Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author “It's not Really a Nickname it's a Method”: Local Names State Intimates and Kinship Register in the Irish Gaeltacht,2009,19,1,101-116,Lele The Masque of Undergrounder and Spy: Ubiquitous Addressivity Dependent Social Roles and Panopticism among Nineteenth Century Mormon Polygamists,2009,19,2,246-265,Smith See No Evil Speak No Evil: White Police Officers' Talk about Race and Affirmative Action,2001,11,1,65-78,McElhinny Between Convergence and Divergence: Reformatting Language Purism in the Montreal Tamil Diasporas,2008,18,1,1-23,Das Hermeneutic Algebra: Solving for Love Time/Space and Value in Putin‐Era Personal Ads,2008,18,2,236-267,Lemon How Niqula Nasrallah Became John Jacob Astor: Syrian Emigrants Aboard the Titanic and the Materiality of Language,2008,18,2,171-191,Bier Kinterm Usage and Hierarchy in Thai Children's Peer Groups,2007,17,2,204-230,Howard Racing and Erasing the Playboy: Slang Transnational Youth Subculture and Racial Discourse in Brazil,2007,17,2,246-265,Roth‐Gordon Socializing Puros Pericos (Little Parrots): The Negotiation of Respect and Responsibility in Antonero Mayan Sibling and Peer Networks,2008,18,1,82-107,Reynolds The Hunger Strike as a Communicative Act: Intention without Responsibility,2007,17,1,61-76,Wee The Kalapalo Affinal Civility Register,2007,17,2,161-183,Basso Mu xa xtak'av: “He Doesn't Answer”,2010,20,1,195-213,Haviland Reproducing actions reproducing power: local ideologies and everyday practices of participation at a California community bike shop,2012,22,3,137-158,Arnold