Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author What war narratives tell about the psychology and coalitional dynamics of ethnic violence,2019,19,1-2,1-38,Lienard Cultural models of substance misuse risk and moral foundations: cognitive resources underlying stigma attribution,2019,19,1-2,78-96,Dressler Trance dissociation and shamanism: a cross-cultural model,2018,18,5,508-536,Wood The moral priorities of rap listeners,2018,18,3-4,312-342,Medin The needs of the many do not outweigh the needs of the few: the limits of individual sacrifice across diverse cultures,2018,18,1-2,205-223,Baumard Humiliation and the inertia effect: Implications for understanding violence and compromise in intractable intergroup conflicts,2008,8,3-4,281-294,Ginges