Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bringing attention into higher focus within the traumatic brain injury research agenda,2015,4,4,320-322,Bell Childhood burn injury-impacts beyond discharge,2015,4,3,249-251,Wood Long term mortality in burned children,2015,4,3,203-205,Rosanova Have we really decreased mortality due to severe burn injury in children?,2015,4,3,201-202,Holland Epidemiology of sports-related musculoskeletal injuries in young athletes in United States,2017,6,3,160-166,Patel Evaluation and management of sport-related concussions in adolescent athletes,2017,6,3,121-128,Patel Sport-related concussions in adolescent athletes: a critical public health problem for which prevention remains an elusive goal,2017,6,3,114-120,Patel Tourette's disorder in children and adolescents,2020,9,Suppl 1,S94-S103,Greydanus Pediatric open globe injury in left-behind children treated by pars plana vitrectomy in China,2021,10,5,1346-1354,Jiang Serum biomarkers in severe paediatric traumatic brain injury-a narrative review,2021,10,10,2720-2737,Beca Pediatric brain death certification: a narrative review,2021,10,10,2738-2748,Morrison Examining impulsivity and risky decision making among school youth in balloon analogue risk task,2022,11,1,127-137,Yan Epidemiology of unintentional injury in children admitted to ICU in China mainland: a multi-center cross-sectional study,2022,11,3,340-348,Ye Effects of therapeutic hypothermia on the safety of children with severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,11,6,909-919,Cheng Assessment of the effectiveness of parent-targeted interventions for the use of child restraint systems: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,11,12,1939-1948,Liu Influencing factors of non-suicidal self-injury according to DSM-5 in adolescents admitted to the psychiatric department: a cross-sectional study,2022,11,12,1972-1984,Ran Characteristics of unintentional childhood injury during COVID-19: a single-center comparative study,2023,12,3,405-416,Wang Network structure of emotional and behavioral problems loneliness and suicidal thoughts in adolescents at the school closure and reopening stage in China,2023,12,7,1373-1385,Fu Midodrine overdose in children: A case report and review of treatment for hypertensive emergencies,2021,10,9,2398-2401,Jan