Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Physical/verbal aggression: sex differences in style,1978,46,1,23-42,Geen Strength and safety in numbers: considering the social implications of regulatory focus,2006,74,6,1647-1671,Brazy The development of children's ideal and ought self-guides: parenting temperament and individual differences in guide strength,2006,74,6,1619-1645,Manian You may worry but can you recognize threats when you see them?; Neuroticism threat identifications and negative affect,2006,74,5,1481-1506,Robinson The five-factor model conscientiousness and driving accident involvement,1996,64,3,593-618,Arthur The psychophysiology of sensation seeking,1990,58,1,313-345,Zuckerman Threat sensitivity incentive sensitivity and the experience of relief,2009,77,1,125-138,Carver Configural Approaches to Temperament Assessment: Implications for Predicting Risk of Unintentional Injury in Children,2009,77,5,1381-1409,Schwebel Effects of status of attacker and intensity of 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conflict in psychiatric patients,1953,22,2,163-187,Malmo Motor inhibition and Rorschach movement responses: a test of the sensory-tonic theory,1953,21,3,400-410,Singer The effect of frustration on the perception of neutral and aggressive words,1955,23,4,407-422,Zuckerman The effects of brain damage on the perception of apparent movement,1956,25,2,202-212,Brenner The interpretation of approval and disapproval by delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents,1957,25,5,539-549,Schroder The effects of subliminal stimuli of aggressive content upon conscious cognition,1959,27,,578-600,Eagle Hand differentiation and psychological functioning,1963,31,,445-461,Palmer The influence of anti-aggressive communications upon the response to provocation,1963,31,,428-444,Feshbach Resolutions of the liberal dilemma in the assassination of President Kennedy,1965,33,4,636-648,Saltz The relation of aggressive to sexual motivation,1965,33,3,462-475,Haber Individual judgment consistencies in conditions of risk 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magnification,2010,78,3,1071-1090,Cooper Approach/Positive anticipation frustration/anger and overt aggression in childhood,2010,78,3,991-1010,Thompson Structured terror: further exploring the effects of mortality salience and personal need for structure on worldview defense,2010,78,3,969-990,Routledge Self-identity and specific vulnerability to depressed mood,1993,61,3,343-364,Brewer Delay of gratification psychopathology and personality: is low self-control specific to externalizing problems?,1996,64,1,107-129,Moffitt Social-emotional adjustment and patterns of alcohol use among young adults,1996,64,2,495-527,Bartholomew Personality Processes in Anger and Reactive Aggression: An Introduction,2010,78,1,1-8,Robinson The Anatomy of Anger: An Integrative Cognitive Model of Trait Anger and Reactive Aggression,2010,78,1,9-38,Robinson Quarrelsomeness in Daily Life,2010,78,1,39-66,Moskowitz Some personality correlated of conduct in two situations of moral conflict,1969,37,1,41-57,Feldman The effect of hostility on physiological and fantasy responses,1969,37,4,651-667,Barclay Repression versus sensitization in response to media violence as predictors of cognitive avoidance and vigilance,2011,79,1,165-190,Krahé Unprovoked aggression: effects of psychopathic traits and sadism,2011,79,1,75-100,Zeichner The HEXACO Personality Factors in the Indigenous Personality Lexicons of English and 11 Other Languages,2008,76,5,1001-1054,Lee The Thrust of the Problem: Bodily Inhibitions and Guilt as a Function of Mortality Salience and Neuroticism,2008,76,5,1055-1080,Goldenberg A Neurogenetic Approach to Impulsivity,2008,76,6,1447-1484,Congdon The Heritability of Personality Is Not Always 50%: Gene‐Environment Interactions and Correlations Between Personality and Parenting,2008,76,6,1485-1522,Johnson Looking Again and Harder for a Link Between Low Self‐Esteem and Aggression,2009,77,2,427-446,Bushman Maltreated Children's Representations of Mother and an Additional Caregiver: A Longitudinal 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negative emotions and aggression following ego-threat,2002,70,4,509-532,Stucke Witnessing interparental psychological aggression in childhood: implications for daily conflict in adult intimate relationships,2002,70,6,1051-1077,Bolger It's not just who you're with it's who you are: personality and relationship experiences across multiple relationships,2002,70,6,925-964,Moffitt Childhood personality predicts long-term trajectories of shyness and aggressiveness in the context of demographic transitions in emerging adulthood,2008,76,1,67-99,van Aken A three-factor model of trait anger: dimensions of affect behavior and cognition,2000,68,5,869-897,Martin Epidemiological personology: the unifying role of personality in population-based research on problem behaviors,2000,68,6,967-998,Moffitt Love and anger in romantic relationships: a discrete systems model,2000,68,3,525-556,Malamuth Conflict in married couples: personality predictors of anger and upset,1991,59,4,663-688,Buss Emotional Responses to a Romantic Partner's Imaginary Rejection: The Roles of Attachment Anxiety Covert Narcissism and Self‐Evaluation,2009,77,1,287-325,Priel Gender Differences in Gratitude: Examining Appraisals Narratives the Willingness to Express Emotions and Changes in Psychological Needs,2009,77,3,691-730,Kashdan Personal Characteristics and Resilience to Economic Hardship and Its Consequences: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Illustrations,2009,77,6,1645-1676,Donnellan Friend or Foe? Differential Use of the Self‐Based Heuristic as a Function of Relationship Satisfaction,2009,77,3,731-760,Watson Narcissistic Responding to Ego Threat: When the Status of the Evaluator Matters,2009,77,5,1493-1526,Sedikides Promoting Resilience in Youth From Divorced Families: Lessons Learned From Experimental Trials of the New Beginnings Program,2009,77,6,1833-1868,Sandler Comparing Two Alternative Measures of General Personality in the Assessment of Psychopathy: A Test of the NEO PI‐R and the MPQ,2009,77,4,965-996,Lynam Witnessing Interparental Psychological Aggression in Childhood: Implications for Daily Conflict in Adult Intimate Relationships,2002,70,6,1051–1078,Bolger Self‐Respect and Pro‐Relationship Behavior in Marital Relationships,2002,70,6,1009-1050,Kumashiro Psychosocial Vulnerability From Adolescence to Adulthood: A Prospective Study of Attachment Style Differences in Relationship Functioning and Partner Choice,2002,70,6,965-1008,Albino Judgments of a Relationship Partner: Specific Accuracy but Global Enhancement,2002,70,6,1079-1112,Karney A Connectionist Approach to the Organization and Continuity of Working Models of Attachment,2007,75,6,1157-1180,Fraley Asymmetry in Judgments of Personality: Others Are Less Differentiated Than the Self,2008,76,3,535-560,Watson Balancing Concern for Other With Concern for Self: Links Between Unmitigated Communion Communion and Psychological Well‐Being,2008,76,1,101-134,Aubé Compartmentalization and Integration: The Evaluative Organization of Contextualized Selves,2007,75,6,1181-1204,Showers Do Dispositional Pessimism and Optimism Predict Ambulatory Blood Pressure During Schooldays and Nights in Adolescents?,2008,76,3,605-630,Räikkönen Egos Inflating Over Time: A Cross‐Temporal Meta‐Analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory,2008,76,4,875-902,Bushman Interpersonal Orientation in Context: Correlates and Effects of Interpersonal Complementarity on Subjective and Cardiovascular Experiences,2007,75,4,679-708,Smith Mothers' Attachment Style Their Mental Health and Their Children's Emotional Vulnerabilities: A 7‐Year Study of Children With Congenital Heart Disease,2008,76,1,31-66,Mikulincer Predicting Marital Satisfaction From Self Partner and Couple Characteristics: Is It Me You or Us?,2008,76,5,1231-1266,Chen Regulating Positive and Negative Emotions in Daily Life,2008,76,3,561-580,Kuppens Relationships Matter in Personality Development: Evidence From an 8‐Year Longitudinal Study Across Young Adulthood,2007,75,3,535-568,Neyer Secure Versus Fragile High Self‐Esteem as a Predictor of Verbal Defensiveness: Converging Findings Across Three Different Markers,2008,76,3,477-512,Lakey Status‐Based Rejection Sensitivity Among Asian Americans: Implications for Psychological Distress,2008,76,5,1317-1346,Mendoza‐Denton The Why's the Limit: Curtailing Self‐Enhancement With Explanatory Introspection,2007,75,4,783-824,Sedikides Why Identities Fluctuate: Variability in Traits as a Function of Situational Variations in Autonomy Support,2007,75,6,1205-1228,Ryan The need to predict and control under conditions of threat,1963,31,4,570-587,Pervin The causes and costs of crime and a controversial cure,2000,68,3,559-605,Lykken The outcome of parenting: what do we really know?,2000,68,3,625-37; 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