Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Laying low: Fear and injustice for Latino migrants to Smalltown USA,2013,20,4,342-356,Bailliard The central role of occupation in the doing being and belonging of immigrant women,2013,20,1,23-35,Gupta Bridging through occupation: Stories of elderly survivors of human rights violations living in Sweden,2013,20,1,73-86,Josephsson The meaning of occupation: A hermeneutic (re)view of historical understandings,2013,20,3,253-261,Hocking Occupational science value propositions in the field of public policy,2013,20,4,314-325,Shaw White matter abnormalities in blast mild traumatic brain injury in the military,2016,23,3,339-351,Cogan Exploring socio-cultural influences on infant play occupations in Irish home environments,2016,23,3,352-369,Ryan