Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Television violence: An intervention to reduce its impact on children,2011,30,4,381-397,Acock Early parenting and children's relational and physical aggression in the preschool and home contexts,2006,27,3,209-227,Crick A longitudinal study of relational and physical aggression in preschool,2006,27,3,254-268,Crick Is parent disciplinary behavior enduring or situational? A multilevel modeling investigation of individual and contextual influences on power assertive and inductive reasoning behaviors,2006,27,4,370-388,Critchley The influence of child attributes and social-situational context on school-age children's risk taking behaviors that can lead to injury,2005,26,3,347-361,Morrongiello Sex differences in overt aggression and delinquency among urban minority middle school students,2006,27,1,78-91,Graber Relational aggression in sibling and peer relationships during early childhood,2006,27,3,241-253,Crick Relational aggression and relationships in preschoolers: A discussion of methods gender differences and function,2006,27,3,269-276,Pellegrini Crossing social contexts: Relational aggression between siblings and friends during early and middle childhood,2006,27,3,228-240,Stauffacher Social-cognitive and behavioral attributes of aggressive victims of bullying,2005,26,3,329-346,Schwartz Mothers' responses to preschoolers' relational and physical aggression,2006,27,3,193-208,Werner Not so doomed: computer game play and positive adolescent development,2002,23,4,373-392,Durkin Social science and social policy and the care of young children: Head start and after,1980,1,1,7-27,Peters Peer- and parent-child interaction before and after enrollment in nursery school,1980,1,1,77-81,Lamb Predicted strategies and success in children's resolution of interpersonal problems,1980,1,3,175-187,Gillicuddy-DeLisi Implications of positive and negative sociometric status for assessing the social competence of young children,1980,1,3,209-220,Goldman A parametric measure of reflection-impulsivity,1980,1,3,221-225,Rovet Children's beliefs about instances of mechanical and electrical causation,1981,2,3,189-210,Koslowski The indirect impact of child-oriented advertisements : On mother-child interactions,1981,2,4,369-376,Stoneman Violence in children's animated television,1982,3,1,23-39,Cramer The relationship between father absence and children's social problem solving competencies,1982,3,2,105-120,Fry Parent vs. teacher reactions to problematic behavior of Head Start children,1982,3,2,155-165,Alston Parents' and preschool children's choices of disciplinary childrearing methods,1982,3,2,167-176,Wolfe Paternal correlates of adolescents' running away behaviors: Implications for adolescent development and considerations for intervention and treatment of adolescent runaways,1982,3,4,347-360,Fry TV heroes: The impact of rhetoric and deeds,1983,4,2,175-187,Liss Moral judgment and antisocial behavior in early adolescence,1983,4,2,189-199,Pruitt Interpersonal problem-solving skills training with aggressive young children,1984,5,3,213-223,Ridley Cognitive development and locus of control as predictors of preschoolers' understanding of safety and prevention,1985,6,1,43-55,Coppens The usefulness of peer ratings of aggression and social acceptance in the identification of behavioral and subjective difficulties in aggressive boys,1985,6,2-3,187-198,Lochman Day care as intervention: Comparisons of varying quality programs,1985,6,2-3,247-260,Phillips Responses of abused neglected and non-maltreated children to the behaviors of their peers,1985,6,2-3,261-270,Howes Children's spatial knowledge of their neighborhood environment,1987,8,1,1-15,Herman Children's perceptions of the effectiveness of techniques to reduce fear from mass media,1987,8,1,39-52,Cantor The development of an understanding of balance and the effect of training via stop-action video,1988,9,1,1-26,Fosnot Family mediation and children's cognition aggression and comprehension of television: A longitudinal study,1988,9,3,329-347,Singer The development of children's knowledge of alcohol and the role of drinking,1988,9,4,441-457,Gaines Substance abuse prevention for second graders: Are they too young to benefit?,1990,11,2,149-162,Abbey Do we really know how day care affects children?,1990,11,3,351-379,Lamb Early motor development in blind infants,1993,14,1,83-106,Brambring Coping with anger-provoking situations: Young adolescents' theories of strategy use and effectiveness,1993,14,4,521-545,Harter Video games as cultural artifacts,1994,15,1,3-12,Greenfield Effect of video game practice on spatial skills in girls and boys,1994,15,1,13-32,Greenfield Effects of video game playing on measures of spatial performance: Gender effects in late adolescence,1994,15,1,33-58,Okagaki Impact of virtual reality on young adults' physiological arousal and aggressive thoughts: Interaction versus observation,1994,15,1,125-139,Calvert Caregivers' attributions about children's misbehavior in child-care centers,1994,15,2,241-253,Scott-Little Factors influencing the reliability and validity of statements made by young victims of sexual maltreatment,1994,15,2,255-280,Lamb America's children in crisis: Adolescents' requests for support from a national telephone hotline,1995,16,1,21-33,Teare Classification of problem behaviors in young children: A comparison of four systems,1995,16,1,95-106,Fagot Motive intention and authority: Relating developmental research to sexual abuse education for preschoolers,1995,16,2,171-191,Bogat Alleviating posttraumatic stress in children following hurricane Andrew,1996,17,1,37-50,Field Relations of parental supervision and monitoring to children's functioning in various contexts: Moderating effects of families and neighborhoods,1996,17,1,51-68,Coley A school-based intervention to reduce aggressive behavior in maladjusted adolescents,1996,17,4,535-552,Shechtman Children's understanding of events and criminal justice processes in police programs,1997,18,2,179-205,Durkin Mugged by the facts? Children's ability to distinguish their own and witnesses' perspectives on televised crime events,1997,18,2,245-256,Durkin Applying developmental psychology to children's road safety: Problems and prospects,1997,18,2,263-270,Demetre Developing safe route planning strategies in young child pedestrians,1997,18,2,271-281,Thomson Gender and developmental patterns of affect belief and behavior in simulated injury events,1997,18,4,531-546,Peterson The influence of peers on children's judgments about engaging in behaviors that threaten their safety,1997,18,4,547-562,Morrongiello Bullies and victims in school: A review and call for research,1998,19,2,165-176,Pellegrini Predictors of children's risk appraisals,1998,19,3,415-427,DiLillo Toddlers' and mothers' behaviors in an injury-risk situation: Implications for sex differences in childhood injuries,1998,19,4,625-639,Dawber Depressive symptoms during adolescence: Direct and stress-buffering effects of coping control beliefs and family relationships,1999,20,1,45-62,Petersen Prediction of elementary school children's socially appropriate and problem behavior from anger reactions at age 4-6 years,1999,20,1,119-142,Jones Effects of community violence on inner-city preschoolers and their families,1999,20,1,143-158,Farver The Qualitative Interactions of Children With Conduct Problems and Their Peers: Differential Correlates With Self-Report Measures Home Behavior and School Behavior Problems,1999,20,2,295-317,Webster-Stratton Children's Self-Report of Exposure to Violence and Its Relation to Emotional Distress,1999,20,2,337-353,Leavitt The Development of Prejudice and Sex Role Stereotyping in White Adolescents and White Young Adults,1999,20,3,431-448,Hoover Developmental Differences in Beliefs About How Alcohol and Cocaine Affect Behavior,1999,20,4,597-614,Mack Reducing Boys' Aggression: Learning to Fulfill Basic Needs Constructively,2000,21,2,165-181,Spielman European-American Parents' Ideas About Their Toddlers' Independence and Interdependence,2000,21,2,183-205,Raeff Childhood Aggression and Chronic Illness: Possible Protective Mechanisms,2000,21,3,315-333,Noll Eyewitness Testimony for Physical Abuse as a Function of Personal Experience Development and Focus of Study,2000,21,5,555-591,Lindberg A longitudinal study of heterosexual relationships aggression and sexual harassment during the transition from primary school through middle school,2001,22,2,119-133,Pellegrini Objective and subjective features of children's neighborhoods: Relations to parental regulatory strategies and children's social competence,2001,22,2,135-155,Parke Changes in child welfare and subsequent crime rate trends: A cross-national test of the lagged nurturance hypothesis,2002,23,1,51-82,Savage Maternal socialization of safety practices among Mexican American children,2002,23,1,83-97,Power Mothers' and fathers' socialization of preschoolers' physical risk taking,2007,28,1,2-14,Hagan Risk compensation in children: Why do children show it in reaction to wearing safety gear?,2007,28,1,56-63,Morrongiello Physical environmental adversity and the protective role of maternal monitoring in relation to early child conduct problems,2007,28,2,166-183,Shaw Corporal punishment and child adjustment,2006,27,6,527-541,Frick Factors influencing young children's risk of unintentional injury: Parenting style and strategies for teaching about home safety,2006,27,6,560-570,Morrongiello Early correlates of preschool aggressive behavior according to type of aggression and measurement,2006,27,5,395-410,Juliano Negative affect risk perception and adolescent risk behavior,2006,27,5,468-485,Youngblade The relationship between bullying and animal abuse behaviors in adolescents: The importance of witnessing animal abuse,2008,29,5,371-379,Gullone Emotional Self-Regulation Peer Rejection and Antisocial Behavior: Developmental Associations from Early Childhood to Early Adolescence,2009,30,3,356-365,Shaw Quality Child Care Supports the Achievement of Low-Income Children: Direct and Indirect Pathways Through Caregiving and the Home Environment,2007,28,5-6,411-426,McCartney Temperament as a moderator of the relation between neighborhood and children's adjustment,2010,31,5,351-361,Lengua Mitigating the harmful effects of violent television,2004,25,1,25-47,Acock Longitudinal effects of media violence on aggression and empathy among German adolescents,2010,31,5,401-409,Krahé The association of community violence exposure with middle-school achievement: A prospective study,2004,25,3,327-348,Ruchkin Developmental implications of commercial broadcasters' educational offerings,2001,22,1,87-101,Jordan Parents as moderators of psychological and physiological correlates of inner-city children's exposure to violence,2001,22,6,581-602,Evans Children's Perceptions of Their Neighborhoods,2000,21,2,139-163,Farver Beyond victims or villains: Young survivors of political violence,2011,32,2,86-88,Franks Resilience and risk: How teens experience their violent world and what they learn-and lose-in the process,2010,31,5,410-412,Wainryb Characterization and prevention of child pedestrian accidents: An overview,1997,18,2,257-262,Assailly Classroom instruction versus roadside training in traffic safety education,1997,18,2,283-292,van Schagen Effects of an elementary school program to enhance prosocial behavior on children's cognitive-social problem-solving skills and strategies,1989,10,2,147-169,Battistich Proximal and distal correlates of adolescent mothers' parenting attitudes,2003,24,1,33-49,Meyers Variables affecting emerging adults' self-reported risk and reckless behaviors,2009,30,3,298-309,Bradley Predicting mothers' reports of children's mental health three years after hurricane Katrina,2013,34,1,17-27,Rhodes Parent survey on television violence viewing: Fear aggression and sex differences,1991,12,1,63-71,Ridley-Johnson How Do Mothers Benefit from Early Intervention Programs?,1992,13,3,311-362,Benasich Nonbullying Victims of Bullies: Aggression Social Skills and Friendship Characteristics,2003,24,5,535-551,Vernberg The effects of video game play on young children's aggression fantasy and prosocial behavior,1987,8,4,453-462,Silvern Digital game violence and direct aggression in adolescence: a longitudinal study of the roles of sex age and parent-child communication,2008,29,4,286-294,Punamäki Playing violent video games desensitization and moral evaluation in children,2003,24,4,413-436,Funk Parental influences on toddlers' injury-risk behaviors: are sons and daughters socialized differently?,1999,20,2,227-251,Dawber Understanding gender differences in children's risk taking and injury: a comparison of mothers' and fathers' reactions to sons and daughters misbehaving in ways that lead to injury,2010,31,4,322-329,Morrongiello Unintentional injury risk in school-age children: examining interrelations between parent and child factors,2012,33,4,189-196,Morrongiello Cross-domain influences on youth risky driving behaviors: a developmental cascade analysis,2015,38,,11-21,Zimmerman Associations of anger and fear to later self-regulation and problem behavior symptoms,2015,38,,60-69,Eisenberg Bully/victim profiles' differential risk for worsening peer acceptance: the role of friendship,2015,41,,38-45,Bagwell Children with traumatic brain injury: associations between parenting and social adjustment,2016,42,,1-7,Taylor Differential effectiveness of Head Start in urban and rural communities,2016,43,,29-42,Yoshikawa Exposure to violence during adolescence as a predictor of perceived stress trajectories in emerging adulthood,2017,49,,31-38,Zimmerman Can sports mitigate the effects of depression and aggression on peer rejection?,2017,50,,26-35,Vitaro Romantic relationships and nonsuicidal self-injury among college students: the mediating role of emotion regulation,2017,50,,36-44,Gonçalves Predictors of depressive symptoms in emerging adulthood in a low-income urban cohort,2017,50,,45-59,Ou Adolescents' emotional distress and attributions for face-to-face and cyber victimization: longitudinal linkages to later aggression,2017,48,,1-13,Wright Rumination about social stress mediates the association between peer victimization and depressive symptoms during middle childhood,2017,48,,25-32,Rudolph The unique and interactive effects of parent and school bonds on adolescent delinquency,2017,53,,54-63,Kainz Domain-specific daily hassles anxiety and delinquent behaviors among low-income urban youth,2017,53,,31-39,Kliewer Effortful control and school adjustment: the moderating role of classroom chaos,2017,53,,108-119,Eisenberg Effectiveness and acceptability beliefs regarding logical consequences and mild punishments,2018,54,,12-22,Joussemet The role of maltreatment in the development of coping strategies,2018,54,,23-32,Quas Does parental support enhance the link between restrictions and adolescents' risky driving?,2018,56,,89-98,Laird Peer influence on disruptive classroom behavior depends on teachers' instructional practice,2018,56,,99-108,Cillessen Supportive communication between deployed parents and children is linked to children's adjustment,2018,58,,18-27,Sigelman The cultural (mis)attribution bias in developmental psychology in the United States,2018,59,,65-74,Causadias Predicting child problem behavior and maternal/paternal parent-child aggression: identifying early prevention targets,2019,60,,76-86,Rodriguez Teachers' ratings of social skills and problem behaviors as concurrent predictors of students' bullying behavior,2019,60,,119-126,Wang Friendship network influence on the development of internalizing symptoms during adolescence,2019,60,,157-165,Crockett Workforce well-being: personal and workplace contributions to early educators' depression across settings,2019,61,,4-12,Iruka Teacher depression as a dynamic variable: exploring the nature and predictors of change over the Head Start year,2019,61,,43-55,Hindman Unpopularity with same- and cross-ethnicity peers as predictors of depressive symptoms during adolescence,2019,62,,93-101,Schwartz Valuing happiness in youth: associations with depressive symptoms and well-being,2019,62,,220-230,Gentzler Gender-based harassment in early adolescence: group and individual predictors of perpetration,2019,62,,231-238,Brown Predicting the development of victimization from early childhood internalizing and externalizing behavior,2019,62,,294-305,Smeekens Childhood protective factors and a prevention program reduce later problem behaviors,2019,65,,e101063,DuBois Pushing the envelope: the who what when and why of critical consciousness,2020,70,,e101192,Diemer Adolescent exposure to violence and intimate-partner violence mediated by mental distress,2021,72,,e101215,Miller Identity in young adulthood: links with mental health and risky behavior,2015,36,,39-52,Roberts Childhood maltreatment sleep disturbances and anxiety and depression: a prospective longitudinal investigation,2021,77,,e101351,Spatz Widom Adolescent peer aggression judgments and expected bystander intervention in teen dating violence,2022,79,,e101389,Mulvey Interactive effects of coping strategies and emotion dysregulation on risk for peer victimization,2022,78,,e101356,Hoffman School climate and bullying bystander responses in middle and high school,2022,80,,e101412,Waasdorp Developmental pathways from prenatal substance exposure to reactive aggression,2022,83,,e101474,Ostrov