Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Distance Running as an Ideal Domain for Showing a Sex Difference in Competitiveness,2013,42,3,413-428,Deaner Power control and intimate partner sexual violence in Haiti,2006,35,1,11-24,Gage Suicidality and Sexual Orientation: Differences Between Men and Women in a General Population-Based Sample From The Netherlands,2006,35,3,253-262,de Graaf Positive and Negative Cognitions of Sexual Submission: Relationship to Sexual Violence,2006,35,4,483-490,Renaud Sexual Desire and Linguistic Analysis: A Comparison of Sexually-Abused and Non-Abused Women,2007,36,1,67-77,Rellini Characteristics of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Adolescence Influence Sexual Risk Behavior in Adulthood,2007,36,5,637-645,Carey The Role of Sexual Scripts in Sexual Aggression and Victimization,2007,36,5,687-701,Krahé National samples sexual abuse in childhood and adjustment in adulthood: a commentary on Najman Dunne Purdie Boyle and Coxeter (2005),2007,36,1,101-6; discussion 107-9,Rind False rape allegation and regret: a theoretical model based on cognitive dissonance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fanton Penile responses of rapists and nonrapists to rape stimuli involving physical violence or humiliation,1994,23,3,295-310,Proulx Violence and sexual violence in pornography: is it really increasing?,1993,22,4,357-371,Scott Sadism and other paraphilias in normal controls and aggressive and nonaggressive sex offenders,1992,21,1,1-15,Reddon Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Harassment as Predictors of Suicidality among Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Heterosexual Austrians,2009,38,3,400-410,Ploderl Attraction to sexual violence towards women sexual abuse of children and non-sexual criminal behavior: testing the specialist vs. generalist models in male college students,2009,38,2,235-243,Aosved Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships: A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Women's Infidelity and Men's Dominance and Control,2009,38,2,226-234,Shackelford Commercial Sexual Practices Before and After Legalization in Australia,2010,39,4,979-989,Dunne Sexual Narcissism and the Perpetration of Sexual Aggression,2010,39,4,926-939,McNulty Onanism and Child Sexual Abuse: A Comparative Study of Two Hypotheses,2010,39,3,637-652,Malón Relationship Between Mental Disorders/Suicidality and Three Sexual Behaviors: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,2010,39,3,724-734,Cox When is an unusual sexual interest a mental disorder?,2009,38,3,323-5; author reply 331-4,Moser The public policy implications of "hebephilia": a response to Blanchard et al. (2008),2009,38,3,319-20; author reply 331-4,Franklin Risk reduction for HIV-positive African American and Latino men with histories of childhood sexual abuse,2008,37,5,763-772,Williams Childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual dysfunction: response to commentary by Rind and Tromovitch (2007),2007,36,1,107-109,Dunne The utility of the diagnosis of pedophilia: a comparison of various classification procedures,2007,36,3,423-436,Firestone Psychosocial predictors of sexual HIV transmission risk behavior among HIV-positive adults with a sexual abuse history in childhood,2009,38,1,121-134,Fox Psychological distress self-harming behavior and suicidal tendencies in adults with disorders of sex development,2009,38,1,16-33,Schützmann Sexual abuse in childhood and physical and mental health in adulthood: an Australian population study,2007,36,5,666-675,Boyle Childhood sexual abuse and cannabis use in early adulthood: findings from an Australian birth cohort study,2009,38,1,135-142,Jamrozik Developmental risk factor research and sexual offending against children: a review of some methodological issues,2008,37,6,877-890,McMillan Sexual Abuse History Alcohol Intoxication and Women's Sexual Risk Behavior,2010,39,4,898-906,Norris The effects of childhood trauma on sex trading in substance using women,2006,35,4,451-459,Spitznagel Sexually aroused self-aggression in a socialized adult male monkey,1974,3,5,471-475,Mitchell The intelligence of rapists,1976,5,4,327-329,Templer Pseudohomosexual psychosis in basic military training,1978,7,5,501-510,Soloff Therapy groups for women sexually molested as children,1978,7,5,417-427,Wagner The intelligence of rapists: new data,1979,8,4,375-377,Holzer Sexual behavior of assailants during reported rapes,1980,9,5,427-439,Burgess Make love not war? Sex sexual meanings and violence in a sample of university students,1980,9,2,133-148,Straus Rape fantasies as a function of exposure to violent sexual stimuli,1981,10,1,33-47,Malamuth Sexual and pituitary-testicular function in torture victims,1981,10,1,25-32,Lunde Sexual molestation of men by women,1982,11,2,117-131,Sarrel Suicide by a transsexual,1984,13,3,287-289,Levine Date rapists: differential sexual socialization and relative deprivation,1985,14,3,219-231,Kanin Parameters of sexual contact of boys with women,1987,16,5,379-394,Templer The occurrence of atypical sexual experience among various female patient groups,1987,16,4,321-326,Lachman Violence in Playboy magazine: a longitudinal analysis,1987,16,4,279-288,Scott Family characteristics and long-term consequences associated with sexual abuse,1987,16,3,235-245,Alexander Personality characteristics of sex offenders: a review,1987,16,1,57-79,Levin Kinsey revisited Part II: Comparisons of the sexual socialization and sexual behavior of black women over 33 years,1988,17,4,289-332,Wyatt Behavior patterns of child molesters,1988,17,1,77-86,Erickson A psychosocial study of male prostitution,1989,18,5,401-419,David Reexamining factors predicting Afro-American and white American women's age at first coitus,1989,18,4,271-298,Wyatt Parental physical abuse and sexual orientation in males,1989,18,3,251-261,Harry Men sexually assaulted as adults and sexually abused as boys,1989,18,3,203-215,Myers Coercive Paraphilic Disorder,2010,39,2,405-410,Quinsey Does sexual abuse in childhood cause pedophilia: an exploratory study,1990,19,6,557-568,Freund Patterns of sexual arousal of accused child molesters involved in custody disputes,1990,19,6,541-556,McAnulty Legal social and biological definitions of pedophilia,1990,19,4,333-342,Ames Young adult women who report childhood intrafamilial sexual abuse: subsequent adjustment,1990,19,3,211-221,Jackson Rapists and child molesters: psychometric comparisons,1990,19,1,65-71,Hillbrand Self-reports of "positive" childhood and adolescent sexual contacts with older persons: an exploratory study,1991,20,5,437-457,Okami Psychopathology and personality characteristics of criminal sexual offenders as a function of victim age,1991,20,2,187-197,Kalichman Discriminant analysis of a sexual-functioning inventory with intrafamilial and extrafamilial child molesters,1991,20,1,27-34,Bradford Family Structure as a Risk Factor for Women's Sexual Victimization: A Study Using the Danish Registry System,2010,39,6,1375-1379,Elklit Carefully controlled population survey,1993,22,5,501-503,Muir Expert psychological testimony in cases of alleged child sexual abuse,1993,22,4,311-324,McAnulty The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Paraphilia Not Otherwise Specified,2010,39,2,373-376,Kafka Sexually Coercive Behavior in Male Youth: Population Survey of General and Specific Risk Factors,2010,39,5,1161-1169,Långström Is a Diagnostic Category for Paraphilic Coercive Disorder Defensible?,2010,39,2,419-426,Knight The relationship between paranoid delusions and homosexuality,1975,4,3,285-294,Lester The "Participating Victim" in the Study of Erotic Experiences Between Children and Adults: An Historical Analysis,2011,40,1,169-188,Malón Relationship Between Paranoid Delusions and Homosexuality,1975,4,3,285-294,Lester The Relation Between Sexual Orientation and Suicide Attempts in Austria,2010,39,6,1403-1414,Ploderl Exploring negative dating experiences and beliefs about rape among younger and older women,1998,27,2,145-153,Senn Sexual Self-Schemas of Female Child Sexual Abuse Survivors: Relationships with Risky Sexual Behavior and Sexual Assault in Adolescence,2010,39,6,1359-1374,Davies Boyhood sexual experiences with older males: using the Internet for behavioral research,2009,38,5,626-630,Riegel Ecological models of sexual satisfaction among lesbian/bisexual and heterosexual women,2009,38,1,50-65,Simoni Self-esteem risky sexual behavior and pregnancy in a New Zealand birth cohort,2006,35,5,549-560,Horwood A statewide survey of age at first intercourse for adolescent females and age of their male partners: relation to other risk behaviors and statutory rape implications,2000,29,3,203-215,Leitenberg Condemnation of homosexuality in the black community: a gender-specific phenomenon?,1991,20,6,579-585,Ernst The Participating Victim: Complement to Malón,2010,39,5,1027-1028,Riegel Individual Differences in Women's Rape Avoidance Behaviors,2011,40,2,343-349,Shackelford Paraphilic Coercive Disorder in the DSM: The Right Diagnosis for the Right Reasons,2010,39,6,1443-1447,Stern Sexual preference assessment of sexual aggressors: predictors of penile response magnitude,1993,22,4,325-334,Campbell Homosexuality and bisexuality in different populations,1993,22,4,291-310,Diamond Sexual aggression and love styles: an exploratory study,1993,22,3,265-275,Johnson Men pressured and forced into sexual experience,1994,23,1,93-114,Struckman-Johnson False rape allegations,1994,23,1,81-92,Kanin Variability in middle childhood play behavior: effects of gender age and family background,1994,23,6,645-663,Meyer-Bahlburg Sexual trajectories during adolescence: relation to demographic characteristics and sexual risk,2009,38,2,276-282,Meeus The Specificity of Victim Count as a Diagnostic Indicator of Pedohebephilia,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blanchard Partner-specific sexual practices among heterosexual men and women with multiple partners: results from the French national survey ACSF. Analyse des Comportements Sexuel en France,1996,25,3,233-247,Messiah Sexual aggression and victimization in dating relationships among Chinese college students,1995,24,1,47-53,Tang Sexually assaulted males: 115 men consulting a counseling service,1997,26,6,579-588,King Sexual orientation differences in cerebral asymmetry and in the performance of sexually dimorphic cognitive and motor tasks,1997,26,5,463-480,Sanders Consensual Sex Between Men and Sexual Violence in Australian Prisons,2012,41,2,517-524,Smith Sexual fantasies of adolescent male sex offenders in residential treatment: a descriptive study,2005,34,2,231-239,Reddon Thoughts on combating pedophilia in non-offending adolescents,2005,34,1,3-5,Oliver The screening scale for pedophilic interests predicts recidivism among adult sex offenders with child victims,2004,33,5,455-466,Rice Nonvolitional sex and sexual health,2004,33,3,197-209,Kalmuss An evaluation of self-report measures of cognitive distortions and empathy among Australian sex offenders,2001,30,5,495-519,McCabe Boys and sexual abuse: an English opinion,1998,27,6,539-559,West The compulsive sexual behavior inventory: psychometric properties,2007,36,4,579-587,Ross Family size birth order and parental age among male paraphilics and sex offenders,2007,36,4,599-609,Langevin Intimate partner violence and safer sex negotiation: effects of a gender-specific intervention,2003,32,6,499-511,Melendez Rape prevention with high-risk males: short-term outcome of two interventions,1996,25,5,455-471,O'Donohue College students' responses to their sexually assaulted friends: impact of rape myth acceptance prior victimization and social relationships,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rich Pornography and Sex Crimes in the Czech Republic,2011,40,5,1037-43; discussion 1045-50,Diamond Adjustment among mothers reporting same-gender sexual partners: a study of a representative population sample from Quebec Province (Canada),2008,37,6,864-876,Julien Same-sex sexual orientation childhood sexual abuse and suicidal behavior in university students in Turkey,2005,34,2,185-195,Eskin Associations Between Online Pornography and Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents: Myth or Reality?,2011,40,5,1027-1035,Suris Misogyny Acculturation and Ethnic Identity: Relation to Rape-Supportive Attitudes in Asian American College Men,2012,41,4,1005-1014,George The basis of the abused abuser theory of pedophilia: a further elaboration on an earlier study,1994,23,5,553-563,Freund Problems with Aggregate Data and the Importance of Individual Differences in the Study of Pornography and Sexual Aggression: Comment on Diamond Jozifkova and Weiss (2010),2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malamuth Self-reported childhood abuse among sex and violent offenders,1997,26,4,421-431,Haapasalo Hazards associated with anal erotic activity,1986,15,4,307-314,Agnew Gay men as victims of nonconsensual sex,1994,23,3,281-294,Hickson Does physical abuse sexual abuse or neglect in childhood increase the likelihood of same-sex sexual relationships and cohabitation? A prospective 30-year follow-up,2010,39,1,63-74,Wilson Perceived "out of control" sexual behavior in a cohort of young adults from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study,2010,39,4,968-978,Skegg Patterns of sexual coercion in heterosexual and non-heterosexual men and women,2009,38,6,987-999,VanderLaan Is dyspareunia unrelated to early sexual abuse?,2005,34,1,28-30 57-61; author reply 63-7,Dunne Behavioral characteristics of men accused of rape: evidence for different types of rapists,2005,34,2,241-253,McCabe Hostility and recidivism in sexual offenders,2005,34,3,277-283,Broom Sexual abuse in childhood and sexual dysfunction in adulthood: an Australian population-based study,2005,34,5,517-526,Dunne Our grandmothers' legacy: challenges faced by female ancestors leave traces in modern women's same-sex relationships,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reynolds Force in women's sexual fantasies,1998,27,4,403-414,Strassberg Sexual preference for 14-year-olds as a mental disorder: you can't be serious!!,2010,39,3,585-586,Green Child pornography use and internet solicitation in the diagnosis of pedophilia,2010,39,3,591-593,Seto (Self-)abusive prophecies rigorous science and discursive templates: commentary on Malón (2009),2010,39,2,213-215,Janssen Prevalence and patterns of child sexual abuse and victim-perpetrator relationship among secondary school students in the northern province (South Africa),2001,30,3,311-321,Madu Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons,2001,30,5,535-541,Templer Victim-choice polymorphia among serious sex offenders,2001,30,5,521-533,Proulx Sexual child abuse in a defined Swedish area 1993-97: a population-based survey,2001,30,5,483-493,Soderstrom Birth order in sex-offending and aggressive-offending men,2004,33,5,467-474,Taylor Preference for aggressive and sexual stimuli in children with disruptive behavior disorder and normal controls,2002,31,3,247-253,Matthys Sensitivity but not censorship,2002,31,2,157-158,Tomeo Child-adult sexual contact: terminology,2002,31,2,157,Meyer-Bahlburg Who are tomboys and why should we study them?,2002,31,4,333-341,Bailey Grossly disinhibited sexual behavior in dementia of Alzheimer's type,2007,36,2,133-134,Dhikav Predictors of sexual coercion against women and men: a multilevel multinational study of university students,2007,36,3,403-422,Hines Treatment of gay men for post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from social ostracism and ridicule: cognitive behavior therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing approaches,2008,37,2,305-316,Carbone Men's reports of nonconsensual sexual interactions with women: prevalence and impact,2003,32,2,165-175,Krahé On the relation between 2D:4D and sex-dimorphic personality traits,2008,37,1,133-144,Hampson Methodologic concerns regarding estimates of physical violence in sexual coercion: overstatement or understatement?,2000,29,4,323-334,Alksnis Oral contraceptive administration interfemale relationships and sexual behavior in Macaca fascicularis,1990,19,2,101-117,Kaplan Affective and personality characteristics of MMPI profile subgroups of incarcerated rapists,1990,19,5,443-459,Kalichman Sexual and aggressive motives in sexually aggressive college males,1992,21,5,457-468,Tang Measurement of sexual aggression in college men: a methodological analysis,1992,21,6,525-542,Critelli Experiences with sexual aggression within the general population in the Czech Republic,1999,28,3,265-269,Weiss Male and female differences in reports of women's heterosexual initiation and aggression,1999,28,3,243-253,Anderson Dissimulation in phallometric testing of rapists' sexual preferences,1999,28,3,223-232,Rice Correlates of heterosexual anal intercourse among substance-using club-goers,2010,39,4,959-967,Inciardi The everyday experience of an institutionalized sex offender: an idiographic application of the experience sampling method,1994,23,4,453-463,Hillbrand Deceptive verbally coercive college males: attitudinal predictors and lies told,1996,25,5,527-533,Fischer The relationship between nonenforcement of state pornography laws and rates of sex crime arrest,1996,25,5,439-453,Winick Attitudes of U.S. and Czech/Slovak mental health and health professionals toward five types of sexually explicit materials,1996,25,6,601-628,Koznar Preferential rape in the theory of courtship disorder,1998,27,5,433-443,Seto Measurement of Nontraditional Sexuality in Women,2012,41,1,283-295,Hall Predictors of Hooking Up Sexual Behaviors and Emotional Reactions Among U.S. College Students,2012,41,5,1219-1229,Lewis Misdiagnoses of Pedohebephilia Using Victim Count: A Reply to Wollert and Cramer (2011),2011,40,6,1081-1088,Blanchard Nocturnal penile tumescence and sleep of convicted rapists and other prisoners,1974,3,1,19-26,Williams Sexual aggression: a second look at the offended female,1977,6,1,67-76,Kanin "Sex-role preference" as an explanatory variable in homosexual behavior,1977,6,1,53-65,Carrier Early sexual experience as a factor in prostitution,1978,7,1,31-42,James The Effects of Impulsivity Sexual Arousability and Abstract Intellectual Ability on Men's and Women's Go/No-Go Task Performance,2011,40,5,995-1006,Finn Associations between changing developmental contexts and risky sexual behavior in the two years following high school,2011,40,5,951-960,Catalano The prevalence of sexually stressful events among females in the general population,1984,13,1,59-67,Kaufman Combined intervention for controlling unwanted homosexual behavior,1974,3,4,367-371,Canton-Dutari The Costs of Rape,2012,41,5,1099-1106,Duntley Use of coercive sexual tactics across 10 years in at-risk young men: developmental patterns and co-occurring problematic dating behaviors,2009,38,4,574-582,Capaldi The sex offenses of blacks and whites,1975,4,3,295-302,Kirk The neosexual revolution,1998,27,4,331-359,Sigusch Family belongingness attenuates entrapment and buffers its association 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masculine boys: behavioral contrasts and demographic similarities,1976,5,5,425-446,Green Sexual homicide: social psychological and legal aspects,1976,5,5,391-401,Yoels Can self-reported drug use data be used to assess sex risk behavior in adolescents?,2000,29,1,77-89,Wislar Is Religiosity a Barrier to Sexual and Reproductive Health? Results from a Population-Based Study of Young Croatian Adults,2012,41,6,1497-1505,Puzek Sexual Assaulters in the United States: Prevalence and Psychiatric Correlates in a National Sample,2012,41,6,1379-1387,Limosin Women's Rape Fantasies: An Empirical Evaluation of the Major Explanations,2012,41,5,1107-1119,Clark On the Relationship Between Automatic Attitudes and Self-Reported Sexual Assault in Men,2013,42,5,813-823,Widman Sexual Harassment among Young Tourists Visiting Mediterranean Resorts,2013,42,4,603-613,Hughes Reexamining individual differences in women's rape avoidance behaviors,2013,42,4,543-551,Fessler Extradyadic sexual relationships in Norway,2007,36,1,55-65,Traeen Selling sex in a population-based study of high school seniors in sweden: demographic and psychosocial correlates,2007,36,1,21-32,Priebe Sex differences in memory for sexually-relevant information,2007,36,4,508-517,Rellini The playmate and play style preferences structured interview: a comparison of children with gender identity disorder and controls,2006,35,6,729-737,Bradley Associations among gender-linked toy preferences spatial ability and digit ratio: evidence from eye-tracking analysis,2006,35,6,699-709,Alexander Unwanted sexual experiences in young men: evidence from a survey of university students in Chile,2013,42,2,213-223,Koss Does maltreatment in childhood affect sexual orientation in adulthood?,2013,42,2,161-171,Koenen Comment on "reexamining individual differences in women's rape avoidance" by Snyder and Fessler (2012),2013,42,1,1-4,Shackelford Circumventing parental choice and the evolution of rape,2012,41,6,1331-1333,Apostolou A longitudinal study of predictors of suicide attempts among lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth,2013,42,3,437-448,Liu Shibari: double hanging during consensual sexual asphyxia,2013,42,5,895-900,Pompili Sexual violence towards married women in Bangladesh,2013,42,4,595-602,Naved The effects of age and drug dependency on the emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction of adult streetworkers in australia,2013,42,5,851-861,Cregan Exploring the automatic undercurrents of sexual narcissism: individual differences in the sex-aggression link,2013,42,6,1033-1041,Imhoff Assessment of sexual behavior sexual attitudes and sexual risk in Sweden (1989-2003),2005,34,2,219-229,Herlitz Suicide risk and sexual orientation: A critical review,2013,42,5,715-727,Ploderl Sexual health behaviors and sexual orientation in a U.S. national sample of college students,2013,42,8,1561-1572,Wyatt Homosexual orientation-from nature not abuse: a critique of Roberts Glymour and Koenen (2013),2013,42,8,1653-1664,Rind Suicide protective factors among trans adults,2013,42,5,739-752,Smith Sexuality and suicidality: matched-pairs analyses reveal unique characteristics in non-heterosexual suicidal behaviors,2013,42,5,729-737,Harris Sexual assault as a crime against young people,2014,43,2,273-284,Felson Sexual and emotional variables influencing sexual response to erotica: a psychophysiological investigation,2001,30,4,393-408,Koukounas Suspect aggression and victim resistance in multiple perpetrator rapes,2013,42,8,1509-1516,Cooke Is "pedophilia" a paraphrase of the incest taboo? 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Initiation and Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Taiwanese Adolescents: A Multivariate Response Profile Analysis,2014,44,3,717-727,Chen Self-concept and sexuality of spinal cord injured women,1978,7,2,143-156,Fitting Methodological issues in defining aggression for content analyses of sexually explicit material,2014,44,1,81-87,McKee Sexual interviewing evaluation and therapy: psychoanalytic emphasis on the use of sexual fantasy,1978,7,3,229-241,Coen Arousal working memory capacity and sexual decision-making in men,2014,43,6,1137-1148,Lykins Sexual discordance and sexual partnering among heterosexual women,2014,44,4,885-894,Lapane Experimental effects of exposure to pornography: the moderating effect of personality and mediating effect of sexual arousal,2014,44,1,99-109,Hald Adolescents' beliefs about forced sex in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa,2014,43,6,1087-1095,de Vries Sexually coercive behavior following childhood maltreatment,2014,44,1,149-156,Långström Evidence to suggest that women's sexual behavior is influenced by hip width rather than waist-to-hip ratio,2014,43,7,1367-1371,Brewer Marital infidelity and intimate partner violence in rural Malawi: a dyadic investigation,2014,43,7,1303-1314,Conroy Psychophysiological assessment of sex offenders in a security hospital,1980,9,3,205-216,Hinton Sex among siblings: a survey on prevalence variety and effects,1980,9,3,171-194,Finkelhor Personality characteristics of incest history psychotherapy patients: a research note,1980,9,3,195-197,Meiselman Stumbling into sexual crime: the passive perpetrator in accounts by male internet sex offenders,2014,44,1,167-180,Gough Stigmatization of people with pedophilia: two comparative surveys,2014,44,1,21-34,Imhoff Men's erotic fantasies,1980,9,6,565-581,Couture Ninety-nine "tomboys" and "non-tomboys": behavioral contrasts and demographic similarities,1982,11,3,247-266,Williams Level of postassault sexual functioning in rape and incest victims,1986,15,1,37-49,Abel Males disposed 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Sport science and equity,2014,43,6,1035-1042,Rogol Relationships between denial risk and recidivism in sexual offenders,2014,44,1,157-166,Harkins Capturing sexual violence experiences among battered women using the Revised Sexual Experiences Survey and the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales,2014,44,1,223-231,Hébert Social-emotional aspects of male escorting: experiences of men working for an agency,2014,44,4,1047-1058,Grov Young male prostitutes: a psychosocial study,1980,9,5,399-426,Allen Sexual experience birth control usage and sex education of unmarried Canadian university students: changes between 1968 and 1978,1980,9,5,367-390,Barrett Is homosexuality familial? 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and heterosexuality in a non-Western society,1989,18,1,13-29,Baldwin Social dominance orientation predicts heterosexual men's adverse reactions to romantic rejection,2014,44,4,903-919,Barlow The influence of pornography on sexual scripts and hooking up among emerging adults in college,2014,44,1,111-123,Fincham "He enjoys giving her pleasure": diversity and complexity in young men's sexual scripts,2014,44,3,655-668,Masters Domains of distress among people with sexual orientation obsessions,2014,44,3,783-789,Williams Resistance to treatment of adolescent sex offenders,1989,18,2,97-107,Blaszczynski Vaginal sensitivity to electric stimuli: theoretical and practical implications,1989,18,2,87-95,Nauta The preparedness of freshman medical students for taking sexual histories,1989,18,2,167-177,Wells Homosexuality in families of boys with early effeminate behavior: an epidemiological study,1989,18,2,155-166,Zuger Effects of adequacy of gender reassignment surgery on psychological adjustment: a follow-up of fourteen male-to-female patients,1989,18,2,145-153,Ross Sexual language usage in different interpersonal contexts: a comparison of gender and sexual orientation,1989,18,2,127-143,Wells The effect of chronological and theoretical birth order on sexual attitudes and behaviors,1989,18,2,109-116,Billingham Asphyxiophilia in Scandinavia,1989,18,3,181-189,Innala Sexual behavior of unmarried Colombian university students: a follow-up,1989,18,3,239-250,Alzate Effects of the pure antiandrogen RU 23.903 (anandron) on sexuality aggression and mood in male-to-female transsexuals,1989,18,3,217-228,Cohen Pupillometric assessment of arousal to sexual stimuli: novelty effects or preference?,1989,18,3,191-201,Kelly Sexual Compulsivity Scale Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory and Hypersexual Disorder Screening Inventory: translation adaptation and validation for use in Brazil,2014,45,1,207-217,Tavares Cell phone internet access online sexual solicitation partner seeking and sexual risk behavior among adolescents,2014,44,3,755-763,Rice Effects of minority stress processes on the mental health of Latino men who have sex with men and women: a qualitative study,2014,44,7,2087-2097,Guilamo-Ramos Sex work: a comparative study,2014,43,7,1379-1390,Jansson A reconsideration of sex differences in response to sexual and emotional infidelity,2014,43,7,1281-1288,Kato Online child pornography offenders are different: a meta-analysis of the characteristics of online and offline sex offenders against children,2014,44,1,45-66,Hanson Long-term effects of conflict-related sexual violence compared with non-sexual war trauma in female World War II survivors: a matched pairs study,2014,43,6,1059-1064,Freyberger High heels increase women's attractiveness,2014,44,8,2227-2235,Gueguen Associations between youth homelessness sexual offenses sexual victimization and sexual risk behaviors: a systematic literature review,2014,44,1,181-212,Hemphill Male sexual arousal across five modes of erotic stimulation,1988,17,2,131-143,Over Pornography and the Male Sexual Script: An Analysis of Consumption and Sexual Relations,2014,45,4,983-994,Sun Pubertal Timing and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Rural African American Male Youth: Testing a Model Based on Life History Theory,2014,44,3,609-618,Beach Sexual aggression experiences among male victims of physical partner violence: prevalence severity and health correlates for male victims and their children,2014,45,5,1133-1151,Douglas "Nothing is free": a qualitative study of sex trading among methamphetamine users in Cape Town South Africa,2015,45,4,923-933,Watt A comparative analysis of a community and general sample of lesbian gay and bisexual individuals,2015,45,3,683-693,Keuzenkamp Homosexuality-related stigma and sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men in Hanoi Vietnam,2015,44,2,349-356,Risser Psychological factors involved in sexual desire sexual activity and sexual satisfaction: a multi-factorial perspective,2015,45,8,2029-2045,Rochat Vulnerability to sexual victimization in female and male college students in Brazil: cross-sectional and prospective evidence,2015,45,5,1101-1115,Krahé Gender Differences and Similarities in Receptivity to Sexual Invitations: Effects of Location and Risk Perception,2015,44,8,2257-2265,Hecht Depathologizing consensual sexual sadism sexual masochism transvestic fetishism and fetishism,2010,39,6,1229-1230,Wright Pornography normalization and empowerment,2010,39,6,1389-1401,Weinberg Depressive symptoms among same-sex oriented young men: importance of reference group,2010,39,6,1213-1215,Joyner Sexualities: Identities Behaviors and Society,2010,39,6,1471-1472,Ehrenberg DSM-5 proposals for paraphilias: suggestions for reducing false positives related to use of behavioral manifestations,2010,39,6,1239-1244,First A framework for sexual decision-making among female sex workers in Jamaica,2015,45,4,911-921,Figueroa Beyond sexual orientation: integrating gender/sex and diverse sexualities via sexual configurations theory,2015,44,5,1177-1213,Anders A comparison of two models of risky sexual behavior during late adolescence,2015,45,1,73-83,Eddy Stigma-related stress and its correlates among men with pedophilic sexual interests,2015,44,8,2173-2187,Schmidt Testing the "sexually abused-abuser hypothesis" in adolescents: a population-based study,2015,44,8,2189-2199,Landolt Women who use drugs and have sex with women in a Canadian setting: barriers to treatment enrollment and exposure to violence and homelessness,2015,45,6,1403-1410,Kerr Sociodemographic characteristics and psychological adjustment among transsexuals in Spain,2015,45,3,587-596,de Diego-Otero Minor physical anomalies as a window into the prenatal origins of pedophilia,2015,44,8,2151-2159,Cantor Double hanging during consensual sexual asphyxia: a response to Roma Pazzelli Pompili Girardi and Ferracuti (2013),2015,44,7,1751-1753,Sagarin Complexity of childhood sexual abuse: predictors of current post-traumatic stress disorder mood disorders substance use and sexual risk behavior among adult men who have sex with men,2015,44,7,1891-1902,Safren High prevalence of multiple syndemic conditions associated with sexual risk behavior and hiv infection among a large sample of Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking men who have sex with men in Latin America,2015,44,7,1869-1878,Mayer Childhood maltreatment and sexual risk taking: the mediating role of alexithymia,2015,45,1,53-62,Simons The impact of sexual arousal on sexual risk-taking and decision-making in men and women,2015,45,1,33-42,Cramer Depression compulsive sexual behavior and sexual risk-taking among urban young gay and bisexual men: the p18 cohort study,2015,45,6,1431-1441,Halkitis Discriminating coercive from sadomasochistic sexuality,2015,45,5,1173-1183,Quirk Binge drinking in young adulthood: the influence of age at first intercourse and rate of sex partner accumulation,2015,46,2,525-537,Tillman Attachment style and less severe forms of sexual coercion: a systematic review,2015,45,5,1053-1068,McCabe Penile strangulation caused by a seal ring,2015,45,1,3-4,Valderrama-Illana A latent class analysis of heterosexual young men's masculinities,2015,45,5,1039-1050,Masters "Whatever I have I have made by coming into this profession": the intersection of resources agency and achievements in pathways to sex work in Kolkata India,2015,44,4,1011-1023,Swendeman Sexually explicit media on the internet: a content analysis of sexual behaviors risk and media characteristics in gay male adult videos,2014,43,4,811-821,Schrimshaw Men's objectifying media consumption objectification of women and attitudes supportive of violence against women,2015,45,4,955-964,Wright Lay conceptions of sexual minority groups,2015,45,3,635-650,Burke Factors associated with sexual coercion in a representative sample of men in australian prisons,2015,45,5,1195-1205,Grant Assessing police classifications of sexual assault reports: a meta-analysis of false reporting rates,2015,45,5,1185-1193,Malouff The impact of gain- and loss-framed messages on young adults' sexual decision making: an experimental study,2015,46,2,385-394,Finn Paraphilic sexual interests and sexually coercive behavior: a population-based twin study,2016,45,5,1163-1172,Långström Bullying physical aggression gender-atypicality and sexual orientation in Samoan males,2016,46,5,1375-1381,Vasey On the association between self-reported own- and other-gender similarity and the use of physical and relational aggression in sixth grade children,2016,45,7,1817-1826,Martin Women's behavioral responses to the threat of a hypothetical date rape stimulus: a qualitative analysis,2016,45,4,793-805,Cahill "Come on baby. You know i love you": African American women's experiences of communication with male partners and disclosure in the context of unwanted sex,2016,45,4,807-819,Stockman Mediators of the relation between community violence and sexual risk behavior among adults attending a public sexually transmitted infection clinic,2016,45,5,1069-1082,Carey Sexual health research with young black men who have sex with men: experiences of benefits and harms,2016,46,4,937-946,Fortenberry Sexual orientation and involvement in nonviolent and violent delinquent behaviors: findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health,2016,45,7,1759-1769,Beaver Sexist attitudes among emerging adult women readers of fifty shades fiction,2016,46,2,455-464,Bonomi Validation of the Sexual Orientation Microaggression Inventory in two diverse samples of LGBTQ youth,2016,45,6,1289-1298,Mustanski Lifetime prevalence rates and overlap of physical psychological and sexual dating abuse perpetration and victimization in a national sample of youth,2016,45,5,1083-1099,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Correlates of sexual violence among men who have sex with men in Tijuana Mexico,2016,46,4,1011-1023,Patterson Reasons for non-disclosure of sexual orientation among behaviorally bisexual men: non-disclosure as stigma management,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schrimshaw Observed normativity and deviance in friendship dyads' conversations about sex and the relations with youths' perceived sexual peer norms,2016,46,6,1793-1806,Dekovic Sex work and mental health: a study of women in the Netherlands,2016,46,6,1843-1856,Krumrei-Mancuso Predictors of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration among Polish university students: a longitudinal study,2018,47,2,493-505,Krahé Self-reported changes in attractions and social determinants of mental health in transgender adults,2016,46,5,1425-1439,Reisner Genital responses to rape vignettes among young men: the influence of mood and directed attention,2016,46,3,685-695,Harris Pathways to suicide in lesbian and gay populations in australia: a life chart analysis,2016,46,5,1481-1489,Kolves Child maltreatment and cannabis use in young adulthood: a birth cohort study,2016,112,3,494-501,Najman Relations between self-reported adverse events in childhood and hypersexuality in adult male sexual offenders,2016,46,3,707-720,Knight Reactions to first postpubertal female same-sex sexual experience in the Kinsey sample: a comparison of minors with peers minors with adults and adults with adults,2016,46,5,1517-1528,Rind The exploitive mating strategy of the dark triad traits: tests of rape-enabling attitudes,2017,46,3,697-706,Jonason Motives for filing a false allegation of rape,2018,47,2,457-464,Van Koppen Proposals for paraphilic disorders in the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Eleventh Revision (ICD-11),2017,46,5,1529-1545,Briken Associations of timing of sexual orientation developmental milestones and other sexual minority stressors with internalizing mental health symptoms among sexual minority young adults,2017,46,5,1441-1452,Austin When do friends prevent friends from hooking up intoxicated? An examination of sex differences and hypothetical intoxication in peer interventions,2017,46,6,1819-1829,Roberto Sex work criminalization is barking up the wrong tree,2017,46,6,1631-1640,Vanwesenbeeck Latino Sexual Beliefs Scale: an exploratory factor analysis of Latino men who have sex with men,2018,47,1,299-308,Zea Preschool gender-typed play behavior at age 3.5 years predicts physical aggression at age 13 years,2018,47,4,905-914,Hines On the hegemony of naturalized violence: an apology,2017,46,6,1581,Willey Women's work gender roles and intimate partner violence in Nigeria,2017,46,7,1923-1938,Thomas Self-reported discrimination in health-care settings based on recognizability as transgender: a cross-sectional study among transgender U.S. citizens,2018,47,4,973-985,Agardh "An adventure that went wrong": reasons given by convicted perpetrators of multiple perpetrator sexual offending for their involvement in the offense,2018,47,2,443-456,Woodhams Pedophilia-themed obsessive-compulsive disorder: assessment differential diagnosis and treatment with exposure and response prevention,2018,47,2,389-402,Williams Evidence of multiple mediating pathways in associations between constructs of stigma and self-reported suicide attempts in a cross-sectional study of gay and bisexual men,2018,47,4,1145-1161,Rhodes Committed as a violent sexual predator in his 10th decade: a case study,2018,47,2,543-550,Hanson Associations between Croatian adolescents' use of sexually explicit material and sexual behavior: does parental monitoring play a role?,2018,47,6,1881-1893,Stulhofer Child sexual abuse and negative affect as shared risk factors for sexual aggression and sexual HIV risk behavior in heterosexual men,2018,47,2,465-480,Heiman Perceived risk of intimate partner violence among STI clinic patients: implications for partner notification and patient-delivered partner therapy,2018,47,2,481-492,Cho Sadistic offender or sexual sadism? Taxometric evidence for a dimensional structure of sexual sadism,2018,47,2,403-416,Knight Beyond "just saying no": a preliminary evaluation of strategies college students use to refuse sexual activity,2018,47,2,341-351,Jozkowski Is contact with children related to legitimizing beliefs toward sex with children among men with pedophilia?,2018,47,2,375-387,Hoyer Young adult retrospective reports of adverse childhood experiences: prevalence of physical emotional and sexual abuse in Italy,2018,47,6,1769-1778,Settanni Children's doctor games and nudity at Danish childcare institutions,2018,47,4,863-875,Leander The co-occurrence of asexuality and self-reported post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis and sexual trauma within the past 12 months among U.S. college students,2018,47,4,1277-1282,Parent Responsibility/threat overestimation moderates the relationship between contamination-based disgust and obsessive-compulsive concerns about sexual orientation,2018,47,4,1109-1117,Olatunji A systematic review and meta-analysis of disparities in the prevalence of suicide ideation and attempt among bisexual populations,2019,48,1,89-111,Ross Strategizing to make pornography worthwhile: a qualitative exploration of women's agentic engagement with sexual media,2018,47,6,1853-1868,Goldey Understanding men's self-reported sexual interest in children,2018,47,8,2255-2264,Simons A moderated mediation model of parent-child communication risk taking alcohol consumption and sexual experience in early adulthood,2019,48,2,589-597,Alexopoulos "I kept it to myself": young Jamaican men who have sex with men's experiences with childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault,2019,48,4,1227-1238,Harris From coercion to physical force: aggressive strategies used by women against men in "forced-to-penetrate" cases in the UK,2018,47,8,2191-2205,Weare Gender race and aggression in mainstream pornography,2019,48,3,739-751,Shor The relationship among online sexually explicit material exposure to desire for and participation in rough sex,2019,48,2,653-665,O'sullivan Interactions between direct and structural violence in sexual harassment against Spanish and unauthorized migrant women,2019,48,2,577-588,Rodríguez-Martínez Aggressive and humiliating sexual play: occurrence rates and discordance between the sexes,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Apostolou Intimacy mediates the relation between maltreatment in childhood and sexual and relationship satisfaction in adulthood: a dyadic longitudinal analysis,2019,48,3,803-814,Sabourin The making of "The trafficking problem",2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vanwesenbeeck Sexual aggression in Brazilian nightclubs: associations with patron's characteristics drug use and environmental factors,2019,48,2,609-618,Martins The relation of childhood abuse experiences to problematic sexual behaviors in male youths who have sexually offended,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Knight The role of inhibitory control mechanisms in the regulation of sexual behavior,2019,48,2,481-494,Dewitte Consent coercion and culpability: is prostitution stigmatized work or an exploitive and violent practice rooted in sex race and class inequality?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Farley A longitudinal examination of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and risky sexual behavior: evaluating emotion dysregulation dimensions as mediators,2019,48,3,975-986,Messman-Moore Predicting sexual victimization among college students in Chile and Turkey: a cross-cultural analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krahé Understanding women's responses to sexual pain after female genital cutting: an integrative psychological pain response model,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brady Unlinking prostitution and sex trafficking: response to commentaries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jansson An examination of sexting sexual violence and alcohol use among men arrested for domestic violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stuart Using photovoice to understand suicidality among gay bisexual and two-spirit men,2019,48,5,1529-1541,Oliffe Identifying basic classes of sexual orientation with latent profile analysis: developing the Multivariate Sexual Orientation Classification System,2019,48,5,1403-1422,Rogge Risk factors associated with sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces: does it vary by sex and environmental command?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hajizadeh "Stepping out of my sexual comfort zone": comparing the sexual possible selves and strategies of college-attending and non-college emerging adults,2019,48,6,1877-1891,Olmstead Does the gendered approach of bystander programs matter in the prevention of sexual assault among adolescents and college students? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kettrey The association between exposure to violent pornography and teen dating violence in grade 10 high school students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rizzo Women's experiences of impairment and incapacitation during alcohol/drug-related sexual assaults: toward a survivor-informed approach to measurement,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ullman Do difficulties regulating positive emotions contribute to risky sexual behavior? A path analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dixon-Gordon High burden of mental health problems substance use violence and related psychosocial factors in transgender non-binary and gender diverse youth and young adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whitton Sexually explicit media use among 14-17-year-old sexual minority males in the U.S.,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carey Validation of the Sexual Experience Survey-Short Form Revised using lesbian bisexual and heterosexual women's narratives of sexual violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jozkowski Intimate partner violence and coerced unprotected sex among young women attending community college,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchowski Type of judge influences judgments of college women's responses to increasingly coercive sexual and nonsexual social situations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yeater Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Homophobic Content Agent Target Scale among adolescent students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perrin Explicit and implicit self-esteem narcissism and recidivism risk in a sample of men who have sexually offended against children,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nunes Is Tinder-Grindr use risky? Distinguishing venue from individuals' behavior as unique predictors of sexual risk,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogge Non-consensual sexual contact at electronic dance music parties,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Palamar Correction to: Intimate partner violence and coerced unprotected sex among young women attending community college,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchowski The association between sexual functioning and suicide risk in U.S. Military veteran couples seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morland Associations between neighborhood problems and sexual behaviors among black men who have sex with men in the Deep South: the MARI Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henny Do varying levels of exposure to pornography and violence have an effect on non-conscious emotion in men?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walla A brief clinic-based intervention to reduce alcohol misuse and sexual risk behavior in young women: results from an exploratory clinical trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carey "Femininity? It's the aesthetic of subordination": examining femmephobia the gender binary and experiences of oppression among sexual and gender minorities,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoskin Female entertainment workers and condom use negotiation in post-100% condom use era Cambodia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yi Sexual partnership-level correlates of intimate partner violence among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Lima Peru,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shoptaw Victimization substance use depression and sexual risk in adolescent males who have sex with males: a syndemic latent profile analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boekeloo Syndemic psychosocial health conditions associated with recent client-perpetrated violence against female entertainment and sex workers in Cambodia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carrico Sexting: what's law got to do with it?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Darcy A state-level analysis of mortality and Google searches for pornography: insight from life history theory,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Understanding how university students use perceptions of consent wantedness and pleasure in labeling rape,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hills Sexual agreements and intimate partner violence among male couples in the U.S.: an analysis of dyadic data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stephenson The role of service providers technology and mass media when home isn't safe for intimate partner violence victims: best practices and recommendations in the era of CoViD-19 and beyond,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slakoff Sexual trauma cognitive appraisals and sexual intrusive thoughts and their subtypes: a moderated mediation analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams The psychology of kink: a cross-sectional survey study investigating the roles of sensation seeking and coping style in BDSM-related interests,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morrens Age and sex disparities in sexual trauma depressive symptoms and antiretroviral adherence among people living with HIV in the Deep South: a mediation analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Preserving abstinence and preventing rape: how sex education textbooks contribute to rape culture,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goncy What is rough sex who does it and who likes it? Findings from a probability sample of U.S. undergraduate students,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herbenick Slutpage use among U.S. college students: the secret and social platforms of image-based sexual abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCauley Kinky sex gone wrong: legal prosecutions concerning consent age play and death via BDSM,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheff Prostitution policies and attitudes toward prostitutes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pina True crime consumption as defensive vigilance: psychological mechanisms of a rape avoidance system,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McDonald Intimate partner sexual violence among Canadian university students: incidence context and perpetrators' perceptions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barata Pornography use and intimate partner violence among a sample of U.S. Army soldiers in 2018: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pecko Sexual language use in U.S. college students across twenty years,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murnen Prevalence of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration in a German university student sample,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krahé Sexual violence communication between men and women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferreira Sexual attentional bias in young adult heterosexual men: attention allocation following self-regulation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rouleau A multimethod investigation of sex romantic relationships and interpersonal dependency,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Natoli Intersectional minority stress and intimate partner violence: the effects of enacted stigma on racial minority youth assigned female at birth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whitton The end of compulsory gender verification: is it progress for inclusion of women in sports?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vilain "Safe behind my screen": adolescent sexual minority males' perceptions of safety and trustworthiness on geosocial and social networking apps,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macapagal Childhood maltreatment and mid-life adult sexuality: a 10-year longitudinal study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Uysal Psychiatric substance use and structural disparities between gay and bisexual men with histories of childhood sexual abuse and recent sexual risk behavior,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feinstein Trans women's responses to sexual violence: vigilance resilience and need for support,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perz Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: a large-scale intervention study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harper Prevalence and correlates of sexual violence experienced by young adult Black men who have sex with men,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner Psychological distress suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among lesbian gay and bisexual immigrants: population-based findings from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Björkenstam Medical and non-medical opioid use at the intersection of gender and sexual identity: associations with state medical cannabis law status in a U.S. national sample of adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martins "It was scary but then it was kind of exciting": young women's experiences with choking during sex,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herbenick Experimental induction of emotional and sexual intimacy: exploring the validity of the German Fast Friends procedure in individuals with and without childhood maltreatment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schnyder Latent profiles of internal and external consent during a recent sexual encounter,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lowe "She lied": relationship between gender stereotypes and beliefs and perception of rape across four countries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fakunmoju Neurodevelopmental differences pedohebephilia and sexual offending: findings from two online surveys,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schmidt BDSM non-monogamy consent and stigma navigation: narrative experiences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ling Sexual victimization in adulthood and associated factors among men and women: cross-sectional evidence from Mainland China,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zheng Suicide by clinic-referred transgender adolescents in the United Kingdom,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Biggs Interpersonal risk factors sexual and gender minority status and suicidal ideation: is BDSM disclosure protective?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cukrowicz Orgasm coercion: overlaps between pressuring someone to orgasm and sexual coercion,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Anders Sexual victimization in the digital age: a population-based study of physical and image-based sexual abuse among adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,von Soest Lover mentor or exploiter: retrospective perspectives of the older person following sexual relationships with adults during adolescence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tener Dysfunctional parent-child communication about sexting during adolescence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dolev-Cohen Examining the gendered impacts of technology-facilitated sexual violence: a mixed methods approach,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pedersen Body gaze as a marker of sexual objectification: a new scale for pervasive gaze and gaze provocation behaviors in heterosexual women and men,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogers Narcissism empathy and rape myth acceptance among heterosexual college males,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herr Sexual minority stressors and intimate partner violence among same-sex couples: commitment as a resource,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mills-Koonce Neuroticism and sexual orientation-based victimization as mediators of sexual orientation disparities in mental health,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rahman #Metoo or #Hertoo? A moderated mediation model of gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clarke Perceptions of relationship quality before and during COVID-19 pandemic among young sexual minority men in romantic relationships,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan Just say yes? 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