resource loss and posttraumatic stress: a cross-lagged panel analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,1-15,Orcutt Posttraumatic stress reactions of underground drivers after suicides by jumping to arriving trains; feasibility of an early stepped care outpatient intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,1-16,Pompili Institutional responses to campus sexual assault: examining the development and work of a multidisciplinary team,2019,20,3,324-339,DePrince A qualitative study of sexual assault survivors' post-assault legal system experiences,2019,20,3,263-287,Ullman How to right a wrong: empirically evaluating whether victim offender and assault characteristics can inform rape kit testing policies,2019,20,3,288-303,Campbell So you want to address sexual harassment and assault in your organization? Training is not enough; Education is necessary,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freyd Sexual risk behavior and sexual satisfaction among rape victims: examination of sexual motives as a mediator,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Littleton Giving voice to silence: empowerment and disempowerment in the developmental shift from trauma 'victim' to 'survivor-advocate',2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,McLean Understanding the burden of trauma and victimization among American Indian and Alaska native elders: historical trauma as an element of poly-victimization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamby Exploring an emerging measurement issue in older adult maltreatment: exploitation of older adults' residences,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,DePrince The role of childhood maltreatment in the relationship between social anxiety and dissociation: a novel link,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers Moving the field forward: elucidating the nexus between elder abuse and trauma,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,DePrince Demystifying ritual abuse - insights by self-identified victims and health care professionals,2020,ePub,ePub,1-16,Briken Influence of personality traits on college women's appraisals of intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levendosky A pilot RCT of a body-oriented group therapy for complex trauma survivors: an adaptation of sensorimotor psychotherapy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Classen Communities Healing And Transforming Trauma (CHATT): a trauma-informed speakers' bureau for survivors of violence,2020,21,4,437-451,Boccellari When psychologists take a stand: barriers to trauma response services and advocacy for American Indian communities,2020,21,4,468-483,Tehee Rape kit notification: recommendations and barriers to reconnecting with survivors,2020,21,4,419-436,Howard Interpersonal vs. non-interpersonal cumulative traumas and psychiatric symptoms in treatment-seeking incarcerated women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bridges From individual to social trauma: sources of everyday trauma in Italy the US And UK during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pravettoni The interrelationship between child abuse emotional processing difficulties alexithymia and psychological symptoms among Chinese adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chung Questioning beliefs about sexual violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freyd Childhood trauma and maladaptive daydreaming: fantasy functions and themes in a multi-country sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Somer A factor analysis of the Suicide Cognitions Scale in veterans with military sexual trauma-related posttraumatic stress disorder,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Surís In their own words: women's memories of felt emotions during worst incidents of intimate partner abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newton Developmental pathways from childhood maltreatment to young adult romantic relationship functioning,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fitzgerald Discrimination violence & healing within marginalized communities,2021,22,2,135-140,Gobin The role of anger in traumatic harm and recovery for sexual violence survivors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lebowitz Alda Merini's memoir: psychiatric hospitalization institutional violence and the politicization of illness in 20th century Italy,2021,22,4,426-438,Zinnari Does 'queer narrative' mean 'trauma narrative' on TV? Exploring television's traumatized queer identity,2021,22,4,452-464,Caprioglio Dissociation links maternal history of childhood abuse to impaired parenting,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Resch Elucidating the association between military sexual trauma types and different types of risky behaviors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monteith Childhood adversities among students at an English university: a latent class analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read Influence of personality traits on post-traumatic cognitions of sexual assault,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yalch Embodiment-related risk factors for posttraumatic stress anxiety and depression in female victims of intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marmeleira Network analysis of PTSD symptoms in a sample of polyvictimized youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levinson Exploring the shared experiences of Yazidis who survived genocide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kennedy Mindfulness and attachment as concurrent mediators linking childhood maltreatment to depressive anxious and 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