Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Adult protection and effective action in tackling violence and hostility against disabled people: some tensions and challenges,2011,13,2,63-75,Sin The four situations: A framework for responding to concerns of adult abuse or neglect,2011,13,2,75-86,Ingram Battered and shattered: will they get justice? A study of domestic violence against women in India based on National Family Health Survey 2005,2014,16,4,e17114076,Bhattacharya Women aged 45-64 and IPV in Cyprus,2016,18,3,e33,Parlalis Negotiating meaning within healthcare to improve suicide prevention,2020,22,2,103-112,Doyle The demographics of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities: findings from a national database,2020,22,2,59-74,McCarthy People with an intellectual disability: under-reporting sexual violence,2020,22,2,75-86,Willott A strengths-based approach and safeguarding adults - are they compatible?,2020,22,2,87-92,Morgan The sound of silence: evidence of the continuing under reporting of abuse in care homes,2019,22,1,35-48,Moore Getting the cues of elder abuse: an identification through dependency and modernization,2020,22,3,119-139,Bajpai Do parents and carers experiencing violent and challenging behaviour from their children fit with safeguarding models of support? Messages from a Facebook study,2019,21,6,285-295,Heslop Mandatory reporting and adult safeguarding: a rapid realist review,2019,21,5,241-251,Donnelly Protecting children and adults from abuse after Savile,2019,21,5,268-270,Morgan Behind the cloak of competence: brain injury and mental capacity legislation,2019,21,4,201-218,Norman Paths to perdition: exploring the trajectories of care staff who have abused older people in their care,2019,21,3,169-189,Moore Social workers' perceptions of restorative approaches with families in cases of elder abuse: a qualitative study,2019,21,3,190-200,Killick The relativity of theory: applying theories of social psychology to illuminate the causes of the abuse of older people in care homes,2019,21,2,89-110,Moore Exploring primary care responses to domestic violence and abuse (DVA): operationalisation of a national initiative,2019,21,2,144-154,McGarry Making connections: a multi-disciplinary analysis of domestic homicide mental health homicide and adult practice reviews,2019,21,1,16-26,Rees Viewpoint: CPS guidance on prosecuting rape and sexual assault cases,2019,21,1,32-35,Cummins Safeguarding adults reviews and homelessness: making the connections,2020,22,4,181-197,Manthorpe Adult safeguarding in Sweden's social services,2020,22,5,257-267,Kjellberg An empirical examination of elder abuse through the lens of mens rea,2020,22,5,269-297,Bajpai Elder abuse in Ghana - a qualitative exploratory study,2020,22,5,299-313,Malmedal Of myths and markets: how marketisation of the care home sector contributes to circumstances where abuse is more likely to occur and continue,2020,22,5,315-331,Moore Microfinance and domestic violence,2020,22,5,333-351,Aktaruzzaman COVID-19 and residential care facilities: issues and concerns identified by the international network prevention of elder abuse (INPEA),2020,22,6,385-389,Beaulieu The Covid-19 pandemic and the struggle to tackle gender-based violence,2020,22,6,391-399,Ince Yenilmez Safeguarding adults practice and remote working in the COVID-19 era: challenges and opportunities,2020,22,6,415-427,Penhale Theoretical approaches to elder abuse: a systematic review of the empirical evidence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferreira-Alves Remote support to victims of violence against women and domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saavedra Psychological factors of fear of crime: an empirical study of older people in Lucknow India,2020,23,1,6-19,Patel Primary care physicians' identifying abuse of older adults in the small island state of Trinidad and Tobago,2020,23,1,20-31,Huggins Prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) during novel Covid-19 lock-down in Uganda,2020,23,2,116-133,Nabukeera Transitional Safeguarding: presenting the case for developing Making Safeguarding Personal for young people in England,2021,23,3,144-157,Cocker Innovating during the pandemic? Policing domestic abuse and multi-agency risk assessment conferencing (MARACs),2021,23,3,181-190,Walklate Promoting safety awareness and protection skills for people with disabilities: a literature review,2021,23,4,225-237,Goh Operationalising the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) in support of brain injury survivors - views from practice,2021,23,4,238-252,Manthorpe Domestic abuse and intimate partner violence: the role of digital by design,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacLure Women empowerment in inherited land rights: end of violence in rural areas,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parveen A critical assessment of the structural dimensions of gender-based violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zibin The scope of safety in English older adult care homes: a qualitative analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones The consequences of government measures in Palestine to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on gender-based violence,2022,24,5/6,215-230,Al-Rantisi Resilience as a protective factor against elder abuse by family caregivers: findings from a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong,2022,24,5/6,255-269,Kwok Reflections on intimate partner violence its psycho-socio-cultural impact amidst COVID-19: comparing South Africa and the United States,2022,24,3/4,195-210,Gordon Learning from safeguarding adult reviews about transitional safeguarding: building an evidence base,2022,24,2,90-101,Preston-Shoot Discriminatory abuse: time to revive a forgotten form of abuse?,2022,24,2,115-125,Cooper Unsafe at home: the increased trend of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh,2021,24,1,15-21,Jahid Elder abuse and neglect in nursing homes as a reciprocal process: the view from the perspective of care workers,2021,24,1,22-42,Gil Missing links: safeguarding and disability hate crime responses,2022,24,1,43-53,Dray Sexual assault of older people by hospital staff in England,2022,24,1,54-56,Warburton-Wynn The factor structure of the Ways of Coping Questionnaire among abused Iranian women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taherkhani Carers and domestic abuse - the elephant in the room?,2023,25,1,14-19,Warburton-Wynn Social workers and safeguarding adult reviews (SARs)- an exploration of the stories that are told and the narratives that they hold,2023,25,1,20-32,O'Reardon Abusive behaviors: long-term forced quarantine and intimate partner violence during Covid-19 outbreak,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hosain Intimate partner violence in India: a study of associated factors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pathak Not only a crime but a tragedy […] exploring the murder of adults with disabilities by their parents,2012,14,1,6-21,Brown Reading the death of Mrs A: A serious case review,2015,17,5,321-330,Foley A preventable death? A family's perspective on an adult safeguarding review regarding an adult with traumatic brain injury,2016,18,6,341-352,Norman Sexual abuse and its impact on the well-being of women: evidence from India,2023,25,6,367-380,Patel