Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Attitudes of Domestic Violence Shelter Workers Toward Mandated Reporter Laws: A Study of Policy Support and Policy Impact,2009,8,1,21-33,Steen The Role of Economic Resources and Human Capital with Woman Abuse,2007,6,1,3-26,Christy-McMullin Successful Community-Government Collaborative Policy Making: A Case Study of a Workgroup to Improve Income Support Services to Victims of Intimate Violence,2010,9,2,96,Woodford Preschool policymaking by stealth: application of an alternative framework for the policy process,2017,16,4,332-350,Lightfoot Eliciting street-based sex worker perspectives to inform prostitution policy development,2017,16,4,351-368,Shdaimah Implementation of the Family Violence Option 20 years later: a review of state welfare rules for domestic violence survivors,2017,16,4,415-431,Hetling The human right to safe exit: university evacuation policy and mobility impairment,2017,16,3,276-291,Steen Patient abuse and trauma: a policy analysis of the regulation of seclusion and restraint in mental health care,2017,16,2,187-204,Peterson Political advocacy in the context of "Show me your papers": how do human service administrators respond to policy upheaval?,2017,16,2,166-186,Smith The impact of parental incapacity as an adoption cause on the termination of parental rights: an analysis of court decisions,2017,16,1,1-23,Ben-David The impacts of individual development accounts assets and debt on future orientation and psychological depression,2017,16,1,24-45,Rohe