Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Disaster recovery plan,2005,46,11,1036-1041,Richardson Breed specific legislation: considerations for evaluating its effectiveness and recommandations for alternatives,2005,46,8,735-743,Clarke Pro canine breed-specific legislation,1996,37,12,712,Hess Dog bite litigation--a matter of commonsense?,1994,35,11,676,Lees An ethicist's commentary on the case of whether a biting dog should be adopted out or destroyed,1994,35,10,598,Rollin Liability of dog owners,1994,35,7,447-449,Lesperance Fatal dog attacks in Canada 1990-2007,2008,49,6,577-581,Raghavan Lightning stroke in swine,1967,8,1,23-24,Best Problematic client-animal relationships: Munchausen by proxy,2006,47,12,1161-1164,Milani An Unusual Automobile Injury,1960,1,6,268,Paulson No place for aggressive behavior by pet dogs,1993,34,3,133-134,Whiting Injuries suffered by dogs from riding in the back of open pickup trucks: a retrospective review of seventy cases,1995,36,8,510-512,Thomas Nothing to fear but...part I: the clinician and fear of physical harm,2007,48,4,351-2 354 356,Milani An ethicist's commentary on veterinary involvement with laws banning pitbulls and pitbull crosses,2001,42,4,258-259,Rollin Nothing to fear but ... Part II: The clinician and fears of emotional trauma,2007,48,6,596-599,Milani Animal cruelty and human violence: the veterinarian's role in making the connection--the American experience,2000,41,11,876-878,Lockwood Occupational arm shoulder and neck syndrome affecting large animal practitioners,1996,37,7,411,Ailsby Poisoning by ingestion of motor oil in a dog. Dystrophy of hepatocytes and secondary cholestasis,1973,14,3,68-70,Chalifoux Veterinary research and human health,1998,39,9,548-556,Dohoo Occupational health hazards in veterinary medicine: Physical psychological and chemical hazards,2012,53,2,151-157,Epp Thallium poisoning,1966,7,5,113-116,Lennox The Correlations Between Cruelty to Animals and Child Abuse and the Implications for Veterinary Medicine,1992,33,,518-521,Arkow Aggressive dogs: What questions do we need to ask?,2013,54,6,554-556,Frank Aggression in dogs and associated neuropathology,1980,21,5,152-154,Caldwell Protocols in medicolegal veterinary medicine. II. cases involving death due to gunshot and arrow wounds,1980,21,12,343-346,Green Veterinarian suicides,2014,55,8,715-718,Gyles Mental health and veterinary suicides,2014,55,12,1123-1126,Gyles Suicide in veterinary medicine: let's talk about it,2015,56,1,89-92,Stoewen "Mental health and veterinary suicides" - A comment,2015,56,2,113,Delack Animal control measures and their relationship to the reported incidence of dog bites in urban Canadian municipalities,2013,54,2,145-149,Fraser Will breed-specific legislation reduce dog bites?,1996,37,8,478-481,Bandow An epidemiological investigation into the reported incidents of dog biting in the City of Guelph,1989,30,12,937-942,Szpakowski Behavioral evaluation of 65 aggressive dogs following a reported bite event,2021,62,5,491-496,Frank Self-care practices and depression anxiety and stress scores in veterinary students during a semester,2023,64,6,571-578,Holowaychuk