Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Retinal pigment epithelial cells promote spatial reorganization and differentiation of retina photoreceptors,2008,86,16,3503-3514,German Reduction in 5-HT1A receptor density 5-HT1A mRNA expression and functional correlates for 5-HT1A receptors in genetically defined aggressive rats,2005,80,2,286-292,Popova Ethanol tolerance: evidence of "protective" effects on brains of adult rats,1978,3,5-6,353-358,Klemm Biochemical markers of ethanol effects on brain,1978,3,5-6,341-351,Klemm A cannabinoid type 2 receptor agonist attenuates blood-brain barrier damage and neurodegeneration in a murine model of traumatic brain injury,2012,90,12,2293-2305,Amenta Effects of blast-induced neurotrauma on the nucleus accumbens,2013,91,4,593-601,Vandevord Blood-brain barrier and traumatic brain injury,2014,92,2,141-147,Alves Distinct effect of impact rise times on immediate and early neuropathology after brain injury in juvenile rats,2014,92,10,1350-1361,Pfister Blast-Induced tinnitus and spontaneous firing changes in the rat dorsal cochlear nucleus,2014,92,11,1466-1477,Pace Delayed thalamic astrocytosis and disrupted sleep-wake patterns in a preclinical model of traumatic brain injury,2014,92,11,1434-1445,Elliott Effect of injury on nerve growth factor uptake by sensory ganglia,1987,18,4,562-567,Khan White matter microstructure in chronic moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: impact of acute-phase injury-related variables and associations with outcome measures,2014,93,7,1109-1126,Skandsen Examining the relationship between blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress-related traits,2015,93,12,1769-1777,Tschiffely Understanding amygdala responsiveness to fearful expressions through the lens of psychopathy and altruism,2015,94,6,513-525,Marsh Childhood cumulative risk exposure and adult amygdala volume and function,2015,94,6,535-543,Evans Neural correlates of the mother-to-infant social transmission of fear,2016,94,6,526-534,Dębiec Chronic cerebrovascular dysfunction after traumatic brain injury,2016,94,7,609-622,Obenaus Effects of repetitive low-pressure explosive blast on primary neurons and mixed cultures,2016,94,9,827-836,Benjamin Perspectives on fear generalization and its implications for emotional disorders,2016,95,3,821-835,Jasnow Beneficial effects of neuropeptide galanin on reinstatement of exercise-induced somatic and psychological trauma,2016,95,4,1036-1043,He Contribution of mast cells to injury mechanisms in a mouse model of pediatric traumatic brain injury,2016,94,12,1546-1560,Chhor Do sex differences in rumination explain sex differences in depression?,2017,95,1-2,711-718,Shors Understanding the broad influence of sex hormones and sex differences in the brain,2017,95,1-2,24-39,McEwen Sex-specific mechanisms for responding to stress,2017,95,1-2,75-82,Bangasser Sex differences in social cognition: the case of face 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