Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Wildlife road traffic accidents: a standardized protocol for counting flattened fauna,2014,4,15,3060-3071,Collinson Wildfire risk for main vegetation units in a biodiversity hotspot: modeling approach in New Caledonia South Pacific,2015,5,2,377-390,Curt Local and global pyrogeographic evidence that indigenous fire management creates pyrodiversity,2015,5,9,1908-1918,Murphy Toxicity and utilization of chemical weapons: does toxicity and venom utilization contribute to the formation of species communities?,2015,5,15,3103-3113,Lester Fuel moisture content enhances nonadditive effects of plant mixtures on flammability and fire behavior,2015,5,17,3830-3841,van Logtestijn A simple framework for a complex problem? Predicting wildlife-vehicle collisions,2016,6,17,6409-6421,Van Der Ree Phylogenetic comparisons of pedestrian locomotion costs: confirmations and new insights,2016,6,18,6712-6720,White Fire regime on a cultural landscape: Navajo Nation,2018,8,19,9848-9858,Fulé To burn or not to burn: comparing reintroducing fire with cutting an encroaching conifer for conservation of an imperiled shrub-steppe,2019,9,16,9137-9148,Davies Human-Cougar interactions in the wildland-urban interface of Colorado's front range,2019,9,18,10415-10431,Alldredge Not a cakewalk: insights into movement of large carnivores in human-dominated landscapes in India,2021,11,4,1653-1666,Habib Simulated heat waves reduce cognitive and motor performance of an endotherm,2021,11,5,2261-2272,Danner Patterns and determinants of elephant attacks on humans in Nepal,2021,11,17,11639-11650,Amin Design of tables for the presentation and communication of data in ecological and evolutionary biology,2023,13,7,e10062,Remshard Cannibalism prevents evolutionary suicide of ontogenetic omnivores in life-history intraguild predation systems,2019,9,7,3807-3822,Hin