Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Manchester Self Harm Rule had good sensitivity but poor specificity for predicting repeat self harm or suicide,2007,12,3,89,Hatcher A hospital-based violence prevention intervention reduced hospital recidivism for violent injury and arrests for violent crimes,2007,12,4,110,Ford Review: evidence from single studies shows that a few fall risk assessment tools can predict falls in elderly people,2007,12,6,186,Beghé A 16-week tai chi programme prevented falls in healthy older adults,2008,13,2,54,Straus Review: lack of evidence that multifactorial risk assessment and targeted interventions prevent falls in elderly people,2008,13,4,116,Fields Web-based screening and brief motivational intervention reduces alcohol use in heavy-drinking undergraduates at up to 6 months,2010,15,1,17-18,Borsari 45-year-old male from an RTA with isolated sternal fracture: immediate discharge or hospital admission?,2009,14,5,134-135,Hossain A 2-year early childhood psychosocial stimulation programme improves cognitive outcomes and decreases violent behaviour at 22 years for children with growth retardation,2012,17,2,49-50,Tremblay Gender-based violence perinatal mental health in women and child development,2012,17,5,166-167,Fisher Medical warnings reduce older drivers' risk of motor vehicle injury while adversely affecting mental health and physician relationship,2013,18,4,153-154,Li Disabled children are more likely to be exposed to violence than their non-disabled peers,2013,18,4,152-153,Emerson Child poisonings are more common in households experiencing psychosocial stressors,2013,18,5,e49,Woolf Light drinking in pregnancy is not associated with poor child mental health and learning outcomes at age 11,2013,18,6,231-232,Mortensen Use of narcotic analgesics associated with increased falls and fractures in elderly patients with osteoarthritis,2014,19,1,37-38,Aparasu Randomised controlled trial: Early childhood home visits to high-risk families may reduce maternally perpetrated intimate partner violence,2010,15,2,42-43,Taylor In the absence of diagnosed concussion in collegiate contact sport athletes a relationship is suggested between the effects of head impact exposure white matter diffusivity measures and cognition,2014,19,4,157,Bailes A move beyond screening is required to ensure adequate healthcare response for women who experience intimate partner violence,2014,19,6,240,Stöckl Review: people with epilepsy have higher risk of death by drowning than the general population,2009,14,1,e21,Sander Physician practice and PECARN rule outperform CATCH and CHALICE rules based on the detection of traumatic brain injury as defined by PECARN,2014,20,1,33-34,Babl Violent reinjury and mortality highlights the need for a comprehensive care approach to youth presenting for assault-related injury,2015,20,3,112,Rothman Height of head centre of gravity predicts paediatric head injury severity in short-distance falls,2016,22,1,36,Hu Evidence-based medicine: a persisting desire under fire,2016,22,1,9-11,Murad Decompressive craniectomy for severe traumatic brain injury reduces mortality but increases survival with severe disability,2017,22,2,61,Honeybul Low cholesterol levels were associated with suicide in men,1997,2,2,e61,Zureik